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Tigerstripe 3rd party jars

This page contains details about all the 3rd party libraries used and distributed by the plugins released by the Tigerstripe project.

Tigerstripe 3rd party Libraries
Status Short Name Comment CQ
Committed (v2.1) commons-lang-2.2.jar Version 2.1 is approved. TS to rev back. CQ 1972
Committed (v1.5) velocity-1.5.jar Version 1.5 has been approved. CQ 1977
REMOVED commons-jelly-1.0.jar Dependency no longer exist (Bug 215421) CQ 1978
REMOVED commons-jelly-tags-ant1.1.jar Dependency no longer exist (Bug 215421) -
In ORBIT ant-1.6.5.jar Will be approved based on re-use CQ 1973
Dependency no longer exist (Bug 215421) commons-beanutils-1.7.0.jar WDependency no longer exist (Bug 215421) CQ 1974
COMMITTED v1.0 commons-cli-1.1.jar 1.0 was approved. TS to rev back CQ 1975
YES commons-collections-3.1.jar 3.2 is approved. TS to rev up CQ 1976
REMOVED commons-jelly-tags-define-1.0.jar Dependency no longer exist (Bug 215421) -
REMOVED commons-jelly-tags-util-1.1.1.jar Dependency no longer exist (Bug 215421) -
In ORBIT commons-logging-1.0.4.jar Will be approved based on re-use CQ 1971
COMMITTED dom4j-1.6.1.jar Will be approved based on re-use CQ 1970
In ORBIT v1.2.13 log4j-1.2.14.jar 1.2.13 is approved. TS to rev back CQ 1969
COMMITTED qdox-1.6.3.jar Approved CQ 1953
REMOVED jaxen-1.1.1.jar Dependency no longer exist (Bug 215421) -
REMOVED commons-jexl-1.0.jar Dependency no longer exist (Bug 215421) -
REMOVED commons-grant-1.0-beta-4.jar Dependency no longer exist (Bug 215421) -
REMOVED ant-junit-1.6.5.jar Dependency no longer exist (Bug 215421) -

Note: From ORBIT means that a dependency was added in the Tigerstripe plugins to re-use the corresponding .jar file from the ORBIT plugin rather than duplicating the .jar file.

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