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Eclipse IDD Berlin2011 - Abstracts

Closing the Agile ALM loop with task-focused collaboration

Benjamin Muskalla, Tasktop Technologies

The rapid adoption of Mylyn as a collaboration technology by developers, and as an ALM integration layer by Agile tool vendors, is making the transformational role of task-focused collaboration clear. In order to get the full benefits of Agile, the planning loop must be connected to development activities across the application lifecycle. This talk will examine how re-aligning collaboration around a unified notion of tasks not only accelerates developer’s adoption of Agile project management tools, but also yields a measurable productivity benefit when deployed across the organization. Attendees will learn how tool-based integration between development activities and Agile planning and collaboration can provide a transformational productivity benefit across the software production process. The showcase will provide attendees with enough background to get their projects started on task-focused collaboration. A review of the productivity and knowledge tracking mechanisms that the task-focused interface enables will provide a background on tracking the success of Agile tool rollouts by using productivity and usage metrics. For tasks, Mylyn already streamlines workflow by providing first-class task integration with the IDE. The recent Mylyn project restructuring will soon enable the same integrated workflows for code reviews, builds and version control systems like Git. For example, a developer can use the Mylyn Task List to track requirements while EGit automatically manages change sets. Committing and pushing to EGit can automatically create a code review in Gerrit and trigger a Hudson build to execute tests. Meanwhile, the Mylyn Reviews project enables a team member to complete a code review and provide feedback to the developer, all without leaving the IDE. In this talk we will show how the tools available in the Mylyn project work together to seamlessly integrate development artifacts in Eclipse all the way from tracking the requirement to the final merge into the production branch.

Requirements Engineering & Management with Eclipse

Ömer Gürsoy, itemis

The OMG (Object Management Group) is currently in the process of adopting the first release of the ReqIF (Requirements Interchange Format) standard. ReqIF provides various new ways to deal with requirements. The talk will show how to manage requirements so formal as possible with ReqIF in Eclipse including the tracing of these requirements throughout the complete development chain.

Using Eclipse as a Plattform for Functional Safety Management

Hans-Jürgen Kugler, KUGLER MAAG CIE

The recently founded Eclipse Automotive Industry Working Group intends to build an Eclipse-based development platform. One of the key considerations is to facilitate support for functional safety lifecycle management. This presentation will outline some ideas of what will be required.

Tool Integration using the AUTOSAR tool platform (Artop)

Mark Brörkens, OpenSynergy; Michael Rudorfer, BMW Car IT

Many different tools need to be integrated within the automotive software development. This presentation gives a brief overview over the AUTOSAR development methodology and describes the AUTOSAR Tool Platform (Artop). As an example we will describe the commercial product COQOS and how Artop helped reducing development effort and increased tool interoperability. Within a demo we will show ARText, a textual language for AUTOSAR that was built on top of Artop.

Model-based Test Automation - Fokus!MBT

Marc-Florian Wendland, Fraunhofer FOKUS

Fokus!MBT is a flexible and extensible tool chain, which facilitates the development of model-based testing scenarios for heterogeneous application domains. It is based on a service-oriented communication infrastructure of loosely coupled services, interoperating with each other in a distributed environment. Fokus!MBT defines a proprietary testing meta model – called TestingMM. The TestingMM represents an integrated data model used for data and information exchange among the services of the Fokus!MBT tool chain. Fokus!MBT is a set of compound tools which support the model-based paradigm for testing purposes. It establishes a tooling landscape for the specification, development and documentation of tailored model-based testing scenarios.

The TOPCASED status: components view and industrial usage

Raphael Faudou, Atos Origin

After now 3 years in production in some industrial projects the TOPCASED platform has proved to be an efficient solution. In this session we give the current status of the main TOPCASED components and explain what are the major benefits for their industrial users. Next we present future directions of each component and of the platform itselfand how to insure their durability and maintenance.

Papyrus: standard modeling, but also domain specific modeling!

Sebastien Gerard, CEA


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