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Category:RMF/User Guide

ProR is a generic Requirements Engineering Tool. It was initially developed at the Institute for Computer Science at the Heinrich-Heine University in Düsseldorf and is now an Eclipse Foundation project. The tool is based on (and part of) the Requirements Modeling Framework (RMF), which provides the core for ProR. The core was initially developed by itemis.

ProR is based on the ReqIF standard, which provides interoperability with Industry tools like IBM Doors and many others. ProR can be customized with Plug-Ins, and the first Plug-In to be developed is an integration with Rodin, a platform for formal system development.

The user guide used to be managed as a Wiki, but as it grew, it was converted to Latex and is now converted to HTML and Latex by the Eclipse Hudson Server.

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Pages in category "RMF/User Guide"

The following 3 pages are in this category, out of 3 total.

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