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Pave/Extension Points

Pattern Extension Point

            id= unique ID for the pattern

            name=Short name for the pattern

            category=Name of the category in which the pattern will be situated.     
            description=Description that will be shown in the

            icon=Icon that will be shown for the Pattern in the wizard 
            synchronizer=Synchronizer class used for model synchronization.

            updatesPattern= If this is update of already existing pattern here you must put the ID of the original pattern.

            validationOverrideClass=If validation override is necessary here the class that extend ValidationOverride class are placed.

                   class="DataModelProvidrer for the operation is placed here"/>

        Enablement using org.eclipse.core.expressions should be defined here.


                  The ID of the pattern(s) that are extended by this pattern

            Additional validator classes that extend: PatternValidator class are placed here.

Pattern UI Extension Point

            factoryClass=Factory class that extends: PGWizardPageFactory and return the wizard pages and steps
            targetPatternId="ID of the pattern that we want to attach the UIs">

Pattern Operation Extension




            operationId=ID of the operation (FQN of the operation)

            patternId=ID of the pattern where the operation is situated. If left blank the operation will be executed on all patterns that execute that operation.                  

            postOperationClass="the Abstract Data Model Operation that will be executed after the specified operation"

            preOperationClass="the Abstract Data Model Operation that will be executed after the specified operation">   



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