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Eclipse Day Krakow 2012/Speakers

< Eclipse Day Krakow 2012
Revision as of 02:46, 30 August 2012 by Unnamed Poltroon (Talk) (Krzysztof Daniel)

Szymon Brandys

Szymon Brandys - Eclipse Tech Lead and Committer

Szymon is an advisory software engineer working for IBM Poland in Krakow. He leads a team working on the Platform Workspace components ( Recently along with his team he is involved in the Eclipse Orion project (

Orion's objective is to create a browser-based open tool integration platform which is entirely focused on developing for the web, in the web.

Szymon is also an organizer of Eclipse Demo Camps in Krakow and speaker at conferences like EclipseCon and JDD.


Orion Workshop

Bartosz Czerwiński

Bartosz Czerwiński - Luxsoft

Bartosz started his adventure with Eclipse at AGH University of Science and Technology, where he was involved in a development of Eclipse RCP applications and research on various tools supporting continuous integration and functional testing. His research interests include, in particular, component-oriented software engineering and virtualization. Currently, he is a Senior Software Developer at Luxoft for UBS IB.


Eclipse Command Language

Krzysztof Daniel

Krzysztof Daniel - Red Hat

I have been working with Eclipse for nearly 6 years now. First, as a support engineer @ IBM, where I have discovered how buggy Eclipse is, then as a packager @ Red Hat, where I'm responsible for the Eclipse package.


Tycho - using maven to build OSGi plugins

XText - creating your own code generation tools

Agata Hejmej

Agata Hejmej

Agata is a software engineer in IBM Poland and works in the IBM Netezza Lab in Warsaw. IBM Netezza is a leading supplier of data warehouse appliances and advanced analytics. Agata is a development lead of IBM Netezza Plug-in for Eclipse Framework, an Eclipse-based dedicated IDE for developers working with the Netezza appliances.


Commercial use of Eclipse with IBM Netezza Plug-in

Stephan Herrmann

Stephan Herrmann - GK Software AG

Stephan Herrmann received his Ph.D. at Technische Universität Berlin in 2002. Since then his focus is on developing the concepts of Object Teams, the language OT/J and its tools. He is the lead of the Eclipse Object Teams Project and a committer on the JDT/Core.
He has been teaching object oriented programming since 1997 and gives tutorials on OT/J at international conferences (NODe'05, AOSD'06. ECOOP'09, EclipseCon'11). Stephan was involved in organizing and speaking at numerous international conferences including ECOOP, OOPSLA, JAX, ... and EclipseCon. In 2010 he joined GK Software AG as a Software Architect.


Redefining Modularity with Object Teams

No more excuse for your NPE: JDT 3.8 understands null-annotations

Małgorzata Janczarska

Małgorzata Janczarska - Eclipse Orion committer

Gosia is a software engineer working in IBM Kraków Software Laboratory. She is a commiter in Eclipse Orion project also contributes to Eclipse Platform projects, mainly Team, Compare and CVS. Previously to her work in Eclipse she was a developer in IBM Tivoli.

Gosia is a co-organizer of Eclipse Demo Camps in Kraków and a co-organizer of this Eclipse Day.


Orion Workshop

Werner Keil

Werner Keil - Eclipse UOMo Lead

Werner Keil is Build Manager at Maersk after working as Agile Coach, Principal Consultant and Distinct Architect for a Financial Services company and emergn, an Agile consultancy specialized in Value, Flow and Quality. Helping Global 500 Enterprises across industries like Mobile/Telco, Web 2.0, Finance, Travel/Logistics, Automotive, Healthcare, Environment & Public Services, as well as IT vendors like Oracle or IBM. Among his earlier clients are Sony where he designed and implemented micro-format based tags its online music portals.

He has worked for more than 22 years as a project manager, software architect, analyst and consultant on leading-edge technologies for Banking, Insurance, Telco/Mobile, Media and Public sector. Werner develops enterprise systems using Java, JEE, Oracle, IBM or Microsoft, does Web design and development using Adobe,Ajax/JavaScript, dynamic or functional languages.

Besides working for major companies, he runs his own creative and talent agency Creative Arts & Technologies and in his spare time, runs and supports open-source projects, writes song lyrics, novels, screenplays and technical articles.

Werner is Committer at Eclipse Foundation, Babel Language Champion, UOMo Project Lead and active member of the Java Community Process, including Spec Lead of JSR 357 (Social Media) and membership in JSRs like 321 (Trusted Java), 331 (CP), 333 (JCR), 342 (Java EE 7), 344 (JSF 2.2), 346 (CDI 1.1), 348/355 (, 350 (Java State), 351 (Java Identity) or 354 (Money) and the Executive Committee.


