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This tutorial was developed with Eclipse 4.4 (Luna) and BPMN2-Plugin version 1.1.1.

Managing custom property tabs

In this tutorial we will go into more detail about how to manage properties of a custom task element and how to implement custom property sections. This tutorial assumes that you have already extended a custom task element as explained in the CustomTask Tutorial.


The model extension tutorial explains how to use the custom property section class with a very simple implementation of the createBindings() method:

public void createBindings(EObject be) {
   Task myTask = (Task)be;
   TaskConfig taskConfig = null;
   // Fetch all TaskConfig extension objects from the Task
   List<TaskConfig> allTaskConfigs = ModelDecorator.getAllExtensionAttributeValues(myTask, TaskConfig.class);
   if (allTaskConfigs.size()==0) {
      taskConfig = ModelFactory.eINSTANCE.createTaskConfig();
      TargetRuntime rt = getTargetRuntime();
      CustomTaskDescriptor ctd = rt.getCustomTask(ImixsTaskFeatureContainer.PROCESSENTITY_TASK_ID);
      EStructuralFeature feature = ctd.getModelDecorator().getEStructuralFeature(be, "taskConfig");
      ModelDecorator.addExtensionAttributeValue(myTask, feature, taskConfig, true);

In this example a new empty taskConfig element is created if it does not yet exists. The new object is added to the Task object. But it is also possible ro add some default values to the taskConfig element. See the following example:

taskConfig = ModelFactory.eINSTANCE.createTaskConfig();
// add some default values...           
Parameter paramAddress=ModelFactory.eINSTANCE.createParameter();

In the same way you can evaluate existing values and change them to your needs.

Bind Attributes

Now as we have defined concrete parameters for our custom task, these objects can be bound to the property section. The AbstractDetailComposite provides a set of methods to bind an EObject to a text input widget:

bindAttribute(parent, paramAddress,"value","Please enter the address here");

The third parameter ‘value’ is the name of the attribute of our Parameter class to be bound.

Create custom controls

If the bind methods provided by the AbstractDetailComposite did not fit your needs, you can create input widgets manually. Also here some convenience methods are provided by BPMN2. See the following example which creates the same result as before:

TargetRuntime rt = getTargetRuntime();
CustomTaskDescriptor ctd = rt.getCustomTask(ImixsTaskFeatureContainer.PROCESSENTITY_TASK_ID);
EStructuralFeature feature= ctd.getModelDecorator()
 .getEStructuralFeature(paramAddress, "value");
ObjectEditor editor = new TextObjectEditor(this,paramAddress,feature);
editor.createControl(parent,"Please enter the Address here");

Custom Layout

You can also customize the layout of your property section. In this case you overwrite the method initialize(). This method is called before createBindings(). So this is the right place to add custom composites and layout your section.

public void initialize() {
 Section mailAttributesSection = createSection(parent,
 "Mail Konfiguration", true);

 mailAttributesSection.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.TOP,
 true, true, 3, 1));
 Composite mailAttributesComposite = toolkit
 mailAttributesComposite.setLayout(new GridLayout(3, false));
 this.createLabel(mailAttributesComposite, "Some text");


Hide the default property list

If you subclass a custom property composite from ‘AbstractDetailComposite’ this will automatically bind the properties to a list element which is shown in top of your property section. To avoid the generation of such an default list element you need to place at least one element into the ‘AttributesParent’ composite provided by the ‘AbstractDetailComposite':

setTitle("Mail Configuration");
bindAttribute(this.getAttributesParent(), paramAddress,"value","Please enter the address here");

The full example

Here is the full example of a custom property section where a param list is initialized with default values and bound to the AttributesParent composite:

package org.imixs.bpmn.model;

import java.util.List;

import org.eclipse.bpmn2.Task;
import org.eclipse.bpmn2.di.BPMNDiagram;
import org.eclipse.bpmn2.modeler.core.merrimac.clad.AbstractBpmn2PropertySection;
import org.eclipse.bpmn2.modeler.core.merrimac.clad.AbstractDetailComposite;
import org.eclipse.bpmn2.modeler.core.model.ModelDecorator;
import org.eclipse.bpmn2.modeler.core.runtime.CustomTaskDescriptor;
import org.eclipse.bpmn2.modeler.core.runtime.TargetRuntime;
import org.eclipse.bpmn2.modeler.core.utils.BusinessObjectUtil;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelection;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;

