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RT/meetings/PMC Minutes 110615

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  • Jeff
  • Tom
  • Jesse
  • Christian
  • Glyn
  • Mike
  • Doug


  • Indigo issues?
  • Virgo release and consumption of Equinox incubator content
  • RT release train participation check list

Indigo issues

  • late breaking Equinox changes need to ripple through

Virgo release and incubator content

  • Pushed some Virgo work (Region support) into the Equinox incubator
  • code is quite mature but is not part of an Equinox review
  • Since it is not "released" from Equinox, what should Virgo do to release? Get an exception as part of the release review?
  • Similar case for the console though the code there is not as mature and is based on a non-final OSGi spec
  • Tom and Glyn to follow up with Wayne

RT release train participation

  • Jeff had a todo for consolidating feedback. Not complete yet.

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