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Californium/Release Process

How-to release Californium

Californium consists of the following components

  1. Californium (parent)
    1. Element Connector
    2. Scandium
    3. Californium core
  2. Tools
  3. Actinium

Some of the components have dependencies on other components. Thus, in order to successfully build all of the components they need to be built in the order given above.


The source code for Californium's components is managed in separate GitHub repositories as follows:

Component Standard URI SSH URI (to be used on HIPP)
Californium (Core + Scandium + element-connector) ssh://deploy_github_eclipse_californium/eclipse/californium.git
Tools ssh://
Actinium ssh://deploy_github_eclipse_californium.actinium/eclipse/californium.actinium.git

Release Process

The repositories mentioned above can be built either from the command line or using a separate Hudson build job for each repository. The following table contains the steps required to build and release a repository and the corresponding actions from the command line or the respective Hudson build job configuration required to make it happen.

The Standard URIs from the table above are supposed to be used from the command line whereas the SSH URIs need to be used in build jobs on our HIPP instance in order to be able to push tags created during the build back to GitHub using deploy keys associated with the SSH URIs.

Step Command Line Hudson Build Job Configuration
Create build job not necessary
  1. Create a new build job using the Build a free-style software job option
  2. Check the This build is parameterized checkbox and add the following parameters:
    1. RELEASE_VERSION - no Default Value
    2. NEXT_VERSION - no Default Value
  3. Under Advanced Job Options click the Advanced... button
  4. Check the Clean workspace before build checkbox
Checkout repository Use the Standard URI from the table above to clone the repository
git clone
Fill out Source Code Management section of build configuration like this (make sure to use the SSH URI from the table above):
  1. Url of repository: ssh://deploy_github_eclipse_californium/eclipse/californium.git
  2. Branch specifier: master
  3. click Advanced... button in the Branches to build section to expand more options
  4. Checkout/merge to local branch: master
  5. check Skip internal tag
  6. check Use Command line git to clone
Set release version (probably the same as the current one but without the -SNAPSHOT suffix)

For Californium (parent):
mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=X.Y.Z

For all other components (because the artifact version is implicitly set by the parent pom):
mvn versions:update-parent versions:update-child-modules -DparentVersion=X.Y.Z

  1. In the Build section click the Add build step drop-down list and select Invoke Maven 3
  2. For building Californium (parent) set
    1. Goals: versions:set
    2. Properties: newVersion=${RELEASE_VERSION}
  3. For building all other components set
    1. Goals: versions:update-parent versions:update-child-modules
    2. Properties: parentVersion=${RELEASE_VERSION}
Build & test the code

mvn clean install -DsnapshotDependencyAllowed=false

  1. Click the Add build step drop-down list and select Invoke Maven 3
  2. In the newly created build step set
    1. Goals: clean install
    2. Properties: maven.test.failure.ignore=false snapshotDependencyAllowed=false enableEclipseJarSigner=true
  3. Click the build step's Advanced button
    1. select Deploy to + OSSRH from the Global settings drop-down list
Commit pom.xml containing the release version and create a corresponding tag for it

git add pom.xml \*/pom.xml

git commit -m "Release X.Y.Z"

git tag "X.Y.Z"

  1. Click the Add build step drop-down list and select Execute shell
  2. In the newly created build step add the following script

git add pom.xml \*/pom.xml

git commit -m "Release ${RELEASE_VERSION}"


Publish artifacts to Eclipse release repository

mvn deploy -DskipStaging=true

  1. Click the Add build step drop-down list and select Invoke Maven 3
  2. In the newly created build step set
    1. Goals: mvn:deploy
    2. Properties: skipStaging=true
  3. Click the build step's Advanced button
    1. select Deploy to + OSSRH from the Global settings drop-down list
Publish artifacts to Maven Central's staging repo

mvn deploy

  1. Click the Add build step drop-down list and select Invoke Maven 3
  2. In the newly created build step set
    1. Goals: mvn:deploy
    2. Properties: createGPGSignature=true
  3. Click the build step's Advanced button
    1. select Deploy to + OSSRH from the Global settings drop-down list
Set next development version

For building Californium (parent):

mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=X.Y.Z-SNAPSHOT

For building all other components:

mvn versions:update-parent versions:update-child-modules -DparentVersion=X.Y.Z-SNAPSHOT -DallowSnapshots=true

  1. Click the Add build step drop-down list and select Invoke Maven 3
  2. For building Californium (parent) set
    1. Goals: versions:set
    2. Properties: newVersion=${NEXT_VERSION}
  3. For building all other components set
    1. Goals: versions:update-parent versions:update-child-modules
    2. Properties: parentVersion=${NEXT_VERSION} allowSnapshots=true
Push changes to SCM

git add pom.xml \*/pom.xml

git commit -m "Release X.Y.Z"

git push && git push --tags

  1. Click the Add build step drop-down list and select Execute shell
  2. In the newly created build step add the following script

git add pom.xml \*/pom.xml

git commit -m "Release ${RELEASE_VERSION}"

git push ssh://deploy_github_eclipse_californium/eclipse/californium.git && git push --tags ssh://deploy_github_eclipse_californium/eclipse/californium.git

Reference Instructions

1st get a copy of all the californium repository:

git clone

git clone

git clone

You need to process the repository in the correct order:




In each repository:

  • set the final version (probably the same as the current one but without "SNAPSHOT")

mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=X.Y.Z

  • build & sign the artifacts (you need a gpg key; see below)

mvn clean install -Prelease

  • looks in ./target/ does the artifacts looks nice?
  • check if there is no *-SNAPSHOT in the dependency:

mvn dependency:tree

  • then commit the pom.xml, and tag the release:

git add pom.xml \*/pom.xml

git commit -m "Release X.Y.Z"

git tag "X.Y.Z"

  • publish the artifacts on maven central

mvn deploy -Prelease

  • prepare for the next cycle:

mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=X.Y.Z-SNAPSHOT

git add pom.xml \*/pom.xml

git commit -m "Release X.Y.Z"

  • push the commits

git push && git push --tags

Now connect on the Sonatype OSS Nexus and close the staging repository. If it's fine you will be able to "release" the repository and the artifact will show up in maven central in a few hours. Next step is to edit the Eclipse project metadata and announce it on the mailing list.

GPG Help

Under CygWin the following error might occur: gpg: cannot open tty `no tty': No such file or directory

This can be fixed by configuring gpg through an active profile in .m2\settings.xml where also the Sonatype password is stored:


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