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CDT/Obsolete/8.1 RC3 Testing
Debug tests
The below tests have been completed. Any issues found is indicated below the test entry.
Run DSF-GDB JUnit tests
- Ran the local tests for 7.4 and 7.5 (with latest GDB HEAD).
Got one single error, but it was a timeout in a *WhileRunning tests, which intermittently fails. Also ran the remote tests for 7.4 with the 2 intermittent failures: updateCatchpoint_WhileTargetRunning1 and updateCatchpoint_WhileTargetRunning2 and 1 expected failure in the getExecutionContexts test (will open a bug)
Local Debug
- Launch a local debug session in non-stop mode
- Verify that stepping works
- Verify resumes works
- Verify suspend works
- Verify that a breakpoint can be set while the target is running and does interrupt the execution when hit
- Verify that Run-to-line works in the same method (Ctrl-R)
- Verify that Run-to-line works in a different method (Ctrl-R)
- Look at variables view making sure the display is correct
- Look at expressions view making sure the display is correct
- Look at registers view making sure the display is correct
- Look at Memory view making sure memory can be displayed correctly
- Look at Memory Browser view making sure memory can be displayed correctly
- Press the connect button on the Debug view
- Press the "New..." button
- Verify a prompt for a binary comes up
- Select a binary
- Verify that this binary starts being debugged
- Verify that there are two processes being debugged
- Verify that the Debug view shows the cores next to each process and each thread
Local Attach
- Launch a local attach session in non-stop mode
- Verify that there is a prompt to attach to a process
- Press the "Cancel" button
- Verify that the entire launch is terminated without error
- Start three different long running programs
- Launch a local attach session in non-stop mode
- Verify that there is a prompt to attach to a process
- Verify that we can select multiple entries in that launch
- Select the three entries that were started earlier
- Verifies that all three process start being debugged without being interrupted
- Interrupt the second process
- Set a breakpoint in the second process
- Resume the second process
- Verify that the second process stops at the breakpoint
- Set a breakpoint in the first process while it is running
- Verify that the first process stops at the breakpoint
- Detach from one process and see that it keeps on running but not debugged
- Terminate from one process and see that it is killed
- Verify only one process is left being debugged
- Press the connect button on the Debug view
- Press the "Cancel" button
- Verify that the prompt disappears and that the debug session stays unchanged (one process being debugged)
- Press the connect button on the Debug view
- Press the "New..." button
- Verify a prompt for a binary comes up
- Press the "Cancel" button
- Verify that the prompt disappears and that the debug session stays unchanged (one process being debugged)
- Press the connect button on the Debug view
- Press the "New..." button
- Verify a prompt for a binary comes up
- Select a binary
- Verify that this binary starts being debugged
- Verify that there are two processes being debugged
Remote Attach
- Start gdbserver --multi :9999
- Launch a remote attach debug session to that target in non-stop mode
- Verify the connection is made but nothing else happens
- Start three long running processes on the target
- Press the connect button on the Debug view
- Select all three processes started earlier
- Verify there is a prompt for the binary of each process
- Verify the title of the prompt shows which binary is being requested
- Verifies that all three processes start being debugged without being interrupted
- Interrupt the second process
- Set a breakpoint in the second process
- Resume the second process
- Verify that the second process stops at the breakpoint
- Set a breakpoint in the first process while it is running
- Verify that the first process stops at the breakpoint
- Detach from one process and see that it keeps on running but not debugged
- Terminate from one process and see that it is killed
- Verify only one process is left being debugged
- Press the connect button on the Debug view
- Verify the "New..." button is grayed out (not available)
Automatic Remote Debug
- Start an Automatic Remote debug session
- verify the process is being debugged
Manual Remote Debug
- Start gdbserver (without --multi) with a binary
- Start an Manual Remote debug session to that target
- verify the process is being debugged
Post-mortem Core file
- Start a local debug session
- Step or resume to another method of the program
- Make sure all threads are interrupted
- in the gdb console type 'gcore /tmp/gcore1' to generate a core file
- Start a post-mortem debug session using /tmp/gcore1
- Verify the debug view shows the program stopped where the core file was generated
- Verify all step and resume buttons are grayed out
- Verify variables are shown in variables view
- Start a post-mortem debug session leaving the core file field empty
- Verify a prompt for a core file is displayed
- Press the "Cancel" button
- Verify that the entire launch is terminated without error
- Start a post-mortem debug session leaving the core file field empty
- Verify a prompt for a core file is displayed
- select /tmp/gcore1
- Verify the core file starts being 'debugged' as it was in the previous attempt
- Start a post-mortem debug session only putting /tmp is the core file field
- Verify a prompt for a core file is displayed starting in /tmp
- select gcore1
- Verify the core file starts being 'debugged' as it was in the previous attempt
Tracepoints tests
- Launch an Automatic Remote Debug session in Non-stop mode
- Create two tracepoints in the editor
- Add the following actions to the first tracepoint: 'collect $locals' and 'collect $reg'
- Add the following actions to the second tracepoint: 'collect $trace_timestamp' and 'collect <single local var>'
- Start trace experiment
- Resume program execution
- Wait until trace data is collected (look at Trace Control view)
- Stop trace experiment
- Save trace data using Trace Control view view-menu
- In the Trace Control view, press the Next Record button and navigate through the collected records
Got this assertion, probably from the Multicore Visualizer: Uncaught exception in session executor thread: java.lang.AssertionError: Exception thrown by a IServiceEventListener.ServiceHandlerMethod method at org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.service.DsfSession.doDispatchEvent( at org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.service.DsfSession.access$2( at org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.service.DsfSession$ at org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.concurrent.DefaultDsfExecutor$ When I disabled -ea, things worked ok. Will open a bug.
