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Architecture Council/Minutes November 13 2008
Meeting Title: | Architecture Council Monthly Meeting |
Date & Time: | Thursday November 13, 2008 at 1600 UTC / 0800 SFO / 1100 Ottawa / 1600 London / 1700 Berlin![]() ![]() |
Dial-in: | (+1) 613.287.8000 (Ottawa and international) or 866.362.7064 (toll-free North America) passcode 464440# |
- See the Attendance Tracking Poll for this meeting, and this message for how to use it. All AC Members are invited.
- Signed-up: Chris Aniszczyk, John Arthorne, Wayne "Mad Dog" Beaton, Boris Bokowski, David Carver, Eugene Chan, Brian Fitzpatrick, Neil Hauge, Mik Kersten, Markus Knauer, Ed Merks, Martin Oberhuber, Andrew Overholt, Bernd Kolb (to proxy Karsten Schmidt), Michael Scharf, Tom Schindl, Darin Swanson, Tom Watson
- Regrets: Oliver Cole, Doug Gaff, Richard Gronback, Oisin Hurley, Mike Milinkovich, Georg Schmidt, Gunnar Wagenknecht, Darin Wright
- No-Show: Doug Clarke, Adrian Colyer, Naci Dai, Sven Efftinge, Bjorn Freeman-Benson, John Graham, Thomas Hallgren, Jochen Krause, Wenfeng Li, Jeff McAffer, Philippe Mulet, Steve Northover, Brett Porter, Mary Ruddy, Doug Schaefer, David Williams, Mike Wilson, Gary Xue
Agenda / Notes
- Feel free to edit, but not during the call!
Review of Action Items
- Last meeting Architecture Council/Minutes October 9 2008#Action Items
- (old) Mik to create initial "architectural walkthrough" material for mylyn -- 1 wiki page not too large, send link to the mailing list
- (old) Michael to draft an E-Mail about the "plugin granularity" idea, searching for people to lead the effort
- (old) Michael to flesh out the Patterns idea and remind the EAC
- (old) Everyone to hyperlink to their Bio on the Architecture Council/Members and Mentors page
- (old) Everyone to hyperlink on the new Architecture Council/Links Collection to interesting architecture-related blogs, articles or other resources
- (old) All PMC's to list mentor-less projects in their domain on the Architecture Council/Members and Mentors#Projects that need mentors page: Wayne for Technology, McQ for Eclipse, Ed for Modeling, Tom for RT; WTP to add ATF to the page
- Martin to start a Wiki page explaining what's good about having a mentor
Wayne bug 250326 bug for portal to add fields for project mentors
Ed, Gunnar, Karsten to E-Mail their affiliation to Anne Jacko <>
Georg bug 250348 questions / things unclear for him as a new AC member
Martin to contact David Orme - he wants to think about it
Martin bug 250320 ask webmaster to create mailing list
Martin bug 250315 asking for better attendance tracking at AC meetings
Martin bug 250317 for discussing ways of spreading EMO information
- New Members: Tom Schindl (appointed), Karsten Schmidt (Strategic Consumer Rep), Sven Efftinge (new Strategic Member)
- Tom: Platform-UI and E4 committer, UFace project, UI Modeling
- Bernd (for Karsten): interested in seeing how Eclipse Architecture evolves, and probably influence it... Karsten to give a talk about SAP perspective at ESE
- Linda Chan proposal
- Our existing Charter Architecture Council#How Do I Become A Member of the Architecture Council? requires: "simple majority of +1's"... that's hard to achieve, even not counting dormant members!
- Decision: we'll bring up proposed new members in the phone conference and discuss their proposal there. In case the "simple majority of +1's" is not achieved during voting (which is quite likely), we'll discuss the candidate at the next phone meeting and come to a decision there.
- AI Martin update the charter to mention the phone decision fallback
- Linda is BIRT committer -- rather than appointing her personally, the DTP or BIRT PMC could nominate her as representative, Martin to suggest that to Wenfeng.
- 4 members became dormant - see Architecture Council/Members and Mentors
- Some Bio's still not filled in: Bjorn (and some others) to become dormant?
- Dormant status mostly to reflect responsiveness to voting. Richard Gronback for instance been very responsive but not involved in discussions.
