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COSMOS v1.1 I2 Test
COSMOS v1.1 Iteration 2 Test pass
Testing Status of COSMOS Candidate Driver <>
Team, after you have updated your status on this page, send an email to Saurabh Dravid (sadravid at so that he can track when all of the status is posted and ready. To reduce noise on the mailing list, report to cosmos-dev only if you find a problem that other people need to know about and react to. Saurabh will post an email stating when the driver has passed all tests.
Data Collection and Visualization (Jimmy Mohsin)
For each of the following bullets, the team reporting testing status also confirms that the build reports are clean for their component(s):
- No usage of internal API outside of your own component, even within COSMOS
- No plug-ins or features are missing About.html or other legal information
- Copyright statements are present and correct in all files
- All strings have been externalized as the team developed
- All logging is consistent with COSMOS logging techniques
- All bugzillas that are complete have been closed
- All contributions from non-committers, if used, have been marked iplog+
Testing status for DC and DV
Resource Modelling (David Whiteman)
For each of the following bullets, the team reporting testing status also confirms that the build reports are clean for their component(s):
- No usage of internal API outside of your own component, even within COSMOS
- No plug-ins or features are missing About.html or other legal information
- Copyright statements are present and correct in all files
- All strings have been externalized as the team developed
- All logging is consistent with COSMOS logging techniques
- All bugzillas that are complete have been closed
- All contributions from non-committers, if used, have been marked iplog+
All the above are confirmed. - DLW
Testing status for RM
No stop ship problems to report. - DLW
- org.eclipse.cosmos.rm.repository.tests
- org.eclipse.cosmos.rm.smlif.tests
- org.eclipse.cosmos.rm.validation.tests
Management Enablement (Jason Losh)
For each of the following bullets, the team reporting testing status also confirms that the build reports are clean for their component(s):
- No usage of internal API outside of your own component, even within COSMOS
- No plug-ins or features are missing About.html or other legal information
- Copyright statements are present and correct in all files
- All strings have been externalized as the team developed
- All logging is consistent with COSMOS logging techniques
- All bugzillas that are complete have been closed
- All contributions from non-committers, if used, have been marked iplog+
All the above are confirmed. - WJL
Testing status for ME junit test) : 100% pass
Bugzilla status
Enter the status on the Iteration 2 Feature plan COSMOS v1.1 Iteration 2 Plan