The OHF Legacy

Jacek Laskowski

Jacek Laskowski - Enterprise OSGi/Java EE proponent

Jacek Laskowski has been getting the gist of the Java Enterprise Edition (JEE) specification and its ecosystem for years and will surely be spending some more to come. He's a committer of Apache OpenEJB and Apache Geronimo. He's recently been very interested in functional languages and the decision to study a few ones - Clojure, JavaScript, JRuby and Scala - shapes his current self-learning activities. He's the founder and a co-leader of the Warszawa Java User Group (Warszawa JUG) that hosts the jvarsovia and warsjawa conferences in Poland. He's a IT Specialist for WebSphere at IBM Polska. He blogs at his latest endeavours at


Enterprise OSGi (Blueprint) with Eclipse IDE, Java EE 6 and WebSphere 8.5 Liberty Profile

Stefan Lay

Stefan Lay

Stefan Lay is committer on the Eclipse projects EGit and JGit. He works at SAP as Senior Software Developer and as Scrum Master in the area of technology development with a focus on development infrastructure. Besides that he is interested in agile methods and the introduction of Open Source processes in the company.


The Git Tutorial

News from Git in Java Land

Dariusz Łuksza

Dariusz Łuksza

Dariusz is a Open Source enthusiast and long time Linux user with wide range of interests and knowledge starting from Java and Git through new JVM languages, functional programming to programmer productivity. Is also committer on EGit project and in 2011 was recognized as Top Eclipse Contributor. In his free time he is contributing to OpenSource projects, write blog, run, ride a motorcycle and co-organize DevCrowd conference.


Eclipse of idleness and focus on current task

The Git Tutorial

Mike Milinkovich

Mike Milinkovich

Mike Milinkovich is the Executive Director of the Eclipse Foundation, a position he has held since 2004. In the past, he has held key management positions with Oracle, WebGain, The Object People, and Object Technology International Inc. (which subsequently became a wholly-owned subsidiary of IBM), assuming responsibility for software development, product management, marketing, strategic planning, finance and business development.



Jarosław Pałka

Jarosław Pałka - Chief Architect at Lumesse

Od ponad 10 lata w branży IT, jako administrator baz danych, programista, architekt, manager i "inżynier od spraw katastrof". Brałem udział w małych, średnich i nonsensownie dużych projektach, prowadzonych zgodnie zasadami "waterfall", Agile oraz przy braku jakichkolwiek metodyk, z tym samym zawsze skutkiem. Co doprowadziło mnie do wniosku, że nie ważne co robisz tak długo, jak robisz to dobrze, w najprostszy z możliwych sposobów i używasz właściwych narzędzi które wykonają pracę za Ciebie. W międzyczasie dałem się porwać się ideą TDD, Software Craftmanship, do granic możliwości wyeksploatować tak piękne w swej prostocie pomysły jak REST, JavaScript i NOSQL. Od czasu do czasu można usłyszeć moje niskiej jakości żarty na temat architektury na konferencjach w Polsce. W chwilach wolnych członek SSEEP i autor bloga na


Dekonstrukcja architektury w czasach kryzysu

Kamil Piętak

Kamil Piętak - AGH

I'm a PhD student at Computer Science at AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow. I'm interested in component software engineering, especially in OSGi and Eclipse technologies. From a several years I'm involved in projects built upon Eclipse RCP and (recently) Eclipse 4.


Tworzenie aplikacji typu Rich Clients za pomocą Eclipse 4 RCP

Paweł Pogorzelski

Pawel Pogorzelski - Senior Software Engineer at Sabre Holdings

Pawel is a Senior Software Engineer at Sabre Holdings Lab in Krakow. He's been engaged in the Eclipse community for 5 years, first developing the platform itself at IBM, then building on top of it at Ericsson and currently at Sabre. He gave multiple presentations at Eclipse DemoCamps in Krakow and Ireland.



Szymon Ptaszkiewicz

Szymon Ptaszkiewicz

Szymon has been working as support engineer at IBM for over two years. Previously, he worked as a developer at PUT developing internal applications including Eclipse-based IDE for web-oriented framework. Currently, he leads a team of support engineers providing Eclipse support service for IBM Rational products. He is a committer in Eclipse Platform/Resources component and contributes to other Eclipse projects, mainly Platform and JDT.


The MAT Tutorial

Radosław Urbaś

Radosław Urbaś - Lead Software Architect at Sabre Holdings

Radek is a lead software architect at Sabre Holdings in Kraków. For last few years he is working on Eclipse Rich Client Platform based applications for travel industry.


Portal to Rich Client Platform - migration of mission critical application

Tomasz Żarna

Tomasz Żarna

Tomasz is a software developer working for IBM Poland in Krakow. He has been a member of team working on the Platform Workspace components for over 5 years. Since 2011 along with his team he has been involved in the Eclipse Orion project. Recently he joined JDT Core team.

After hours he fixes bugs in EGit (as a committer) and JGit (as an active contributor).

Tomasz is also an organizer and a regular speaker at Eclipse Demo Camps in Krakow and Poznan.


The Git Tutorial

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