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Cosmos Architecture Meeting 12-March-08


  • Don Ebright
  • Kishore (CA?)
  • Jack Devine
  • Domenica Gelaj (sp?)
  • Martin Simmonds
  • Jason Losh
  • David Whiteman
  • Mark Weitzel
  • Hubert Leung
  • Jeff (SAS)
  • Bill Muldoon
  • Ali Mehregani
  • Sheldon Lee-Loy
  • Paul Stratton


SDD Discussion

  • What are the requirements for installing COSMOS using SDD?
  • SAS may have some tooling that exists that they would consider contributing.
    • Payload inspection tooling and comparison w/file copy to target system. Essentially, the core guts of an "installer" program. There are a few pieces of ANT that is leveraged.
    • Is an "installer" type thing out of scope?
  • We could target i11.
  • There are three issues on the table:
  1. Do we want the SDD work to deploy COSMOS? YES.
  2. Are we comfortable with the SDD work being new development in i11? YES
  3. Are we comfortable with the "installer" type program? This is a bit trickier and will require some off-line investigation on the exact function that would be delivered.


  • How should we organize the Linux and Windows documentation?

We are going to let Rich V. decide how to do this.

  • Confirm that there will be no functionality add on in i11 (assuming that i10 work definition is now complete)

With the exception of SDD, we will attempt to minimize all the changes. We will need to treat these on a case by case basis.

  • Close off on the Security question

Security discussions pending with Aperi and Higgins. We think WS-Security and certs will be enough.

  • Message and logging guide - Discuss what to include - Paul
    • concern was that we don't have logging implemented, so not much to document
    • do we implement something basic there for i10?
    • would take too long to implement logging, but we could implement an appendix that lists messages instead of this "guide"
    • Paul to create ER for post 1.0 work for logging, and to scour externalized message files for common error messages
  • Ruth discussed limiting screen shots in the doc because of translation issues
  • We discussed contextual help being integrated with online help and not the old "infopop" approach

Scoping i10 work

  • Sizing estimate reviews - Ruth

We started working through the sizings for each developer, and reorganized some of the efforts

  • Sheldon - We were able to eliminate the Low items on Sheldon's list and reassign a Medium to Bill. Also, Sheldon has made good progress on a couple others, so his schedule appears to be in good shape.
  • Hubert - in two weeks we will checkpoint on 220955, for now is status orange.
  • Ali:
    • 218313 was decided to be deferred to post-1.0
    • the two doc ERs are possibly de-scoped and are in yellow (?) status
    • Ruth & Mark to discuss offline the importance of docs in 1.0 given that everything is provisional
  • David:
    • All Medium ERs de-scoped
    • Doc ER possibly descoped per Ruth/Mark discussion

A more complete summary written by Ruth was posted to the mailing list. Here's a link to it:

Data Visualization

  • Critical bug found in weekly integration. Sheldon recommends respinning build.

Data Collection

  • Don raised an issue on what the expectations are on testing weekly integration build; who runs them and reports status
  • Possibly need another meeting to iron out these issues

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