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COSMOS/COSMOS iteration i11 plan

COSMOS iteration i11 plan

Data Collection work items (Don Ebright)


  • Consumability - remove impediments to adoption
  • Stability - reduce the bug backlog
  • Quality - refactor as necessary to meet Eclipse API and coding conventions

Large work items

  • API standards compliance and other code refactoring
  • Security design

Enhancements to consider

Consumability - remove impediments to adoption

Bug Severity Description Owner Sizing
216332 Enhancement Complete design for COSMOS Security - phase 2 Jimmy Medium
229827 Normal Need strongly typed getter methods in COSMOS data model Ali Mehregani Low
216801 Normal Common COSMOS classes need packaging as standalone JAR Mark Weitzel Low
229426 Normal Support logging in data managers Hubert Leung Medium
229820 Normal Internationalization: Externalize string and enable data managers to provide localized messages Hubert Leung Low

Stability - reduce the bug backlog

Bug Severity Description Owner Sizing
228957 Normal Wrong index used in SampleRegistrationService Ali Mehregani Low
228960 Normal Example MDR doesn't use unique identifiers for local id Ali Mehregani Low
219994 Normal Typo in package names in sample David Whiteman Low
228271 Normal Aperi MDR needs new display name and icon Bill Muldoon Low
229593 Normal Broker should have clear return codes Hubert Leung Low

Quality - refactor as necessary to meet Eclipse API and coding conventions

Bug Severity Description Owner Sizing
229955 Major Archive plug-ins not required Ali Mehregani Medium
229959 Normal Properly indicate internal and provisional APIs Ali Mehregani Low

Data Visualization work items (Sheldon Lee-Loy)


  • Stability - bugs that will improve the stability of the driver
  • Cleanup -bugs that will help meet 1.0 release guidelines and help cleanup code
  • Improve Usability - bugs that will improve existing tooling usabillity
  • Improve Tooling - enhancements that will provide additional tooling to manage visualize and query MDRs
  • Framework Improvements - bugs that will improve the core ui framework

Large work items

  • Bugs and ERs are given a rough sizing
    • Low - takes 1-3 days
    • Medium - takes a week
    • High - takes more than a week

Stability - bugs that will improve the stability of the driver

220201normalCBE log report throws an exception when clicking on a charttodjo06@ca.comLow
228964normalLogic for deregistering all items/relationships of an MDR at test federating CMDBleonard.richardson@ca.comMedium
229102normal"Under IE: GraphResponseViewer is not showing any data under ""Records:templateID,MDRId,localId"""martin.simmonds@ca.comLow
229109normal"Under IE: Problems with Register/DeRegister Configuration items"leonard.richardson@ca.comLow
229497normalExceptions when displaying record detailsmartin.simmonds@ca.comMedium
230454 (new)maj Exception when trying to generate a log report

Cleanup -bugs that will help meet 1.0 release guidelines and help cleanup code

229800enhancementProvide DOJO simple method descriptions for services available in

Improve Usability - bugs that will improve existing tooling usabillity

224154normalQuery Builder: The property value content is squished in certain
221549normalStatus Reponse dialog box useability issuesAli MehreganiLow
228270normalFull/Partial registration/derationstration dialog boxes should display icons of mdrsAli MehreganiLow
228269normalHave a consistent layout for dialog boxesmartin.simmonds@ca.comLow
222709 (new)normalQueryBuilder should populate the
230439 (new)normalShould provide an option to refresh the
229076normalNeed predefined queries for SML and test federating
224173enhancementDialog Box: Press escape should close dialog boxmartin.simmonds@ca.comLow
224169enhancementAbility to resize dialog box.martin.simmonds@ca.comMedium
223241enhancementFull screen mode toolbar
224166 (future?)enhancementImprove the Graph Response Viewer ViewAli MehreganiHigh (4.5)
224172 (future?)enhancementImprove registratoin/deregistration response dialog boxAli MehreganiHigh (1.5)
228268 (future?)enhancementProvide icons for dialog box throughtout the uimartin.simmonds@ca.comLow
229083 (future?)enhancementPredefined queries with

Improve Tooling - enhancements that will provide additional tooling to manage visualize and query MDRs

223271enhancementNeed ability to rename saved
223270 design docenhancementNeed ability to manage
230405 (future?)Create a Report based on CMDBf
229081 (future?)enhancementAllow a way to bypass query
222504 (future?)enhancementUI cannot show the query
211093 (future?)enhancementCustom visualization for example

Framework Improvements - bugs that will improve the core ui framework

229411 (legal?)enhancementUpgrade to Dojo

Resource Modeling work items (David Whiteman)


  • Stability - reduce defect backlog in validator/import/export/editor
  • Completeness - expanding tests to cover more nuances from spec, and fixing defects uncovered by this activity
  • Documentation - integrate tooling with online documentation using contextual help

Large work items

Bugs/ERs to consider

Sizing legend:

  • Low - takes 1-3 days
  • Medium - takes a week
  • High - takes more than a week

JUnit test failures:

