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BIRT PMC Minutes - Monday, January 28, 2008

< To: BIRT PMC Minutes


Monday, January 28, 2008 @ 10am Pacific.


BIRT 2.2.2 Development

All outstanding work has been completed for the BIRT 2.2.2 maintenance release. We do not anticipate any code changes between the current build and the final release on February 29, 2008.

General Information

BIRT 2.2.2 is the second maintenance release in the BIRT 2.2 release series. The 2.2.2 release is focused on addressing critical bugs identified by the community. BIRT 2.2.2 is part of the Europa Coordinated Maintenance Release.

The Development Plan for BIRT 2.2.2 is available on the Eclipse BIRT Project Development Plan pages.

For a list of bugs assigned to the release, refer to Bugzilla: BIRT 2.2.2 Assigned Bugs in Bugzilla

BIRT 2.3 Development

BIRT 2.3 M5 targeted for Feb 18 (with Feb 26 Public Access) is in development and proceeding on schedule. The M5 release is the first of the BIRT 2.3 Milestones that will have new features visible for testing -- see Bugzilla for the detailed list. A New & Notable will be posted for this release when the release is available.

General Information

BIRT 2.3 is the next major release of BIRT and part of the Ganymede Simultaneous Release. BIRT 2.3 is scheduled to be release in June 2008.

The Development Plan for BIRT 2.3 is available on the Eclipse BIRT Project Development Plan pages.

For a list of bugs assigned to the release, refer to Bugzilla: BIRT 2.3 Assigned Bugs in Bugzilla.


EclipseCon 2008 on March 17-20, 2008 - Santa Clara, California - 10 Sessions on BIRT!


Full list of articles can be found on the Wiki page for BIRT Project Articles.

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