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VJET/JS code assist and validation for two or more js files

For code assist and validation to work between 2 or more js files you must add a vjetdoc comment at the top of the file. Below illustrates how this works.

1. Create a VJET project with two JS files firstfile.js and secondfile.js



2. Add the contents such as the following:

Contents of firstfile.js

Vjet PastedGraphic-7.png

3. Create files secondfile.js and at the top of secondfile.js  add this line

//< needs(firstfile)

Then type control + space. Now you will see functions and variables from firstfile.js

Vjet PastedGraphic-6.png

That's is it for 2 files.. now if you want to support more than 2 you can add as many needs statements that you want.

Let's update the contents of secondFile.js and add the result variable.

Vjet PastedGraphic-8.png

Now we create thirdfile.js and need firstfile.js and secondFile.js (note: the needs statement is case sensitive)

Vjet PastedGraphic-9.png

Here is the example project that you can import into eclipse and try it out yourself.

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