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About Jenkins

Jenkins is a continuous integration (CI) server. It is in use on Eclipse servers for Eclipse projects as part of the Common Build Infrastructure (CBI). This page is about the hosted service at For more information on the project itself, or to download Jenkins, please see the Jenkins project page.

Since Hudson is not maintained anymore, Jenkins is the replacement for it. They share a common ancestry, but have diverged in the past. Eventually all Hudson Instances Per Project (HIPP) will be completely replaced by Jenkins Instances Per Project (JIPP). The migration will be slow in the beginning, to minimize risks and impact on the running build infrastructure.

General Information

Jenkins instances are maintained by the Eclipse Webmasters/Release Engineer. The Jenkins CI servers are available here:

Asking for Help

  • Need help setting up your instance: contact webmaster @ or your project mentors
  • Need help actually building your code: ask your project mentors, or ask on the Common Build mailing list (cbi-dev). There are no dumb questions.
  • Subscribe to cbi-dev here:

Jenkins hardware

Jenkins instances run on SLES12 SP1 x86_64 host machines, with 64GB RAM (hipp1 & hipp2) or 128GB RAM (hipp3-10).

Jenkins configuration and tools


Since April 2017 the proxy is no longer required to access the internet from JIPP instances. Currently outbound connections are limited to ports 80 and 443 by the firewall so there are still some restrictions.

Default plugins

The following plugins are installed by default. Additional plugins can be installed on request.

  • ace-editor
  • ant
  • antisamy-markup-formatter
  • authentication-tokens
  • bouncycastle-api
  • branch-api
  • build-timeout
  • cloudbees-folder
  • credentials
  • credentials-binding
  • disk-usage
  • display-url-api
  • docker-commons
  • docker-workflow
  • durable-task
  • external-monitor-job
  • extra-columns
  • gerrit-trigger
  • git
  • git-client
  • git-parameter
  • git-server
  • gradle
  • greenballs
  • handlebars
  • icon-shim
  • javadoc
  • jobConfigHistory
  • jquery
  • jquery-detached
  • junit
  • ldap
  • mailer
  • matrix-auth
  • matrix-project
  • maven-plugin
  • momentjs
  • pam-auth
  • pipeline-build-step
  • pipeline-graph-analysis
  • pipeline-input-step
  • pipeline-milestone-step
  • pipeline-model-api
  • pipeline-model-declarative-agent
  • pipeline-model-definition
  • pipeline-model-extensions
  • pipeline-rest-api
  • pipeline-stage-step
  • pipeline-stage-tags-metadata
  • pipeline-stage-view
  • plain-credentials
  • rebuild
  • resource-disposer
  • scm-api
  • script-security
  • sonar
  • ssh-credentials
  • ssh-slaves
  • structs
  • timestamper
  • token-macro
  • windows-slaves
  • workflow-aggregator
  • workflow-api
  • workflow-basic-steps
  • workflow-cps
  • workflow-cps-global-lib
  • workflow-durable-task-step
  • workflow-job
  • workflow-multibranch
  • workflow-scm-step
  • workflow-step-api
  • workflow-support
  • ws-cleanup
  • xvnc

Differences between Hudson and Jenkins

TODO: improve this page

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