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CDO/DB4O Store
The CDO DB4OStore is an implementation of a CDO Store that allows to store models and meta models to DB4O Object-Oriented database.
The current implementation supports all CDO 4.0 features with the following exceptions:
- No Offline Mode
- No Audit Support
- No Branching Support
- No Crash Recovery
This document will help users setup their environment and configure CDO to work with DB4O.
As the legal review is still pending as of now the CDO DB4OStore can not be contributed to the CDO SDK. Consequently it is not yet part of the (Indigo) release train. But it is installable from the CDO Downloads page.
The DB4O Java Driver bundle is available at, e.g., Ensure that you either install it 'before you try to install the CDO DB4OStore or at least add this URL to the list of enabled software sites in your p2 preferences.