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A guide to building a DLTK-based language IDE
This tutorial describes the set of steps to create an integrated development environment (IDE) for a dynamically-typed language using Eclipse Dynamic Languages Toolkit (DLTK). In this tutorial we will make a simple IDE for Python language.
At this step we'll build a skeleton for our IDE. Skeleton includes empty structure parser, content type, declaration of python language to DLTK. And we also create Python Project wizards, and support of python interpreter.
Towards an Editor
At this step we'll add source code parser to the project and implement source code editor with syntax highlighting.
As a result our IDE will receive basic source editing and project navigation capabilities. This would include Code Outline, Editor with code folding and syntax highlighting, editor preference pages and Source module structure shown in the Script Explorer.
Towards an IDE
The step will show how to add search capabilities (search for Declarations, for References), implement "Open Type" action and "Goto Declaration" feature. We'll add basic code assistance (completion on keywords, and code templates support).