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Setting up your workspace
To get a working workspace ready for ATF development you will need to checkout the ATF source code and download it's dependencies. Following steps describe how to do that.
1. Get an Eclipse 3.5 SDK.
2. Check out all ATF plug-ins using Team Project Set file
- Click on the atf.cvs.psf link and save it as a file.
- In Eclipse, press
File > Import
and chooseTeam > Team Project Set
, press Next. - Select the downloaded ATF.PSF file and press Finish.
- It may take a few minutes to download the source code from Eclipse CVS.
2. Configure Target Platform to include all features required to compile and run ATF source code.
- One of the checked out projects is org.eclipse.atf.releng
- Find in your workspace and open file
and set it as default target platform by pressing a link in editor upper right corner. - Again, this can take even a longer while, because Eclipse now needs to download features from Mozilla, Webtools, EMF and Orbit update sites.
3. Launch ATF using preconfigured launch configuration
- Choose
Run > Run Configurations...
- In Run Configurations window choose
Eclipse Application > ATF
and pressRun
Steps for old ATF up to version 0.2.3
To get a working wokspace:
1. Get an Eclipse 3.3 SDK
- This gives you the basic eclipse environment that does not come with the ATF all-in-one
2. Install the ATF all-in one in that Eclipse environment
- The ATF all-in-one contains the dependencies on Mozilla plugins (XULRunner, JavaXPCOM, etc). Its "all stuff you need to add on to Eclipse to get ATF".
3. If working with the source for Milestone 4 download the Team Set for Milestone 4
- This source will re-build the Ajax-Toolkit plugins that are part of the ATF all-in-one package, but not the Mozilla plugins. It overlays the all-in-one with new code from CVS.
4. To get the intial code for eval debugging download the Team Set for Eval Debugging
The HEAD is going up changes that will changes the required new plugins. When the changes are complete a team_set for the head will be made available.