 * This PorpertySection provides the attributes for Mail config.
 * @author rsoika
public class MailPropertySection extends AbstractBpmn2PropertySection {

 public MailPropertySection() {

 protected AbstractDetailComposite createSectionRoot() {
 // This constructor is used to create the detail composite for use in
 // the Property Viewer.
 return new MyTaskDetailComposite(this);

 public AbstractDetailComposite createSectionRoot(Composite parent, int style) {
 // This constructor is used to create the detail composite for use in
 // the popup Property Dialog.
 return new MyTaskDetailComposite(parent, style);

 * Here we extract the bpmn task element from the current ISelection
 public EObject getBusinessObjectForSelection(ISelection selection) {

 EObject bo = BusinessObjectUtil
 if (bo instanceof BPMNDiagram) {
 if (((BPMNDiagram) bo).getPlane() != null
 && ((BPMNDiagram) bo).getPlane().getBpmnElement() != null)
 return ((BPMNDiagram) bo).getPlane().getBpmnElement();
 return bo;

 public class MyTaskDetailComposite extends AbstractDetailComposite {

 public MyTaskDetailComposite(AbstractBpmn2PropertySection section) {

 public MyTaskDetailComposite(Composite parent, int style) {
 super(parent, style);

 public void initialize() {

 public void setBusinessObject(EObject be) {

 public void createBindings(EObject be) {
 TaskConfig taskConfig = null;

 if (!(be instanceof Task)) {
 .println("WARNING: this proeprty tab in only working with Tasks Please check por plugin.xml!");


 TargetRuntime rt = getTargetRuntime();
 // Get the CustomTaskDescriptor for this Task.
 CustomTaskDescriptor ctd = rt

 Task myTask = (Task) be;

 // Fetch all TaskConfig extension objects from the Task
 List<TaskConfig> allTaskConfigs = ModelDecorator
 .getAllExtensionAttributeValues(myTask, TaskConfig.class);
 if (allTaskConfigs.size() == 0) {
 // There are none, so we need to construct a new TaskConfig
 // which is required by the Property Sheet UI.
 taskConfig = ModelFactory.eINSTANCE.createTaskConfig();

 // initalize values
 initializeProperty(taskConfig, "txtMailSubject", "");
 initializeProperty(taskConfig, "namMailReceiver", "");
 initializeProperty(taskConfig, "keyMailReceiverFields", "");
 initializeProperty(taskConfig, "namMailReceiverCC", "");
 initializeProperty(taskConfig, "keyMailReceiverFieldsCC", "");
 initializeProperty(taskConfig, "rtfMailBody", "");

 // Get the model feature for the "taskConfig" element name.
 // Again, this must match the <property> element in <customTask>
 EStructuralFeature feature = ctd.getModelDecorator()
 .getEStructuralFeature(be, "taskConfig");

 // Add the newly constructed TaskConfig object to the Task's
 // Extension Values list.
 // Note that we will delay the actual insertion of the new
 // object until some feature
 // of the object changes (e.g. the
 ModelDecorator.addExtensionAttributeValue(myTask, feature,
 taskConfig, true);

 } else {
 // Else reuse the existing TaskConfig object.
 taskConfig = allTaskConfigs.get(0);

 setTitle("Mail Configuration");
 bindAttribute(this.getAttributesParent(), getProperty(taskConfig,"namMailReceiver"), "value", "To");
 bindAttribute(this.getAttributesParent(), getProperty(taskConfig,"txtMailSubject"), "value", "Subject");
 bindAttribute(this.getAttributesParent(), getProperty(taskConfig,"rtfMailBody"), "value", "Body");


