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Eclipse SCADA a Tutorial


Eclipse SCADA is the attempt to create a modular »construction kit« to create a custom SCADA system. It provides protocol adapters, a middleware to process data coming from devices, common modules which provide general SCADA functions, like alarms & events, historical data recording, UI components to create a HMI and a configuration framework. For all of these functions, implementations already exist, since its predecessor openSCADA. Some of them are quite comprehensive, some still rudimentary, but usable. Most of it is already battle tested, running already in production for years now. With the move to Eclipse, we try to strengthen the M2M efforts of the Eclipse foundation and also hope to benefit from the other projects in this area.


What is SCADA? »SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) is defined as the monitoring and control of technichal processes by means of a computer system.« This definition from the German wikipedia is a pretty succinct way to put it. The predecessor of Eclipse SCADA – openSCADA – was created in 2006 within the context of a project to provide business applications access to legacy hardware with a tight integration between the physical workflow on the plant and its equivalent business representation. To achieve easy integration and platform independence it was decided to build the solution on the Java platform. At this time, a comprehensive SCADA solution was not required, although it was apparent from the start, that many functionality commonly found in SCADA systems would be needed. After analyzing the existent products on the market, it became clear that none of those would fit the bill, either being to expensive, not flexible enough or not with the features required.

Thus the decision was made to create the needed functionality from scratch and gradually open source the parts which were not customer specific. Most of the proprietary source code were protocol adapters for specific hardware, where even some of the protocols were adapted for the customer. The general idea of it was to create a common protocol, which the business application will use to talk to the connected devices. Each device type would require a protocol adapter, which translates the specific protocol to the openSCADA protocol. This was the first version of the protocol called NET or GMPP. Within openSCADA these adapters are known as »drivers« or »hives«, which represent basically the server interface of openSCADA. A driver commonly runs in a separate process, in that way the driver can be easily restarted if something goes wrong, without taking the whole system with it. The business application will then use the client interface to connect to the drivers. Some of the drivers which were created are: Exec driver (executes shell calls and parses output) JDBC driver (periodically calls database and retrieves or updates values) Modbus driver SNMP driver OPC driver (based on the independently developed Utgard library) Proxy driver (can switch between multiple driver instances) At the beginning a lot of the additional functionality beyond the simple protocol conversion was added to the hive implementation. This increased the complexity of configuration, and also made it complicated to correctly chain the operations which happen to the value of a tag (in Eclipse SCADA terminology called an »item«). Additionally the consumer had to configure a separate connection to each running driver. This led to the inception of some kind of middleware, we called it the »master server«. The master server now contains all functions beyond the task of protocol conversion. It is based on an Equinox OSGi container and each block of functionality is running in its own bundle. This way we could move all advanced functionality to the master server, removing the cruft from the drivers. It also provides the opportunity to configure it during runtime, which was not possible with the old style drivers, which have a XML based configuration. Newer drivers are also based on the same model, at the moment we have: S7 driver (dave) Modbus With the move to Eclipse we decided to keep the protocol implementation separate from the actual Eclipse SCADA driver wrapper, analogous to the OPC driver, where the protocol is encapsulated in a fine grained OPC specific API and the OPC driver which is of course openSCADA specific. In the future, we assume, there will be more projects which need a high quality implementation of commonly used protocols, and we don't want to force anyone to use the complete Eclipse SCADA project if only a way to talk to some device is needed. Also it may be possible that because of licensing restrictions, it is not always possible to integrate the driver with Eclipse SCADA. Two instances where we have this problem already, is the SNMP driver and the OPC driver. These can not be part of the Eclipse SCADA distribution because the underlying libraries are not EPL compatible. For this reason, openSCADA will be staying alive and provide those additional features. The protocol conversion we have talked about so far only involves the data acquisition (DA) part of a SCADA system. Based on that, Eclipse SCADA provides more features: Alarms & Events (AE): handles process alarms, operator actions, responses generated by the system, informational messages, auditing messages Historical Data (HD): deals with recording values (provided by DA) and archiving these for later retrieval Configuration Administration (CA): handles creation of configurations for the server components, reconfiguration of the running system Visual Interface (VI): provides GUI components, based on Draw2D The separation of the different layers and responsibilities is quite visible in our repository structure, as seen in Figure 1.

Eclipse SCADA GIT repositories overview, The OSTC Originally called the OpenSCADA Test Client, its is now more than that, for instance used to deploy configuration files for Eclipse SCADA servers. The OSTC also has an integrated test server which can be used for first experiments. Since its migration to the Eclipse infrastructure is not complete yet, this tutorial will use the Entwicklungsumgebung aufsetzen Ein Client Ein Treiber Master Server

package org.eclipse.scada.eclipsemagazin;

import java.util.Observable;
import java.util.Observer;

import org.eclipse.scada.core.ConnectionInformation;
import org.eclipse.scada.core.client.AutoReconnectController;
import org.eclipse.scada.core.client.ConnectionFactory;
import org.eclipse.scada.core.client.ConnectionState;
import org.eclipse.scada.core.client.ConnectionStateListener;
import org.eclipse.scada.da.client.Connection;
import org.eclipse.scada.da.client.DataItem;
import org.eclipse.scada.da.client.DataItemValue;
import org.eclipse.scada.da.client.ItemManagerImpl;

public class SampleClient {

	public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
		// the ConnectionFactory works a bit like JDBC,
		// every implementation registers itself when its loaded
		// alternatively it is also possible to use the connection
		// directly, but that would mean the code would have to be aware
		// which protocol is used, which is not desirable
		try {
		} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {

		final String uri = "da:ngp://localhost:2102";

		final ConnectionInformation ci = ConnectionInformation.fromURI(uri);

		final Connection connection = (Connection) ConnectionFactory.create(ci);
		if (connection == null) {
					.println("Unable to find a connection driver for specified URI");

		// just print the current connection state
		connection.addConnectionStateListener(new ConnectionStateListener() {
			public void stateChange(
					org.eclipse.scada.core.client.Connection connection,
					ConnectionState state, Throwable error) {
				System.out.println("Connection state is now: " + state);

		// although it is possible to use the plain connection, the
		// AutoReconnectController automatically connects to the server
		// again if the connection is lost
		final AutoReconnectController controller = new AutoReconnectController(

		// although it is possible to subscribe to an item directly,
		// the recommended way is to use the ItemManager, which handles the
		// subscriptions automatically
		final ItemManagerImpl itemManager = new ItemManagerImpl(connection);

		final DataItem dataItem = new DataItem("memory-cell-0", itemManager);
		dataItem.addObserver(new Observer() {
			public void update(final Observable observable, final Object update) {
				final DataItemValue div = (DataItemValue) update;
Connection state is now: LOOKUP
Connection state is now: CONNECTING
Connection state is now: CONNECTED
Connection state is now: BOUND
DOUBLE#8.568166046545908[C][2013-10-21 12:03:14,390]
DOUBLE#7.645008970862307[C][2013-10-21 12:03:14,491]
DOUBLE#6.7023593269157775[C][2013-10-21 12:03:14,592]
DOUBLE#5.742622883254675[C][2013-10-21 12:03:14,692]
DOUBLE#4.768242160934602[C][2013-10-21 12:03:14,793]
DOUBLE#3.7915245591862776[C][2013-10-21 12:03:14,894]
DOUBLE#2.7954270074926617[C][2013-10-21 12:03:14,994]

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