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Architecture Council/Meetings/August 10 2017
Meeting Title: | Architecture Council Monthly Meeting |
Date & Time: | Thursday August 10, 2017 at 1100 Ottawa ![]() ![]() |
- In attendance: Carl Anderson, Mikael Barbero, Maximilian Kögel, Alex Kurtakov, Martin Lippert, Dani Megert, Martin O, Torkild Resheim, Doug Schaefer
- Regrets: Christian Campo, Jonas Helming, Jim Hughes, Mickael Istria, Alexander Nyßen, Matthias Sohn, Eike Stepper, Krum Tsvetkov, Gunnar Wagenknecht
#PMC_Rep_Attendees see also below.
Agenda / Notes
- Last meeting: Architecture Council/Meetings/July 13 2017 -- open actions see #Action_Items
- Mikael: Status on migrating Platform SWT Windows build to Foundation servers ?
- Dani: Not yet ready for broader discussion, there's license compliance issues and more.
- Martin: Infrastructure issues with Eclipse Asterisk unstable
- Eclipse PMC had been hit by this recently, others currently not affected
- Maximilian: Eclipse p2 target platform resolution unstable
- For his teams, target platform resolution still often fails due to servers unavailable
- Seems no problem in North America, but hitting people in Europe
- Currently considering a local mirror of "everything" and redirecting p2 to that, perhaps via artifactory
- But the team is very distributed, so would prefer a mirroring service over that - still researching;
- Do others see this issue? Workarounds?
- Torkild: Also seeing this problem all the time!
- Solution: Bash script creates a target_platform ZIP file that they use; updating only a couple times per year
- Doug: Updating the Target Platform every night, and resolving locally - still seeing mirroring failures sometimes
- ACTION Maximilian to create bugzilla for broader discussion of solution ideas / workarounds
- MartinL: Any final decision on shipping Java9 ?
- Carl: Planning Council decided on Oxygen.1 first, then shipping Oxygen.1a 2 weeks later -- see for details
PMC Rep Attendees
All AC Members are invited.
- PMC Reps please confirm attendance or list your delegate below. Every PMC is required to name a primary and backup delegate, and to ensure that one delegate attends the meeting.
BIRT: | |
DTP: | |
Eclipse: | Dani Megert | |
Modeling: | |
Mylyn: | |
RT: | |
SOA: | |
Technology: | |
Tools: | Doug Schaefer | Alex Kurtakov |
WTP: | Carl Anderson | |
LocationTech: | |
IoT: | |