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  • Status updates and agenda changes
  • Review action items
  • Data collection build status
  • Statistical data collection design


  • Don Ebright
  • Jimmy Mohsin
  • Joel Hawkins
  • Hubert Leung
  • Chris Craddoc
  • Mark Weitzel


  • We discussed the status of the data collection build. Hubert has updated the build to include all of the data collection components. The Ibatis jar file is not in CVS at this time, but Don and Mark believe that it is permitted at this point in the IP process but we decided to verify this first. Several members of the team expect to try to run the framework from the built components to verify proper functionality.
  • Jimmy said that Bill Muldoon will be the SDMX expert for the CA team. We agreed that Joel and Bill should get together to discuss the SDMX aspects of the statistical persistence and query frameworks.
  • We discussed the steps to move the design forward, and decided to set up a call to discuss issues related to the design of the integration of legacy data stores.

Action Items

  • Mark to check with Janet Campbell and / or Bjorn to verify that we can check the Ibatis jar into CVS.
  • Don to verify that the framework will run as built by our build process.
  • Jimmy to arrange a call to discuss the statistical design prior to a discussion at next week's architecture call.

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