Bug # Severity Owner Description Sizing
228223 major Ali Mehregani Data center sample validation errors - TestPluginMainValidator failures Low-Medium
200423 normal JUnit test TestSMLModelUnits.testRuleInvalidBinding failure Low

Spec completeness:

Bug # Severity Owner Description Sizing
229890 major Ali Mehregani Locating SML documents remotely Low


Bug # Severity Owner Description Sizing
221409 major Identifying definition content type fails when WTP is installed Low
199164 normal Opening non-workspace SML-IF file does not open in SML-IF editor Low
185391 major Export SMLIF wizard > ruleBindings page shows no documents Low
177263 normal Issues with importing from an SMLIF document Low

Code cleanup:

Bug # Severity Owner Description Sizing
229959 Normal Ali Mehregani Properly indicate internal and provisional APIs Low
218814 normal Ali Mehregani Reduce dependencies for SML MDR Low

Management Enablement work items (Mark Weitzel/Jason Losh)


  • Consumability - producing a toolkit that significantly improves the speed & reduces the learning curve with building MDRs
  • Design - finalize SDD runtime design
  • Initial contributions - commit IBM/SAS code as foundation for tooling/runtime implementation
  • Stability - driving out bugs and fixing them
  • Testing - improving JUnits to build automated test to connect to and query MDRs built from the toolkit
  • Globalization - externalizing all error messages & UI labels
  • Documentation - integrate tooling with online documentation using contextual help

Large work items

  • Logging
  • API Cleanup (bug 229962)
  • SDD runtime design finalization
  • SDD runtime orchestrator
  • SDD build time generator (BTG) framework

Bugs/ERs to consider

Sizing legend:

  • Low - takes 1-3 days
  • Medium - takes a week
  • High - takes more than a week

Release 1.0 requirements:

Bug # Severity Description Owner Sizing
229692 normal Properly indicate internal and provisional APIs Low


Bug # Severity Description Owner Sizing
229322 normal Problems with WSDL generated for query service by toolkit Low
229329 normal Package name of registration service generated by toolkit incorrect Low
229169 normal MDR configuration page should include the text Name instead of Generated class name Low


Bug # Severity Description Owner Sizing
220639 enhancement Provide integration with Run on Server to launch web UI in Eclipse web browser Medium (David + Sheldon)
228877 normal Update data manager toolkit to use example query handler instead of overriding getQueryOperation Low
224079 enhancement Implement logging subsystem Med/High
216332 enhancement Complete design for COSMOS Security - phase 2 Jimmy Mohsin High
220594 enhancement Provide contextual help for toolkit UI Low
224214 normal Toolkit only supports Eclipse 3.4 currently Low

SDD Work:

Bug Severity Description Owner Sizing
230808 enhancement Design document for SDD runtime Jason Losh Medium
229088 enhancement Create initial SDD runtime framework for COSMOS installation Jason Losh High
229390 enhancement Tool to generate an SDD describing software being built Eric Rose High


Bug # Severity Description Owner Sizing
230282 enhancement Create JUnit test for running & querying projects built from toolkit Medium

RE/Build team work items (Saurabh Dravid)


For example:

  • Stability
  • Globalization
  • Accessibility

Large work items

For example:

  • Security
  • Logging

Enhancements to consider

Enhancement Severity Description Blocked by (if applicable) Owner Sizing
215609 Normal Maintain documentation of third party dependencies Ruth Lee Low
216771 Normal Re-evaluate the packaging structure of COSMOS driver Leonard Richardson Medium
228740 Normal Change COSMOS SDK content Saurabh Dravid Low
229184 Normal Indicate WTP as a dependency for COSMOS Toolkit (SDK) Saurabh Dravid Low
215135 Enhancement Establish a process for running JUnits against a COSMOS build Bobby Joseph High
215610 Enhancement Maintain update site for COSMOS plugins Leonard Richardson Medium
216630 Enhancement Build needs to automate check for legal problems Jagmit Singh Low
216223 Normal CVS History report does not capture activities of all subprojects Saurabh Dravid Low
226381 Blocker Add org.eclipse.cosmos.dr.web.ui.viewer to build 220639 Saurabh Dravid High
228693 Normal Manifests have improper plugin name and plugin provider values Saurabh Dravid Low
229176 Normal Update eclipse platform dependency link Saurabh Dravid Low
229819 Normal include Framework test cases in the test report Jagmit Singh Low
215611 Enhancement Jar signing Leonard Richardson Low
215612 Enhancement Pack200 Leonard Richardson Low
216656 Enhancement Generate Build Verification Test (BVT) reports Jagmit Singh Low
225815 Normal COSMOSReportViewer contains addtitional xerces jars Jagmit Singh Low
229078 Blocker Add about.html and other legal files to the build Jagmit Singh Medium

QA work items (Srinivas Reddy Doma)


For example:

  • Stability
  • Globalization
  • Accessibility

Large work items

For example:

  • Security
  • Logging

Enhancements to consider

Bug# Severity Description Owner Sizing
232764 enhancement Document i11 QA activites Low
233436 enhancement Define and document COSMOS QA End2End Test cases Low

