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Model Base
DTP Model Base Project Wiki
What is the process to propose a change to SQLModel model?
1. DTP model base committer accept proposals
a. The proposal can be accepted as UML model or b. Direct editing using Eclipse Ecore model editor. c. Code or patches on top of existing SQLModel. - Optional
2. Public proposal review - Offer DTP-DEV a best/commonly accepted proposal.
3. Model base committer will change UML model and generate new EMF code for documentation purpose.
4. Making necessary code change in various DTP projects which is impacted by the change.
5. Build and testing.
6. Enhancing WTP to DTP migration guide to help WTP adopter to migrate to DTP.
SQLModel Migration guide from WTP to DTP
1. SQLModel Namespace changes from:
org.eclipse.wst.rdb.models.sql - > org.eclipse.datatools.modelbase.sql
2. New SQL Model elements being considered (7/15/06) – SQL Catalog object
Our goal is to evaluate both proposals by considering migration impact to existing models and SQL spec vs implementation.
strike Proposal 1:![]()
strike (WTP existing adopter has to incorporate following changes in their code): old: database.getSchema() schema.setDatabase(database) new: ((NonCatalogDatabase)database).getSchema() schema.setCatalog((NonCatalogDatabase)database) or ((NonCatalogSchema)schema).setDatabase(database)
Proposal 2: (Proposal accepted/implemented)a. eliminates the need for migration, both at code and persisted resource level, for existing consumers of WTP as well as DTP by maintaining model compatibility. b. introduces a Catalog element to address the need of vendors who support multiple catalogs (Sybase, SQLServer). c. does not compel vendors who do not support multiple catalogs (DB2, Oracle, Informix, Derb, etc) to model the Catalog. d. for WTP consumers, the Database.getSchemas() method will be modified as follows: EList catalogList = database.getCatalogs(); if (!catalogList.isEmpty()) { EList schemaList = new BasicEList(); Iterator catalogIter = catalogList.iterator(); while(catalogIter.hasNext()) { Catalog currentCatalog = (Catalog); schemaList.addAll(currentCatalog.getSchemas()); } return schemaList ; } else { // do what the Database.getSchemas() method does today }
3. OMG is also propose enhancement and changes on SQLModel as part of their plan to adopt SQLModel from DTP.
4. Other changes which is already in WTP, will be in DTP when item #2 is finalized
a. Remove SQL 99 spec content from the UML model, replaced with just a reference.
OMG SQLModel discussion 8/04/06
Following is a list of questions related to SQLModel which was discussed during our meeting today.
1. Table can have 0 column
EMF code generation does not enforce the cardinality. However it makes a difference when it comes to cloning, especially if the relationship is not a composition. We should have no issue for WTP migration to change the cardinality from 1..n to 0..n. since the Table-Column relationship is modeled as a containment.
2. Constraint is modeled as a enumerated value in CWM, unlike 3 attributes defined for Constraint object in DTP SQLModel. Attributes for Constraint
Name | Class | Type | Initial Value | |
deferrable | Constraint | boolean | ||
initiallyDeferred | Constraint | boolean | false | |
enforced | Constraint | boolean | true |
SQL Spec. 10.8 .......
3) If <constraint check time> is not specified, then INITIALLY IMMEDIATE is implicit. 4) Case: a) If INITIALLY DEFERRED is specified, then: i) NOT DEFERRABLE shall not be specified. ii) If DEFERRABLE is not specified, then DEFERRABLE is implicit.
The only invalid combination is NOT DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFFERED. If needed, we can put a note in the model. I guess modeling as enum only helps eliminate checking for valid combinations by the end user application code. Btw in Oracle reference manual, both properties are modeled separately as well.
3. Question regarding why Trigger object in SQLModel need a timestamp attribute? And why a Trigger object can have 1..n SQLStatement? - Hemant's action item.
The trigger action body can be made up of group of statements. The end user application may decide to map the entire group of statements to one SQLModel SQL statement or to map each statement to its own SQLModel SQL statement.
Note: Some WTP adopted commercial product maps the entire group of statements to one SQLModel SQL statement.
4. User Defined Type - No issue after the short discussion.
5. Table - What is the purpose for ReferenceType enum?
'Attributes for ReferenceType'
Name | Class | Type | Initial Value | |
SYSTEM_GENERATED | ReferenceType | |||
USER_GENERATED | ReferenceType | |||
DERIVED_SELF_REF | ReferenceType |
A table based on a UDT is called as a "typed" or "referenceable" table. in such a table, for every attribute definition of the UDT, there is a corresponding column definition. In addition, in a such a table, there is a extra column called as the "self-referencing" column. This is equivalent of OID in OO terminology.
All typed tables have a self-referencing column. The ReferenceType enum describes the options for generating the values of the self-referencing column.
DTP Model Base SQL Model/DBdefinition model/Query model
ModelBase Plan for DTP V1.0
Task | Resource | Person Day |
Alex/Hemant | 3 | |
Enhancement proposal from OMG | Alex/Hemant On going... | 10 |
Alex | 0.5 | |
Regen SQLModel/DBDefinition Model using Eclipse V3.2.x | Hemant Done for SQLModel - working on DBDefinition... | 2 |
Single jarring SQLModel and Database Definition model. | Larry | 2 |
Public API | Larry/Der Ping | 4 |
JUnit Testing | Der Ping/Neil Will start in the week of 10/02/06 | 5 |
DTP Callisto Model Base Features
Discussion page for Callisto Model Base features
Proposal for improvements to the Authorization & Access Control package of SQLModel
The attached zip contains a document describing a proposal for improvements to the Authorization & Access Control package of SQLModel.
DTP Model Base Ganymede
- Enhance SQLModel to support Collection (ARRAY and multiset)Dataypes.
- Enhancing dbdefinition model and database vendor doc. - Migrate the enhancement in WTP V1.5.5
Contribute Teradata vendor doc. - Collaboration with OMG for SQLModel/Model base related change.
- Respond to request for model change proposal.