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Albireo SWT AWT bugs

Albireo in particular attempts to work around some SWT_AWT bugs.

Some of the bugs/problems are listed in Gordon Hirsch's article.

Others are listed in Bugzilla: The list of open SWT_AWT bugs is here. Among these, the following might fall into the scope of Albireo (if not otherwise fixed in AWT or in SWT_AWT):

All Platforms

51729 Need a good way to set the look and feel for Swing in SWT_AWT
Albireo status: Ok green.gif Fixed. Albireo includes a customizable LookAndFeelHandler class.

58308 SWT_AWT - Embedded JSplitPane resizable arrows
Albireo status: Ok green.gif Fixed. Albireo's SwingControl creates the required component hierarchy with a java.awt.Panel instance at the top.

216346 NullPointerException in Display.asyncExec
Albireo status: Ok green.gif Worked around. Albireo includes a ThreadingHandler class that has a method asyncExec that works around the problem. Also fixed in Eclipse 3.4.

66615 SWT_AWT.new_Frame occasionally hangs, and
221205 Provide asynchronous SWT_AWT API to prevent deadlocks.
Albireo status: Questionmark.gif Partially fixed on Eclipse 3.4 on the Windows platform. On Windows, the remaining problem occurs only if SWT_AWT.new_Frame is invoked during a syncExec() call.

91896 SWT_AWT: Incorrect layout of AWT frame when SWT.BORDER style is set on the Composite
Albireo status: Ok green.gif Fixed. Albireo provides an intermediate Composite if a border is requested.

60967 SWT_AWT + Swing focus problem
Albireo status: Ok green.gif Fixed. A permanent focus lost event is forced by Albireo when another component in the same shell is activated.



70918 SWT_AWT doesn't propogate mouse events in JDK 1.3
Albireo status: Ok green.gif Fixed. Albireo's SwingControl creates the required component hierarchy with a java.awt.Panel instance at the top.

95540 Another SWT_AWT bridge problems
Albireo status: Ok green.gif Fixed. Albireo's SwingControl creates the required component hierarchy with a java.awt.Panel instance at the top.

105507 SWT_AWT.new_Frame windows in multimonitor have performance problems
Albireo status: Questionmark.gif Requires testing on a machine with two screens.


170459 SWT_AWT: Focus problem in Java 6
201988 SWT_AWT: Swing JTextPane cannot receive focus
207082 SWT_AWT.new_Frame focus events not received correctly
216431 SWT_AWT: sun.awt.EmbeddedFrame is activated incorrectly
Albireo status: Ok green.gif Worked around. See Albireo Focus Management Test Cases.

221241 getFocusControl unreliable for embedded AWT composites
Albireo status: Ok green.gif Worked around. See [1] and [2]


199383 A "BusyIndicator" disappears over an "SWT_AWT" component.
Albireo status: Questionmark.gif


109403 SWT_AWT does not behave correctly with Swing or AWT modal dialogs
Albireo status: Ok green.gif Worked around. Albireo detects the opening of AWT modal dialogs and disables SWT input.


186857 SWT_AWT bridge problem: AWT componet tooltip doen't shown if it doesn't have focus
Albireo status: Ok green.gif Partially worked around. If using JDK1.6+, Albireo will configure the Swing UI manager to display tooltips for inactive windows.

187405 SWT_AWT Swing component tooltip stays on the primary monitor even when the shell is on the 2nd monitor
Albireo status: Questionmark.gif Requires testing on a machine with two screens.

Key Events

214503 Incorrect KeyEvents returned using SWT_AWT
Albireo status: Ok green.gif Fixed in SWT 3.4


Fatal Bugs

126931 "Xlib: unexpected async reply" errors using SWT_AWT bridge under JDK 1.6
Albireo status: Ok green.gif Worked around: The default look&feel setting in Albireo's LookAndFeelHandler class avoids the Gtk look&feel in JDK >= 1.6. (But it does not prevent the application nor the user to set this look&feel explicitly.)

136700 Gp in Snippet156 - SWT_AWT on motif
Albireo status: Questionmark.gif Requires testing on Linux/Motif.

171432 Using SWT_AWT bridge on Linux can lead to StackOverflowError
Albireo status: Questionmark.gif


162219 SWT_AWT does not work on Solaris GTK x86 (early access) using web start
Albireo status: Questionmark.gif Requires testing on Solaris or AIX.

168330 SWT_AWT frame resize event not passed to the frame
Albireo status: Ok green.gif Albireo notifies the AWT frame of changes in the size of the SWT Composite (through an override of the setBounds method).


91157 embedded SWT_AWT frames flicker when the SWT window is resized
Albireo status: Fail.gif Reproducible with the Albireo TestResizeView view on Linux/gtk, JDK 1.5.


82599 Tab behaves incorrectly in Swing components when using SWT_AWT bridge
Albireo status: Ok green.gif Reproducible without Albireo. Not reproducible with Albireo.


169562 SWT_AWT Swing modal dialogs do not stay on top on Unix
Albireo status: Questionmark.gif. Not reproducible on Linux/GTK. Not tested on the other unix platforms mentioned in the bug.

173218 [SWT_AWT] SWT needs to support ModalityListener interface
Albireo status: Questionmark.gif. We may be able to simplify our modal dialog support by using this interface, but probably only when it is available on all the platforms/JDK versions we support.

Drag and Drop

167677 [DND] Problem with drop event when using SWT_AWT bridge on Solaris and Linux (GTK)
Albireo status: Questionmark.gif. Sun bug 6640765 filed.


177368 Display.getCursorControl returning null for complex Xlib widget on Eclipse/Gtk. Comment #9 claims this affects SWT_AWT.
Albireo status: Questionmark.gif



162035 BUTTON_2 events/ctrl-click in embedded SWT_AWT components received incorrectly
Albireo status: Questionmark.gif


146957 SWT_AWT fails to deliver events reliably on Mac OS X
Albireo status: Questionmark.gif

Mouse Events

162036 SWT_AWT interferes with native SWT mouse events
Albireo status: Questionmark.gif

162038 Embedded SWT_AWT components don't receive mouse events until they've been clicked in
Albireo status: Questionmark.gif


160896 SWT_AWT: second Swing subdialog does not respond to mouse clicks
Albireo status: Questionmark.gif

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