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CDT 8.1.2 is new version of CDT which was released as part of Juno 4.2.2 SR2 February 2013.
Before you install
- You have to install Eclipse platform 3.8 or later for your platform
- You have to install command line tool chain for build/debug, e.g. gnu tool chain (gcc, gdb, etc)
Download and Install CDT 8.1.2
- 1) Download the master zip file and put it somewhere on your machine.
- Master zip files for CDT 8.1.2 and earlier versions are available from Download
- Master zip file for Nightly build and even more recent builds can be found on Builds page
- 2) Fire up Eclipse
- 3) Help->Software Updates
- 4) On the Available Features tab, select Manage sites...
- 5) Add... in the master zip as an Archive...
- Note: if feature list won't update close and re-open Software Updates dialog.
- Note: Current version only works with Archive, it does not work if you unpack it and use Local Site.
- 6) Under CDT Main Features select the one you want. C/C++ Development
- Tools is the main one. The SDK adds in the schemas and source for
- building extensions to the CDT. The C/C++ Development Platform is the
- Tools without the GNU toolchain support.
- 7) You can install other neat things, including the Mylyn bridge, from
- the CDT Optional Features category.