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EMF DiffMerge/Changes

From 0.1.0 to 0.2.0

Main API change: one renaming for the sake of clarity and name consistency.

  • IPhysicalModelScope => IPersistentModelScope

From 0.2.0 to 0.3.0

A refactoring has been made. Main API changes - essentially renaming, for the sake of clarity:

  • IComparisonSpecification => IComparisonMethod
  • IComparisonSpecificationFactory => IComparisonMethodFactory, where createComparisonSpecification(...) => createComparisonMethod(...)
  • IScopeSpecification => IModelScopeDefinition
  • IMatchPolicy: Comparable<?> getMatchId(...) => Object getMatchID(...)
  • IMergePolicy: copyFeature(EStructuralFeature) => copyFeature(EStructuralFeature, IFeaturedModelScope)

Main implementations of the API:

  • GMFComparisonSpecification => GMFComparisonMethod
  • GMFComparisonFactory => GMFComparisonMethodFactory
  • FileScopeSpecification => URIScopeDefinition, with constructors taking different parameters and new methods: createScopeOnEditingDomain(...), createScopeOnResourceSet(...)
  • FileScopeSpecificationFactory => URIScopeDefinitionFactory, where createScopeSpecificationFromUri(...) => createScopeDefinitionFromURI(...)


  • ModelComparisonDiffNode => EMFDiffNode
  • UI extension point: comparisonScope => scopeDefinition, scopeFactory => factory, comparisonSpecification => comparisonMethod, specificationFactory => factory

From 0.3.0 to 0.4.0

Main API changes: a single change for better flexibility.

  • IComparisonMethod :: getResourceSet() => getResourceSet(Role)

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