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CDO/DB Store
The CDO DB store is an implementation of the CDO IStore that allows to store models and meta models in relational databases. It does not use 3rd party components other than database vendor-specific JDBC drivers. The DB store is a proprietary O/R mapper.
- Supports all optional features of the CDO Server.
- Pluggable SQL dialect adapters. Includes support for Derby, H2, HSQLDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL and Oracle .
- Pluggable mapping strategies. Includes horizontal mapping strategy (one table per concrete class, no joins).
- Various mapping options by using EAnnotations on model elements (see more in section Annotations).
- Configuring the DBStore: see CDO/Server Configuration Reference#Element_store.
You can define custom mappings on your model by using EAnnotations for DBStore:
In order to optimize the schema on the database, it is recommended that you define the column length, specially when using the data type String.
<eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="name" eType="ecore:EDataType"> <eAnnotations source=""> <details key="columnType" value="VARCHAR"/> <details key="columnLength" value="255"/> </eAnnotations> </eStructuralFeatures>