 * This method verifies if a specific property still exists. If not the
 * method initializes the value
 * @param taskConfig
 * @param propertyName
 protected Parameter initializeProperty(TaskConfig taskConfig,
 String propertyName, String defaultVaue) {

 // test all parameters if we have the propertyName
 EList<Parameter> parameters = taskConfig.getParameters();
 for (Parameter param : parameters) {
 if (param.getName().equals(propertyName)) {
 // param allready exists
 return param;

 // the property was not found so we initialize it...
 Parameter param = ModelFactory.eINSTANCE.createParameter();
 return param;

 * THis method returns the Parameter object for a specific object. If the
 * object did not exist the method creates an empty new parameter
 * @param taskConfig
 * @param propertyName
 * @return
 protected Parameter getProperty(TaskConfig taskConfig, String propertyName) {

 // test all parameters if we have the propertyName
 EList<Parameter> parameters = taskConfig.getParameters();
 for (Parameter param : parameters) {
 if (param.getName().equals(propertyName)) {
 // param allready exists
 return param;

 // we have not found this param - so we add a new one....
 return initializeProperty(taskConfig, propertyName, "");

The property tab will look like this:


And this is like the bpmn task element will look in the bpmn2 file:

 <bpmn2:task id="Task_2" imixs:type="MyTask" imixs:Imixs="Hello World" imixs:benefit="0" name="Task 2">
 <imixs:parameter xsi:type="imixs:Parameter" name="txtMailSubject" value="Hello"/>
 <imixs:parameter xsi:type="imixs:Parameter" name="namMailReceiver" value=""/>
 <imixs:parameter xsi:type="imixs:Parameter" name="keyMailReceiverFields" value=""/>
 <imixs:parameter xsi:type="imixs:Parameter" name="namMailReceiverCC" value=""/>
 <imixs:parameter xsi:type="imixs:Parameter" name="keyMailReceiverFieldsCC" value=""/>
 <imixs:parameter xsi:type="imixs:Parameter" name="rtfMailBody" value="Some message...."/>

Changing a BPMN extension dynamically

As shown in the XML example before the data structure used in this tutorial is not restricted to a fix set of attributes. Each parameter is defined by the attributes ‘name’ and ‘value’.

<imixs:parameter xsi:type="imixs:Parameter" name="...." value=""/>

This means that you can extend the structure later or dynamically during runtime. But the behavior of the Eclipse EMF model and the Grafiti framework is little bit tricky if you try to change the structure after a EObject was read from your bpmn file. Normally you can add an additional attribute like this:

Parameter param = ModelFactory.eINSTANCE.createParameter();

But if you do so during runtime you will get a java.lang.IllegalStateException with the error message: “Cannot modify resource set without a write transaction”

To avoid this restriction you need to embed your code into a EMF transactional editing domain. This allows you to extend existing structures dynamically. See the following example:

public void createBindings(EObject be) {
   TransactionalEditingDomain domain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain(taskConfig);
   if (domain != null) {
     domain.getCommandStack().execute(new RecordingCommand(domain) {
     public void doExecute() {
        // do the changes here
        bindAttribute(newparam, "value", "....") ;

If you run into this situation be careful if you add new ExtensionAttributesValue into a new taskConfig object:

ModelDecorator.addExtensionAttributeValue(task, feature,
 taskConfig, false); // !! need to be false!!

The last param of the method addExtensionAttributesValue() need to be set to ‘false’. Otherwise the ExtensionAttributeValue will be added only when the values are changed the first time. This can be too late if you need to manipulate your extensions dynamically.

Advanced Topics

The AbstractDetailComposite bindAttribute, bindReference and bindList methods try very hard to determine how best to render an EObject' structural feature by examining the type of the attribute or reference. For atomic data types, this is relatively straight-forward: EString renders a text editing widget, EInt an integer editor and so on. The package org.eclipse.bpmn2.modeler.core.merrimac.dialogs contains several specialized editing widgets which may be of interest to the developer.

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