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Change SCMTrigger for each project to disable during the night and the weekend
This script lets you easily change all jobs running every minutes so that it gets disabled between 21:00 and 07:00 and on Saturday and Sunday.
import hudson.model.* import hudson.triggers.* TriggerDescriptor SCM_TRIGGER_DESCRIPTOR = Hudson.instance.getDescriptorOrDie(SCMTrigger.class) assert SCM_TRIGGER_DESCRIPTOR != null; for(item in Hudson.instance.items) { println("Working on project <$>") def trigger = item.getTriggers().get(SCM_TRIGGER_DESCRIPTOR) if(trigger != null && trigger instanceof SCMTrigger) { print("> $trigger.spec") String[] parts = trigger.spec.split(" "); //Do wanted modifs if(parts[1] == "*" ) { parts[1] = "7-21" } if(parts[4] == "*") { parts[4] = "1-5" } //end modifs StringBuilder newSpec = new StringBuilder(); for(p in parts) { newSpec.append(p+" "); } println(" => $newSpec"); def newTrigger = new SCMTrigger(newSpec.toString()) AbstractProject project = (AbstractProject) item; project.removeTrigger(SCM_TRIGGER_DESCRIPTOR) project.addTrigger(newTrigger) } else { println "> Nothing to do" } }