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Architecture Council/Minutes June 12 2008
Meeting Title: | Architecture Council Monthly Meeting |
Date & Time: | Thursday June 12, 2008 at 1500 UTC / 0800 SFO / 1100 Ottawa / 1600 London / 1700 Berlin![]() |
Dial-in: | (+1) 613.287.8000 (Ottawa and international) or 866.362.7064 (toll-free North America) passcode 874551# |
- Attending
- Ed, Rich, Michael, McQ, Brian, Bjorn, and (one other)
- Invited attendees are all EAC members
- Sign up here if you want to get mentioned, since it's hard to catch all names during the call.
- Signed-up:
- Regrets:
- Martin Oberhuber (vacation)
- Doug Gaff (meeting overlaps)
McQ notes that the IP process is a total pain and that it almost costs a Ganymede ship slip. There's a tension between doing it too early and not having the data right at the end, and doing it late in the midst of the code-ship crisis and not having time to get it done.
- It would be best to have this all automated and kept up to date automatically. Why can't the about file conformance be checked automatically?
- Also, there is a substantial lack of education and documentation - we need a developer-centric checklist of what needs to be done and what needs to be put where.
We discussed testing and cross project testing: we need to have cross project testing because it helps with tester fatigue. We could decide as a group that we would test, as a group, the shared thing that we ship.
We discussed that the Foundation should supply PDE tooling to help with legal stuff: automatically generate about files from CQ information - why are people in each project trying to hand generate all these files? and none of these people are experts in the legal files so they're always wrong and that requires multiple iterations and it just consumes a huge amount of time that could be automated, etc.
We discussed that the Councils (each of them) should be giving reports to the Board. "State of the Architecture Council" and what the problems and issues are consuming/wasting our time.
We discussed the blog buzz about "E4 == move Eclipse to the web" and how to explain the real situation.
We also discussed the welfare state thought process where people think that we should fix all their bugs - the truth of the matter is that the direction is being set by the people who are making an investment (a long term investment).
Meeting Goals
Agenda / Discussion Notes
- Attendees are welcome to edit the agenda on the Wiki. Place a +1 / -1 next to an item that you would like / would not like to discuss.
- While the meeting is ongoing and one hour after, the Wiki should not be edited except by a notes-taker to be designated during the meeting
- After initial notes have been posted, everybody is free to edit the Wiki for corrections
E4 Discussions
- Continue discussions from the E4/Summit
Review Status of EAC Themes
- Review status of items on Architecture Council#Some interesting Items to Discuss at the EAC Calls
Executive Summary of the Discussion
Action Items
- Last meeting Architecture Council/Minutes May 15 2008#Action Items
- All: Find an Expert who knows Macro Recording in other Apps (Emacs, OpenOffice? KDE? Others?)
- ??? to start creating Wiki Pages for Services