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Related Bug Reports

  • 160389 [api] change how offline task data is cached to disk and refactor attribute factory


  • Persistence
    • Provide a generic API for storing task attributes
  • Configuration extraction
  • Presenation api


Task Data

ITaskDataManager {
  TaskDataState getTaskDataState(String repositoryUrl, String id);
  void saveTaskDataState(TaskDataState taskState);
  void refactorRepositoryUrl(String oldUrl, String newUrl);
  void removeTaskDataState(String repositoryUrl, String id);
  void saveNewTaskDataState(TaskDataState newTaskDataState);  // (rfc) Sets unique new id
  Set<TaskDataState> getNewTaskDataState(String repositoryUrl); // (rfc)

  • TaskDataState created via ITaskDataHandler.buildTaskDataState(RepositoryTaskData newData, RepositoryTaskData oldData, Set<RepositoryTaskAttribute> edits);
  • TaskDataState is an unmodifiable object but not final.
TaskDataState {
   public TaskDataState(RepositoryTaskData newTaskData, RepositoryTaskData oldTaskData, Set<RepositoryTaskAttribute> edits);  // Constructor sets values but does not do computation
   public init();  // Perform constructor specific initialization (i.e. calc changed attributes etc)
   RepositoryTaskData newTaskData;
   RepositoryTaskData oldTaskData;
   Set<RepositoryTaskAttribute> edits;
   hasChanged(RepositoryTaskAttribute attribute);
   Set<RepositoryTaskAttribute> getChanged();
   void discardEdits(String repositoryUrl, String id);

Task Attributes

RepositoryTaskAttribute {
 set/getMetaData (already exists)
 boolean isModified()
 boolean hasIncomingChanges()
 void write(IMemento)
 void read(IMemento)
*Eliminate options and hidden related methods

Mylar Task Model

Make this model explicit and define it in terms of Java classes. Accessor methods should mirror fields available on AbstractRepositoryTask. This could be separate from the offline storage so connectors without a TaskDataHandler could provide attachment support.

RepositoryTaskData {
   *get/set methods for mylar specific access  
   *Eliminate AttributeFactory
RepositoryTaskComment {
 RepositoryTaskAttribute connectorSpecificAtrtibute;
 getAttribute(); // returns connectorSpecificAttribute;
 get/set methods for mylar specific values
 String author
 Date created
RepositoryTaskCommnets should be retrieved from proxy (ITaskDataHandler)
Suggest we have setter methods for values used by abstract editor.
RepositoryAttachment {
 String filename
 String description
RepositoryAttachments should be retrieved from proxy (ITaskDataHandler)
RepositoryTaskOperation {
Retrieved from ITaskDataHandler (provided with RepositoryTaskData)


Connectors provide a factory for UI representation of attributes:

AbstractConnectorUi {
 abstract ITaskUiFactory getTaskUiFactory()
ITaskUiFactory {
 String getLabel(RepositoryTaskAttribute attr)
 Control createEditor(RepositoryTaskAttribute attr, Composite parent)
 void addFieldEditors(Set<RepositoryTaskAttribute>, Composite parent); // reponsible for layout/order
 String getToolTip(RepositoryTaskAttribute attr)

Mylar provides default implementations to create an editor for an attribute:

MylarEditorFactory {
 Control createComboEditor(RepositoryTaskAttribute attr, Composite parent, String[] options);

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