Web/Documentation work items (Rich Vasconi)


  • Consumability
  • Documentation

Enhancements to consider


Bug # Severity Owner Description Sizing
202332 major Ali Mehregani Need a viewlet version of the COSMOS demo Low
225817 normal Mark Weitzel New overview of COSMOS needed on web site Low

Documentation plan:

Enhancement Severity Owner Description Sizing
216655 enhancement Include Javadoc in online Eclipse help Low
218825 enhancement COSMOS User's Guide development Med
218828 enhancement COSMOS User's Guide Overview development High
218830 enhancement Write COSMOS User's Guide Prerequisites Low
218849 enhancement Write Introduction to CMDBf section for COSMOS User's Guide Low
219117 enhancement Write Solution Deployment Descriptor (SDD) section for COSOMS User's Guide Low
219120 enhancement Write Running the Example section for the COSMOS User's Guide Low
219138 enhancement Write Overview section for COSMOS Development Guide High
219141 enhancement Write Constructing a Data Manager section in COSMOS Development Guide Low
219142 enhancement Write Providing CMDBf Query and Registration Services section in COSMOS Development Guide 3 days
219143 enhancement Write Extending the Web User Interface Framework section in COSMOS Development Guide Low
219148 enhancement Write the WSDM Tooling section in COSMOS Development Guide Low
219156 enhancement Paul Stratton Write COSMOS Installation Guide Low

Mandatory for graduation (Ruth Lee/Tania Makins)

We had a meeting with Bjorn and another meeting with Harm to cover the known questions. Before I get into those answers, generally speaking there are few inviolates. As long as you have a story you can, for example, release an English-only COSMOS even though there is an Eclipse pervasive theme of globalization.

It boils down to what the COSMOS adopters need. Whatever the adopters need we should provide and any discussions about those requirements need to be done in the open in order to be open and transparent to Eclipse.

Bjorn recommended the following:

  • That we release a version 0.5 before we release a 1.0 to give us practice going through a release review before the Big Release Review.
  • The we clean up our inactive committer list.

Mandatory for graduation:

  • Legal (about.html, IP log, all IP Zillas approved, etc.)
    • I am concerned that we don't have permission from Eclipse Legal to use DOJO yet. For details read (For those of you who can't read it because you aren't committers, the quote is,
      "Because we identified license and pedigree concerns in the previous version, further investigation is required before we can determine whether the code can be checked into CVS/SVN. We will not be able to grant parallel IP at this time, however we will keep you informed of our progress.

      Auto-Generated Text: This submission is now awaiting analysis." I (Ruth) believe that Parallel IP also includes prereqs, but have not yet checked with Eclipse Legal to confirm.
    • We need to open an IPZilla for our prereq of BIRT. (This is as per an email sent to Sheldon and myself responding to my question asking same.)
    • Any changes, such as changing a prereq to a redistribute, changing a version number, using something from Orbit, etc. cannot be done silently or directly to the build team. Please check with Mark Weitzel for an architectural review first, and then he'll tell you the next steps to take. (Note that Bjorn did not tell us this item: this came out of a variety of sources, including a meeting with our mentor who suggested that before a legal review is done that an architectural review is necessary, and that every adopter of COSMOS should be consulted to ensure that the 3rd party open source will not inhibit their adoption of COSMOS due to either legal or technical reasons.)

The questions that we asked Bjorn:

  1. How much public API do we need to release?
  2. What support will we be required to provide?
  3. How many adopters do we need? How do we need to demonstrate adoption?
  4. How should we handle the changes to the project roadmap? For example, at Project creation time, SDD was not explicitly in plan.
  5. When COSMOS graduates into a Mature project, what project should it graduate into?

Bjorn's answers:

  1. (Mark, please correct me if I misstate this.) It depends on what your adopters need. As long as you can demonstrate adoption, then you can release using provisional API if your adopters are happy with that.
  2. Whatever you, as a project, decide to do. The only requirement is that you make that guarantee/claim in public as part of the release. (Harm commented that we should consult the adopters to see what they need.)
  3. Three would be wonderful, two would be good, one would be ok/iffy (because then it looks like a single company project), zero would be bad. It is okay to demonstrate adoption without the mailing list or newsgroup; that is, public questions/comments on those venues are not required.
  4. During your 0.5 Release Review explain the new roadmap & project structure.
  5. It's a myth that it has to leave Technology. You can do so if you wish, and if you do then typically projects move to Tools. (Note that Harm recommended the Technology project instead of the Tools project.)

Harm commented:

  1. How do the parts of COSMOS relate to each other? If they're disjoint then maybe that's fine and COSMOS can deliver them in disjoint packages. If they're all comingled technically then they should be packaged together. During the mini-project review (version 0.5), we want to state this and to address this question.
  2. When releasing a 1.0, that implies that you need to maintain the API until a 2.0 release. He recommended that we use package provisional on any code where the specification has not finalized because if the specification changes significantly then we will be forced to break API out of cycle, and that's bad.

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