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Att: Saurabh Ruth
Agenda (Mar 18, 2009)
- COSMOS schedule Review where we are in the schedule
- How is the documentation going?
- How are the examples going?
- How are the new tests going?
- David is on vacation today and Jason is on vacation this time next week?
- Have we allowed in many "stabilization defect" changes?
- Iteration 3 plan
- Iteration 3 week 3 test status
- Jason, Saurabh looked for a bugzilla from you for the missing plug-ins but couldn't find it. Did you have a chance to open it? If so, what's the number?
- Around the room
Minutes (Mar 18, 2009)
- David on vacation today
- On track with the documentation and examples. New tests are lagging a bit because focusing on documentation and examples. Rationale there is that the examples there will flush out any bugs.
- will likely have a few new tests but not exhaustive
- David etc. still cranking away on the reconciliation taxonomy and he did update the i3 plan with the latest status. He marked one of the enhancements completed and the other one is still not started.
- 259002 need locations where we put the JARs
- clean API checkpoint. Everything really tidy.
- 213635 - not really a P2, can be downgraded? check with David
- 260601 at risk? it was carried over from i1. Is it really a P2? Sounds like it really needs to be fixed. Discuss with David when he gets back.
- 260737 still on track will probably be in today. Interesting that it's a P3. Should probably be a P2; Jason to confirm with Jeff that we're on track.
- safe to defer the other "not started" enhancements, which are all P3. Probably will be deferred.
week 3 test status
- DV and RM test failures are due to the JUnit test cases themselves, not an indication of a problem in the code.
- Saurabh to ask Sheldon if Saurabh should update the DV test case to the new value that's being reported
- David was able to run the tests successfully for RM
- Jason opened the bugzilla, talked with Saurabh. Saurabh waiting on them for information.
- new plugins might not be in the drivers in time for week 4 test status; if that's the case, run week 4 tests like normal and run week 5 tests on the new stuff.
testing status of week 4, 5, and 6
- we'll run week 4 tests like always and report them on the wiki page like always
- we'll run week 5 and 6 tests and report them on the same wiki page as the week 4 tests, but run only the tests on the portions of the code that should have been changed by whatever few defects will have been allowed in by the project leads.
- Jason's attendance next week is tentative, will dial in if he can