- Look at Variables view and Debug view to see that the collected data is properly displayed
- Make sure that unavailable data shows "<unavailable>" in the Variables view
- Launch a Post-mortem Tracing debug session using the trace data file saved in the previous test case
- In the Trace Control view, press the Next Record button and navigate through the collected records
- Look at Variables view and Debug view to see that the collected data is properly displayed
- Make sure that unavailable data shows "<unavailable>" in the Variables view
For postmortem files, the breakpoints view does not synchronize with the current trace record. In a live session it does. Will open bug.
- Launch a Post-mortem Tracing debug session leaving the trace data field empty
- Verify that a prompt is displayed to select the trace data file
- Select the trace data file saved in the previous test case
- In the Trace Control view, press the Next Record button and navigate through the collected records
- Look at Variables view and Debug view to see that the collected data is properly displayed
- Make sure that unavailable data shows "<unavailable>" in the Variables view
- Launch a Post-mortem Tracing debug session having the trace data field only contain a directory
- Verify a prompt for a trace file is displayed starting in the specified directory
Fast Tracepoint tests
- create two tracepoints in the same program
- Launch an automatic remote debug session in non-stop with the fast tracepoint option
- verify that only fast tracepoint are created, or no tracepoint if a fast tp cannot be created
- verify that tracepoints are shown properly in the Disassembly view
The error decorator is shown in the editor if a tracepoint cannot be set, but it is not show in the Disassembly view. Will open bug.
- Launch an automatic remote debug session in non-stop with the normal tracepoint option
- verify that only two normal tracepoint are created
- verify that tracepoints are shown properly in the Disassembly view
- Launch an automatic remote debug session in non-stop with the automatic tracepoint option
- verify that fast tracepoints are created, or normal tracepoint if a fast tp cannot be created
- verify that tracepoints are shown properly in the Disassembly view
Multicore Visualizer
- Run a multi-threaded local debug session
- Verify multicore visualizer shows all threads with proper state and coloring
- verify sync with DV is happening
- verify drag-select works as expected
- verify runcontrol buttons have the right state as different threads are selected
- perform a multi-thread selection and press resume
- verify all selected threads are resumed
- perform a multi-thread selection and press suspend
- verify all selected threads are suspended
- verify stepping works from the multicore visualizer when a single suspended thread is selected
- verify the context menu has the runControl operations and select all and that they work as expected
- start a second multi-threaded process
- verify that the new threads are shown in the visualizer
- select a thread in the new process and press the terminate button in the visualizer
- verify that only the relevant process is removed and the other keeps being debugged and displayed
Large array partitions
- create an array with over 10000 elements
- verify in both the variables and expressions view that the array shows partitions of 10000 elements containing partitions of 100 elements.
Edit Breakpoint on Create
- Hit ctrl while double-clicking to create a breakpoint in the editor
- verify the properties page for the bp opens before the breakpoint gets created
- disable the bp in the properties dialog and close the dialog
- verify the bp gets created but is disabled from the very creation
- hold shift and double-click on the disabled bp just created
- verify the breakpoint becomes enabled
- hold shift and double-click on the same bp
- verify bp gets enabled again
- hold ctrl and double-click on the same bp
- verify bp properties dialog opens
Show only suspended threads in Debug view
- Enable preference to only show suspended threads
- In a multi-threaded program verify that resuming a thread will make it disappear
- Set a breakpoint in a running thread and verify that the thread eventually gets suspended and appears in the DV