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Meeting Title: COSMOS Community Monthly Summit
Date & Time: Friday, April 11, 2008

8:30 am EST - 12:30 pm EST

Toll-free Dial-in number: +1 (877) 421.0528
Primary International Dial-in: 770-615-1258
T/L Dial-in: 421-0528
Passcode: 881103#
Minutes Meeting minutes are on the Talk Page


  • DC discussion (Don Ebright)
    • This was deferred from April 3 arch call due to the desire to have Mark's perspective in this discussion
    • Don would like to explore the role of Muse in COSMOS 1.0 and beyond
  • SDD update (Jason Losh)
    • This was deferred from April 3 arch call because Jason was unable to attend due to a last minute conflict
    • Jason to talk about synergy between CMDBf, SDD, and SML
    • Will an SDD runtime be available for COSMOS 1.0? If yes, is its scope known yet? - Jimmy Mohsin
  • COSMOS 1.0
  • Early adopter experiences (Jimmy Mohsin)
    • Input from some early adopters
    • Which i10 integration build will be appropriate for early adopters?
  • Post-"i11" Plans
  1. Post COSMOS i11 timeline
    1. When should we expect a post-June timeline?
    2. Is there an identified resourcing model / approach? Or will the same team continue?
    3. Given the new COSMOS 1.0 timelines, may we still have M3 at June end? We need this to position our updated schedule to our early adopters.
  2. Semantic or Information model AND/OR taxonomies
    1. What is the scope of an Open Source Information Model? How does it jive with the Taxonomies we have talked about earlier?
    2. What role will CML play in this regard? Can it be THE building block for this effort?
    3. What will the role of CMDBf be in this space? Can we say that CMDBf is THE information model for configuration data?
    4. This is obviously a VERY difficult (yet high value) requirement; we also need to think about how we can phase it into Open Source, assuming this is something we even want to do…
  3. Future technology directions for COSMOS... What are our plans for the following:
    1. WSDM
    2. MUWS
    3. JAX-WS
    4. WS-Management
    5. WS-Security
    6. OSGi
    7. Will the Domain be back at some point?
    8. What are our plans for supporting multiple types and instances of Brokers?
  4. Coverage for types of data in COSMOS
    1. Currently, we cover Configuration Items via support for CMDBf
    2. What do we do in regards to other types of data?
    3. How do we evolve / enhance our support for CMDBf
  5. Security design AND reference implementation(s)
    1. What will COSMOS 1.0 support / deliver in November 2008?
    2. Will there be a reference implementation that showcases Security?
  6. i18n
    1. Will COSMOS 1.0 address any i18n considerations?
  7. Well defined COSMOS install & upgrade approach / paradigm / tooling
    1. I state this since I doubt if we will be able complete this by June end for COSMOS 1.0
  8. Management capabilities for core COSMOS components (i.e. for the Domain and the Broker)
  9. Logging - we need to address this soon after 1.0 (ER 224079)
    1. Need project wide approach and strategy, esp. with SDD becoming more integrated
    2. Is log4j the way to go?

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