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< PTP‎ | meetings

May 10, 2012 Scalability Meeting

Date: May 10, 2012 Time: 10:00 AM EST

Call in information:

Toll Free (US): 888-426-6840
Toll Free (Germany): 0800-000-1018
Toll Free (UK): 0808-234-5071
Passcode: 2221402


  • Greg Watson, IBM
  • Dave Wootton, IBM
  • Carsten Karbach, Juelich
  • Claudia Knobloch, Juelich
  • Jay Alameda, NCSA
  • Chris Navarro, NCSA
  • Jeff Overbey, NCSA


  1. Actions from last meeting
  2. Status Reports
    • Juelich
      • Looking at server side filtering
      • Christoph want's to monitor using LL, needs something special for BGP
      • Wolfgang working on BGQ
      • Committed zoom buttons to system monitoring view
      • Bug regarding selection in monitoring views is now closed
    • IBM
      • Broke some stuff in last commit, working of fixing
      • Cleanup for M7
      • Still working on XML changes
      • Created LL configuration, not sure if this will be included yet
      • Working on MPICH2 and create a remote launch configuration (requested by Christoph)
      • Fixed some connection problems
    • NCSA
      • Have mainly been doing testing
      • Need to publish jaxb schema
      • Need a way to get the remote connection from a launch configuration (contact Greg off-line)
  3. Actions Arising
    • Publish jaxb schema
  4. Meeting adjourned; Next meeting May 24 @ 10am ET, to be announced on ptp-scaling list.

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