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Aperi Development Status Meeting 11/26/07

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Brocade (John Crandall), IBM (Dave Wolfe, Hans Lin, Ramani Routray, Russ Warren, Steven Bennett, Todd Singleton, Tom Guinane,), LSI (Jenny Monesson), Novell (Robert Wipfel)


  • Project Leader Notes:
    • Third Party Contribution Questionnaires
      • Tracking file
        • 1513: org.mortbay.jaas.callback – no longer used. The document and IP Log will be updated.
        • 1514: org.mortbay.jaas.spi – no longer used. The document and IP Log will be updated.
        • 1538: EPL code for contribution approved. Need to make sure start_cimom.bat and any other Sun WBEM files are not included in the package. Org.xml.sax is part of Apache Xerces, SAN Simulator is using v2.8.0, which we just obtained approval for, so this is OK. Ramai has switched off of Apache Lofg4j. Also, Ramani will also use either version of the SBLIM CIM client that has been approved for Aperi. All third party issues have been resolved.
        • 1830: Derby approved. It is included in the latest build.
        • 1831: SBLIM CIM Client 1.3.3 approved. It is included in the latest build.
  • Release Engineer Notes (Todd):
    • Build status
      • Build last week on 11/19
    • SAN Simulator contribution
      • Build available, but Ramani to check in update today and Todd will rebuild.
  • Aperi Downloads:
  • Development items/issues:
    • DB2 level:
      • We support DB2 8.1 and are currently testing with that version for R0.4 IDVT
      • The only available free trial version of DB2 available is now 9.5.
      • Right now the install instructions point to a non-existent DB2 8.1 version.
      • Two issues:
        • What do we do for R0.4? Claim support for 8.1 or retest everything on 9.5?
        • As DB2 constantly upgrades the levels of try and buy code, what is our strategy for Aperi?
      • Dave has an agenda item of this discussion at our Tech talk meeting.
  • IDVT:
    • Test Status
    • Aperi R0.4 Open Defects - by priority & severity
    • Aperi Total Open Defects - by priority & severity
      • 210569 cri P1 Wind NEW SanSimulator code failed to accept any port number for CIMOM configuration
        • Blocked testcases. Ramani plans to check in missing file today. Todd will then rebuild SAN Simulator. Hans will then test fix as well as switches and storage devices (DS8000, DS6000, DS4000 and Brocade switch). Hans needs three days to test switches and storage devices.
      • 205850 cri P1 Wind ASSI Unable to create volume for DS8000 & ESS storage subsystems
        • Dave: While working on this defect I could not reproduce the extent pool list part of the problem, but I did notice that the extent pool list fills asynchronously, and it can take a whole for it to fill up. Please try again, wait a bit to see if the list fills up, and if it is still a problem open a new bugzilla for it. If this bugzilla is resolved we should close it.
        • Hans is still seeing the same problem. He will retry and open new Bugzilla.
      • 172223 maj P2 Wind NEW DB2 BigDecimal conversion exception when running probe of storage subsystem
        • Dave will fix this week.
      • 210165 maj P2 Linu NEW Unable to login report viewing on Linux platform
        • Dave will fix this week
    • The R0.4 plan from this point on:
      • Ramani to check in code today for 210569.
      • Todd to rebuild SAN Simulator today.
      • Hans to test SAN Simulator fix as well as switches and storage devices this week.
      • Robert Wipfel to pick up 11/19 build and regression test Linux and virtual devices.
      • Dave to fix defects 172223 and 210165 this week.
      • Todd to rebuild SAN Simulator today when fixes available.
      • Hans to run regression on SRM next week
      • Chris to make any last updates to docs
      • Availability date reset to 12/7.
  • ID:
    • Install Instructions: out for review. The only current issue with this so far is including a working link for DB2 v8.1 so users can download it. No luck so far in finding a good link.
    • Release Notes: out for review
    • User's Guide: complete. Just need to generate a PDF version (HTML is out there)
  • Project Schedule:
    • Latest Schedule.
    • Updates made in schedule based on items in ‘The R0.4 plan from this point on:’ above.
  • Action Items:
Item Owner Target Status
Obtain two mentors Tom 11/30/07 Per new development process rules, we need to obtain two project mentors. Harm Sluiman is one. Tom is searching for additional candidate. Back in the search for mentor #2. If anyone has any recommendations, please inform Tom.
Aperi Forum Tom 11/23/07 Suggested by Javier. Investigate setting up forums for Aperi communication. Looked into Friendly, easy to use, familiar to more forum users. Also includes a chat tool. Set up a sample forum Take a look and provide feedback. Checking out Eclipse IRC (Internet Relay Chat) again

Dave did the initial investigation of this item many months ago. We decided back them to table it. Brenda brought it up again. Tom posed the question: “Is there a need with the mailing lists and the blog that Russ has resurrected? Do we need real time chatting?” Robert suggested what we have today was sufficient and Tom proposed to the team that we table the IRC until a time when instant communication is needed. There were no dissenters with this proposal and the motion passes.

Document Control Tom 11/28/07 Write up text for Aperi document control.
Lessons Learned Follow-up Tom 11/29/07 Put results of Lessons Learned meeting for R0.3 into a table on the wiki with corresponding action items
cvs download statistics Tom 11/26/07 Investigate if we can get any numbers for our source code downloads.
  • Open Forum:
  • Other:
    • Next Meeting - 12/3/07
    • Management Developers Conference
    • Eclipse DemoCamp
      • Palo Alto - DLA Piper
      • Mountain View – Google
    • EclipseCon 2008
      • EclipseCon 2008 will be held March 17-20 in Santa Clara, CA.
      • Aperi abstracts submitted:
        • SAN Simulator - #437 (Ramani)
        • Aperi: Open Storage Management - #479 (Tom)
      • Important Dates:
        • November 19th - Submission deadline; all proposals must be in.
        • December 10th - Tutorials, Long Talks, and Short Talks chosen.
        • January 19th - Submissions open for posters and BOFs

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