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Please see the parent of this page, EDT:IDE.


Function Area Function 0.7 1.0 Future
EGLar Support eglars and mofars in the builder

Add EGL source to EGLAR files

In Plan bug 347046
tooling able to access the source code in EGLARs

In Plan bug 347051
Add a read-only "sourceless" editor

In Plan bug 347061
Add a readonly source editor

In Plan bug 347060
Project explorer should show System Libraries (eglars) for a project

In Plan bug 347053
port EGLAR support code from RBD 8012 to EDT
In Plan bug 347065 Completed

Update indexing and search for eglars
In Plan bug 349857

Generator concerning EGLAR

In Plan

EGLAR Deployment

In Plan

EGLAR Debugging

In Plan

EGLAR VE (Showing Widgts packaged in EGLAR)

In Plan

Notes on EGLar

  1. to be added

EGLar consideration when develop IDE functions

  1. to be added

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