- Martin in favor of sending a Dormant Announcement E-Mail if in doubt, even if "some" activity was there, as a reminder for the member... don't want to be overly picky though
- Projects in need of Mentors
- bug 253040 Faceted Project Framework (FPF) - thanks Neil Hauge and Oisin Hurley
- bug 254906 FireFly DevKit - thanks Doug Gaff and Gunnar Wagenknecht
- Others, see Architecture Council/Members and Mentors#Projects that need mentors: ACTF, Aperi, Apogee (Dave Carver), COSMOS, PDT -- AI File a Bug (best have the project file one), use this link for filing the bug. AI Wayne contact technology projects telling them to file the bug.
- Wayne: Filing a bug is good, it tells new projects how we're doing things at Eclipse. AC members need to get active and kick in on the bug. AC is for mentorship -- every AC member should mentor some project.
- Martin: Let's discuss on the bugs... hav AC members ask questions like "tell me more".
- Wayne: Many of us don't know yet what it means to be a mentor... let's talk about what it means to be a Mentor. All AC members should have at least 1 project - AI Wayne, let's sit together at ESE talking about Mentorship and have the Wiki page as a result; don't make decisions at the ESE F2F
- Getting a Mentorship Description will also help upper Mgmt understand time commitment for Mentorship
- Janet's E-Mail asking PMC's and AC to answer IP/Legal related questions:
- PMC's and AC are expected to know the FAQ's better, we can answer questions by pointing at the FAQ's
- We need a good backup channel to the EMO for IP/Legal questions we cannot answer. MikeM: going to create a "closed group" on IPZilla for asking Mike's opinion.
- Architecture Council/Meetings/Nov 18 2008 F2F ESE 2008
- Please sign up if you haven't yet so we can reserve a table large enough. Please update the Agenda.
- Martin would like some actual work discussions, not just informal gathering, we've got enough bugs to discuss.. agenda?
News from the EMO & Councils
- Don: StAC meeting at Eclipse World -- outcome? -- AI Martin ask Don
- Markus: Risks, Opportunities Threats for Galileo. Don is the only one who has the slides.
- Updated Website Terms of Use
- Wayne: Community Development for Eclipse Projects page
- Some ideas (geared for Technology right now), what projects should be doing... would love to get input... checklist for Mentors
- bug 252015 Here is something you should know, can we start implementing it? who will back it?
- Scheduling will be challenging: Wayne to start, but cannot do it all ... collect suggestions on EAC mailing list and/or Wiki, send it out by schedule
- Blog Entry? - 1 paragraph only, but E-Mailed? Mail to set P2 (important); archive of tips on the Wiki (live, changeable document!)
- Start with Suggestion Wiki, moving items 1 by 1 to the Archive Wiki as they are sent to the committers list.
- bug 167144 "eclipse.common" bundle -- Bundle / Project granularity?
- Nexus Project Proposal vs. Faceted Project proposal.
- What can we do to foster fine granular re-use of functionality?
- Much of it seems a timing (release train) issue, as well as communication. It's easy for established mature technology but hard for incubating one.
- Mik: Consuming other project's bundles is easy (if you know where they are)
- Features vs bundles
- An "Orbit" for Eclipse projects... things that are "generally useful"
- org.eclipse.mylyn.commons for others to consume
- Ed: Cyclic dependencies may be an issue -- although we have cyclic dependencies between Equinox and back vice versa
- Tom: Trick is keeping project functionality separate, then small pieces from it are re-usable (Equinox / ECF)
- Mik: Maintaining different project sets for different consumers
- Mik: Re-use of small functionality is possible today... tell people to try it out and see what's easier for them...
Action Items
Wayne bug 252015 "what you should know" -- Architecture Council/Things Committers Should Know/Staging
Wayne to ask projects in need of a mentor file a bug against the AC
Martin to send private E-Mails to dormant members
Martin to update the AC charter for new member proposals, mentioning phone decision fallback in case of missing +1 majority
- Everyone who's at ESE think about discussion items, and fill the Architecture Council/F2F ESE 2008 Agenda page
- Everyone please use Doodle Poll to send regrets for next meeting if you cannot come
- (old) Everyone fill in your Bio on the Architecture Council/Members and Mentors page
- (old) Everyone add to the Architecture Council/Links Collection