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Gemini/Meetings/Minutes May 6 2010

Gemini Meeting - Thursday May 6, 2010

Attendees: Mike Keith, Hal Hildebrand, Bob Nettleton, Glyn Normington, Chris Frost

  • Subproject Updates
    • Web
      • No updates, no blockers
    • Naming
      • Still waiting to check code and tests in together
      • Looking for answers to test dependency questions - see below
    • Management
      • No progress on code checkin
      • Mike to help out on getting CQ's done
    • JPA
      • No updates, no blockers
  • CQs for specifications
    • Had the prereqs discussion in RT PMC meeting
    • Test dependency CQs should be categorized as "works with"
    • Need to file CQs for specification document that is being implemented (not just for the API)
    • Continue to file CQs at the subproject level for IP tracking
  • Web sites
    • Chris has fixed up the main web page
    • Other subprojects will use Gemini Web as an example
  • Final Decision on Gemini logo?
    • Decision was to go with the logo portion of version 4 that Chris sent out
    • Will have a separate version with the Gemini name below the logo
    • Once the logo has been cleared Chris will send out to the group to get it approved by PMC
  • Frequency of calls?
    • Will continue to meet weekly.

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