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ECA/Implementation Requirements

Revision as of 12:38, 26 June 2013 by Unnamed Poltroon (Talk) (Gerrit: push multiple commits)


Committer: A person who is covered by an Eclipse Foundation Committer Agreement and who has write access to the Eclipse Foundation source code repositories.

Contributor: A person who wishes to contribute code or documentation to one or more Eclipse projects. A Contributor must be covered by a CLA.

User: A person who has an Eclipse Foundation user id (e.g. an "Eclipse account").



  • User creates a CLA via web form;
  • User pushes to Gerrit or Git

Any registered user can push to Gerrit; only committers can push to Git. More discussion below.

Data Requirements

The text of the CLA is found here:

The following data elements are collected:

  • Agreement to the four assertions posed on the form;
  • Email address;
  • Legal name;
  • Public name (optional; if different from legal name);
  • Physical (postal) mailing address; and
  • Electronic signature (“I ACCEPT”).

The date/time that the CLA is captured is recorded when it is stored in the database. Every new CLA is valid for three years.

The Foundation database, as the holder of the CLA documents, is the central authority with regard to who has a CLA and who does not.

Every user that has a valid CLA is also a member of an LDAP group ("eclipsecla"); this LDAP group is used for most CLA-status queries.

The actual CLA "document" is stored in JSON format. The JSON payload contains the value provided for each captured value along with a snapshot of the CLA document text.

RESTful Service Requirements

It must be possible to programmatically confirm that a given email address has an active CLA on file. This service will return true if the email address corresponds to an active CLA, or to an active Committer Agreement.

So the call would be simply passing an email address, and the return values could include:

  • true or false (if false, the following values are null)
  • role: (committer or contributor)
  • date: the date of the agreement.

Results will be provided in JSON (default) or XML Format.

Access control to this service is TBC.


CLAs are registered through a web form. When submitted, the web form:

  • Creates a record for the contributor in the Foundation database if necessary;
  • Creates a document record for the contributor that records the CLA data; and
  • Updates LDAP to indicate that the user has a valid CLA on file.

We need to open a bug to track this.


The following requirements illustrate use cases for pushing code into Gerrit for review by an Eclipse project.

  • A project committer can push a commit on behalf of themselves or any other project committer
  • A project committer can push a commit on behalf of a contributor if:
    • The contributor has a valid CLA at the time of the push; and
    • The commit message contains a "Signed-off-by:" statement with credentials matching those of the commit author
  • A contributor can push a commit if:
    • They have a valid CLA at the time of the push;
    • The commit's author credentials match the user identity;
    • The commit message contains a "Signed-off-by:" statement with credentials matching those of the commit author

Note that a single "push" operation may include multiple commits; each commit must comply with these requirements.

Once code has been reviewed and approved by an Eclipse project committer, they may push it into the master git repository for the project.

The Eclipse Gerrit plugin is hosted on GitHub. For more information, please see bug 401239.

Sample output

Here is the output from the Gerrit plugin in response to an attempt to push two commits. The first commit is valid (the author has a CLA, and has signed-off on the commit). The second commit is invalid (not signed-off by the author). The push operation is atomic, so both commits are rejected.

[wayne@baxter Junk]$ git push origin HEAD:refs/for/master
Username for 'http://localhost.localdomain:8080': wbeaton 
Password for 'http://wbeaton@localhost.localdomain:8080': 
Counting objects: 5, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done.
Writing objects: 100% (4/4), 433 bytes, done.
Total 4 (delta 2), reused 0 (delta 0)
remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (2/2)
remote: Processing changes: refs: 1, done    
remote: ----------
remote: Reviewing commit: commit 26469b6af47a8e6e6870d219ab9632ca576b0e4c 1371517714 ----sp
remote: Authored by: marvin <>
remote: The author is not a committer on the project.
remote: The author has a current Contributor License Agreement (CLA) on file.
remote: The author has "signed-off" on the contribution.
remote: This commit passes Eclipse validation.
remote: ----------
remote: Reviewing commit: commit 599b523019fa17625c264d4fb753c9bbb46955e4 1371517730 ----sp
remote: Authored by: marvin <>
remote: The author is not a committer on the project.
remote: The author has a current Contributor License Agreement (CLA) on file.
remote: error: The author has not "signed-off" on the contribution.
remote: Please see
To http://localhost.localdomain:8080/Junk
 ! [remote rejected] HEAD -> refs/for/master (The contributor must "sign-off" on the contribution.)
error: failed to push some refs to 'http://localhost.localdomain:8080/Junk'

