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Buckminster Project
Welcome to our Wiki. This is the Wiki home page for the Buckminster Component Assembly project, an Eclipse Tools sub project.
Buckminster is a component resolution & materialization framework. Its purpose is to get software components for you and materialize them in a context of choice, typically a workspace or file system. This applies whether you are looking at what's available on your local machine, within your development organization or in the public open source cloud. Buckminster reuses existing investments in a wide range of build and source management tools - Maven, ANT, CVS, SVN, PDE, etc. It removes ambiguity from component descriptions, enables component sharing and increases productiveness when applied in development, build, assembly and deploy scenarios.
Latest Project News
- 2009-07-01 - Eclipse Buckminster, The Definitive Guide by Henrik Lindberg
- 2009-03-22 - Buckminster presentation at Eclipse Con 2009 - "From source to automated build with Buckminster and p2"
- 2009-03-18 - Buckminster now supports p2 in 3.5 M6
Buckminster 101
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