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Hudson-ci/development/third party libraries/3.0.0M0

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Hudson-bust.png Library Usage:
Hudson 3.0.0 Milestone 0


This page reflects the libraries packaged within the Hudson 3.0.0 Milestone 0 build


As Of Date 31-Jan
Total n. Libraries
Approved CQs
CQs in Parallel Approval
CQs logged but awaiting approval
New CQs created for this release (upgrades etc.)
Additional CQ's Required


Jar CQ Approved Notes
access-modifier-annotation-1.0.jar CQ 5550 P Scheduled for removal from Core. Currently included in ./WEB-INF/lib
activation-1.1.1-hudson-1.jar CQ 5774 Y
annotation-indexer-1.2.jar CQ 5569 P
ant-1.8.2.jar CQ 5621 Y
ant-launcher-1.8.2.jar CQ 5621 Y Covered by Ant CQ - same source distribution
antlr-2.7.7.jar CQ 6140 New
antlr-3.0.jar CQ 5622 Y
aopalliance-1.0.jar CQ 5772 Y
args4j-2.0.16.jar CQ 5570 P
asm-2.2.3.jar CQ 6103 New We currently have approval for 3.0 not 2.2.3 CQ 5571. New CQ created for 2.2.3
asm-commons-2.2.3.jar CQ 6103 New We currently have approval for 3.0 not 2.2.3 CQ 5571. New CQ created for 2.2.3
asm-tree-2.2.3.jar CQ 6103 New We currently have approval for 3.0 not 2.2.3 CQ 5571. New CQ created for 2.2.3
aspectjrt-1.6.11.jar CQ Y No CQ required - Eclipse Project
aspectjweaver-1.6.11.jar CQ Y No CQ required - Eclipse Project
avalon-framework-4.1.3.jar CQ 5595 Y
bridge-method-annotation-1.4.jar CQ 5596 P Scheduled for removal from Core. Currently included in ./WEB-INF/lib
commons-beanutils-1.8.0.jar CQ 5599 Y
commons-codec-1.4.jar CQ 5601 Y
commons-collections-3.2.jar CQ 5602 Y
commons-digester-1.7.jar CQ 5603 Y Do we need this as well as 3.0?
commons-digester3-3.0.jar CQ 6141 New
commons-discovery-0.4.jar CQ 5604 Y
commons-fileupload-1.2.1.jar CQ 5605 Y
commons-io-2.0.1.jar CQ 6105 New Currently we have a CQ for 1.4 CQ 5608
commons-jelly-1.1-jenkins-20110627.jar CQ 6155 New What's the difference in relation to the Apache Distro?
commons-jelly-tags-define-1.0.1-hudson-20071021.jar CQ Need CQ for this
commons-jelly-tags-fmt-1.0.jar CQ 5682 Y
commons-jelly-tags-xml-1.1.jar CQ 5683 Y
commons-jexl-1.1-hudson-20090508.jar CQ Note we have 2.0.1 in the approval process do we need this as well?
commons-jexl-2.0.1.jar CQ 5684 P
commons-lang-2.5.jar CQ 6106 New
commons-lang3-3.0.1.jar CQ 6116 New
commons-logging-1.1.1.jar CQ 5607 Y
crypto-util-1.0.jar CQ Needs CQ
dom4j-1.6.1-hudson-3.jar CQ 6108 New May need Hudson Specific CQ as well
embedded_su4j-1.1.jar CQ Needs CQ
ezmorph-1.0.6.jar CQ 5686 P
gossip-bootstrap-1.7.jar CQ 5687 Y
gossip-support-1.7.jar CQ 5688 Y
groovy-all-1.8.1.jar CQ 5689 Awaiting Approval
guava-10.0.1.jar CQ 6109 New
jaxen-1.1.3.jar CQ 5692 Awaiting Approval
jdom-1.0.jar CQ 6112 New
jline-0.9.94.jar CQ 5727 Awaiting Approval
jmdns-3.4.0.jar CQ 5728 P
jna-posix-1.0.3.jar CQ 5730 Awaiting Approval
json-lib-2.4-jdk15.jar CQ 6129 New
jsr305-1.3.9.jar CQ Needs CQ (See )
jstl-1.1.0.jar CQ 5732 Y
jtidy-r938.jar CQ Needs CQ ( )
localizer-1.10.jar CQ 5767 Awaiting Approval
log4j-1.2.13.jar CQ 5620 Y
logkit-2.0.jar CQ 5566 Withdrawn We planned to remove this - Need to check status
mail-1.4.jar CQ 5693 Y
servlet-api-2.4.jar CQ 5694 Y
sezpoz-1.9.jar CQ 5733 P
sisu-guice-3.0.3-no_aop.jar CQ Needs CQ (see 4924)
sisu-inject-bean-2.2.3.jar CQ Needs CQ
slf4j-api-1.6.1.jar CQ 5563 Y
slf4j-jdk14-1.6.1.jar CQ 5565 Y Is this still needed as we're expecting JDK 1.6?
spring-aop-2.5.6.jar CQ 5755 Y
spring-beans-2.5.6.jar CQ 5754 Y
spring-context-2.5.6.jar CQ 6114 New
spring-core-2.5.6.jar CQ 5753 Y
spring-dao-2.0.8.jar CQ 5820 Y
spring-jdbc-2.5.6.jar CQ 5760 Y
spring-ldap-1.2.1.jar CQ Needs CQ, note latest version is 1.3.1
spring-security-acl-2.0.7.RELEASE.jar CQ Needs CQ
spring-security-core-2.0.7.RELEASE.jar CQ Needs CQ
spring-support-2.0.8.jar CQ 5756 Y
spring-tx-2.5.6.jar CQ 6115 New
spring-web-2.5.6.jar CQ 5758 Y
stapler-1.176.jar CQ Needs CQ
stapler-groovy-1.176.jar CQ Needs CQ
stapler-jelly-1.176.jar CQ Needs CQ
stringtemplate-3.0.jar CQ 5622 Part of Antlr
task-reactor-1.2.jar CQ 5769 Awaiting Approval
tiger-types-1.3.jar CQ CQ Needed - is this library still needed? Seems to be related to Java 5 usage
trilead-putty-extension-1.0.jar CQ 5766 Awaiting Approval
trilead-ssh2-build212-hudson-1.jar CQ Needs CQ
xalan-2.6.0.jar CQ 6127 New
xml-apis-1.0.b2.jar CQ Needs CQ
xmlParserAPIs-2.6.2.jar CQ Needs CQ
xmlpull- CQ 5773 Y
xom-1.0.jar CQ Needs CQ
xpp3_min-1.1.4c.jar CQ
xpp3-1.1.4c.jar CQ Needs CQ
xstream-1.4.1-hudson-2.jar CQ 5771 Awaiting Approval

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