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DTP PMC and Project Lead Meeting Minutes: March 2, 2009

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  • Brian Fitzpatrick
  • Linda Chan
  • Larry Dunnell
  • Emily Kapner
  • Hung Hsi
  • Brian Payton
  • John Graham


  • Hemant Kolwalkar (on vacation)


  • DTP 1.6.2 is out the door! Congrats to everybody! According to my count, 72 bugs were closed for the milestone (only 1/2 of the 142 we did for 1.6.2, but we were also going gangbusters on Galileo at the same time)
  • Impending 1.7 M6 deadline (API freeze) coming up... I-Build Tuesday, March, 10 2009 (SH) (see Galileo Rampdown Policy)
    • What are the major bits not in yet?
    • We have 27 bugs assigned to the 1.7 M4, M5, and M6 milestones that either need to be resolved for M6 or redistributed to M7 or future. Here's the query. Please take a look at this list this week and see what you can do to pare it down.
  • Status
  • [Weekly Nag] We are at ~5 bugs with no target milestone set that need to be dispositioned (Great job keeping this # down lately. I really appreciate it!) Here's the query.
  • Open discussion


Action Items

  • Please take a look at the pending (Open) bugzilla entries for DTP 1.6.1/1.6.2 and all its milestones here. Those that were deferred to 1.7 or were delivered to 1.6.2 but were waiting for an open milestone for 1.7 should be reset to a 1.7 milestone. Otherwise, please deal with them as appropriate.
  • Please look at the pending (Open) bugzilla entries for DTP 1.7 M4/M5/M6 that either need to be resolved for M6 or redistributed to M7 or future. Here's the query. Please take a look at this list this week and see what you can do to pare it down.
  • Brian P and/or Linda - Please review bug 252005 for the SQL Editor refactoring work and report any comments/fixes in the bug for Hung's team to address so we can get it delivered for M6.

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