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Ganymede/Build/Archived Update Site

The script below can be used to create an Archived Update Site which mostly contains packed plugins. As of Ganymede M5, such an archive was 287MB. This archive can then be used as an offline Ganymede M5 update site installer, for fresh installs or to update an existing configuration. See also How can I run the update manager from a command line?

# Copyright (c) 2008 Wind River Systems, Inc. and others.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# Contributors:
# Martin Oberhuber (Wind River) - initial API and implementation
# Mirror and pack200 Ganymede to an archived update site.
# Before running, configure PATH, ECLIPSE, mirrorURL below for your Platform.
# Run in a directory with at least 1GB of free disk space.
# This directory MUST NOT be in the system PATH.
# Tested on Linux with Ganymede M5.
cd `dirname $0`
cd "${curdir}"

mkdir ganymede
mkdir ganymede.jars
export PATH=/opt/JDKs/i386/jdk1.5.0_14/bin:$PATH
which java
LAUNCHER=`ls $ECLIPSE/plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_*.jar | sort | tail -1`
java -jar $LAUNCHER \
    -application org.eclipse.update.core.standaloneUpdate \
    -command mirror \
    -from \
    -to "${curdir}/ganymede" \
    -mirrorURL \
    -ignoreMissingPlugins true
echo "---> Total size (JARs only)"
du -k ganymede
#workaround to downgrade pack200 effort to -E4
# See
if [ ! -f ${mydir}/pack200 ]; then
  echo '#!/bin/sh' > ${mydir}/pack200
  echo 'pack200 -E4 $*' >> ${mydir}/pack200
  chmod a+x ${mydir}/pack200
java -Dorg.eclipse.update.jarprocessor.pack200=$mydir \
    -jar $LAUNCHER -application org.eclipse.update.core.siteOptimizer \
    -jarProcessor -outputDir "${curdir}/ganymede" -processAll -pack "${curdir}/ganymede"
java -jar $LAUNCHER -application org.eclipse.update.core.siteOptimizer \
    -digestBuilder -digestOutputDir="${curdir}/ganymede" -siteXML="${curdir}/ganymede/site.xml"
echo "---> Total size (JARs and .pack.gz)"
du -k ganymede
mkdir ganymede.jars/features
mkdir ganymede.jars/plugins
#features need to remain in unpacked form for UM to use
#mv ganymede/features/*.jar ganymede.jars/features
mv ganymede/plugins/*.jar ganymede.jars/plugins
#revert to .jar instead of .jar.pack.gz for selected plugins
for x in org.eclipse.ocl.doc org.eclipse.rap.ui.intro org.eclipse.uml2.doc ; do
  rm ganymede/plugins/${x}*.jar.pack.gz
  mv ganymede.jars/plugins/${x}*.jar ganymede/plugins/
sed -e 's,<site>,<site pack200="true">,g' "${curdir}/ganymede/site.xml" > xx
mv -f xx "${curdir}/ganymede/site.xml"
echo "---> Total size (.pack.gz only except 4 plugins)"
du -k ganymede
cd ganymede
DATE=`date +'%Y%m%d'`
zip -r ../ganymede_${DATE}.zip .
cd ..

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