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Dali 3.0 M7

Dali QA Testing

Dali 3.0 M7 Manual Testing

Manual Testing for 3.0 M7 Release
Bug No. Description Test Steps Test Step Results
233567 IndexOutOfBoundsException when added namedQuery via model ... ...
277138 [Validation] [EclipseLink] for custom EclipseLink profiler ... ...
310824 [Feature] Generate Tables should offer DDL script only generation ... ...
313174 [Validation] Relax validation error for table defined for non-root entity with single table inheritance ... ...
315849 JAXB Class Generation Wizard: Use EclipseLink checkbox doesn't always show ... ...
316224 JAXB Class Generation: need hotkeys for Catalog browse and Bindings files ... ...
320032 Re-org JPT project to include JAXB component ... ...
327916 General context model support for JAXB 2.2 ... ...
330619 [Validation] Validation for customization classes ... ...
331482 [Validation] Need validation for custom logger ... ...
332265 Extra named query listed in the properties view for the Query attribute ... ...
333664 Icons for all of the JAXB attribute mappings are needed ... ...
333728 Inconsistent entity names in the diagram and the java sources ... ...
334149 Collection Type should be user specifiable ... ...
334679 General documentation needed for JPA Diagram Editor ... ...
335667 FileNotFoundException in JPA Diagramm editor ... ...
335672 Collection attributes should not be initialized ... ...
335731 [feature] XmlElement, XmlAttribute name/namespace validation and code-assist ... ...
335741 Ensure that existing validation is added to Errors/Warnings preferences ... ...
336296 [API] Validation for virtual attributes does not currently work ... ...
336550 Archive old projects after the plug-in rename ... ...
337875 [MOXy] Support (validation and usability) for in model packages ... ...
337930 [feature] Validation and content assist for Named Queries in Java source ... ...
339243 stack overflow in the update if you set an IdClass to an Entity that contains an IdClass ... ...
339298 ElementCollection Map attribute overrides are being incorrectly validated ... ...
339603 NPE validating attribute override name when there is no type to override ... ...
339943 Better to show the attribute types in the UI with the attributes ... ...
340175 JPA facet no longer exposes jpaPlatform to library provider enablement condition ... ...
340272 Encoding of generated Entities is always ISO8859-1 ... ...
340476 Remove "Optional" text from Dali features Select Help>About Eclipse SDK About Dialog appears
... ... Click on Installation Details button and go to Installed Software Tab Verify Dali software does not contain Optional at the end of the name
341061 Some Dali plugins owned by multiple features - features needed for Common code ... ...
341668 3 new icons needed for JPQL content assist ... ...
341688 Add new DBWS dependencies to WTP build ... ...
342987 User Library is not checked to ensure Schema Compiler present ... ...
343686 JPQL content assist extension point added to wrong plug-in Download lastes Dali build, open Plugins\org.eclipse.jpt.jpa.eclipselink.ui... jar file Verify JptJpaEclipseLinkUiPlugin.class file exists

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