Capturing CLAs with Gerrit

We explored using Gerrit to capture CLAs, but decided that Gerrit is insufficient for our requirements. Specifically:

  • Gerrit hard-codes the fields that it accepts and we cannot (easily) add/change those fields;
  • Gerrit provides no means for pre-populating the CLA form with information we already know (like the email address); and
  • Gerrit PGP-encrypts data that it sends to a "contact store" (decrypting isn't hard, but it increases the complexity of creating and maintaining the contact store script).

For more information, please see bug 406099.


The following requirements illustrate use cases for pushing code into Git.

  • A project committer can push a commit on behalf of themselves or any other project committer
  • A project committer can push a commit on behalf of a contributor if:
    • The contributor has a valid CLA at the time of the push; and
    • The commit message contains a "Signed-off-by:" statement with credentials matching those of the commit author
  • A contributor cannot push unless they themselves are a committer


We will implement CLA support using Gerrit. Background discussion in on bug 401239.

  1. Investigate what out-of-the-box Gerrit can provide
    • Store CLA data in Foundation database
  2. Consider implementing plugin with CommitValidationListener to provide finer-grained control

Workflow Examples

These workflows need to be reviewed. Our understanding of the problem has evolved since these were authored.

Completing a CLA

A high-level description of the workflow for CLAs is as follows. This description assumes that the person involved has never been involved with Eclipse before. To assist in the narrative, we will refer to the contributor as “Joe”.

  1. Joe becomes interested in an Eclipse project (let’s use EGit as an example) and gets access to the source code (this may be via a social coding website such as Github, but not necessarily).
  2. Screenshot 1: User Registration
    Joe hacks some code and comes up with a feature enhancement or bug fix that he would like to contribute to to EGit. The first thing Joe has to do is register at as a User. This is done via the existing registration page, with one addition: asking the user if they want to provide a CLA after registration. See Screenshot 1.
  3. Once Joe has created his user id, he will be prompted to also complete the CLA.
    • When the CLA comes up, it will be filled with the data already provided when he created the userid (e.g. his email address, and public name). See Screenshot 2.
      Screenshot 2: Signing a CLA
  4. When completing the CLA, Joe has to tick the boxes beside the three questions in the CLA, as well as providing all of the information at the bottom of the form.
    • Once Joe presses “Accept”, he immediately has an active CLA in place and proceed with contributing his code.

Contributing Code Via Bugzilla

Contributor (Joe) contributes code to a project via Bugzilla attachment.

  1. Joe attaches his code to a bug as a Git commit record, with Joe as the Author of the commit
    • i.e. Joe’s name and email address are in the author fields in the commit record).
  2. The project Committer on the project who wishes to apply the patch to the EGit project uses look-up service (i.e. web page) to verify that Joe has an active CLA (using Joe's email address)
  3. When the Committer attempts to push the commit to the Git repository at Eclipse, a check is initiated to confirm that the commit author (i.e. the contributor) has a valid CLA on file.
    • The push is rejected if an active CLA cannot be identified.

Note that project committers do not require CLAs. Any checks performed to identify a CLA will consider the committer status of the author.

Contributing Code Via Gerritt

  1. For Joe to contribute code via Gerritt, he will have to push his code to Gerritt as a git commit record, with Joe as the Author of the commit (i.e. Joe’s name and email address are in the commit record).
  2. Gerrit will verify that a CLA is on file for every commit in the push
    1. The push operation will be rejected if a CLA cannot be identified for each commit.

Project committers assume that the author of any commit that has made it into Gerrit is either a project committer, or has a valid CLA on file.

Other Use Cases

  • A Contributor changes his email address.
  • A Contributor changes his physical address.
  • A Contributor changes his country of residence.
  • A Contributor changes his employer and has to re-submit his CLA.
  • A Contributor becomes a Committer.
  • A Contributor requests that their CLA be terminated.

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