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Service Interface and Data Types Editors

Revision as of 01:41, 13 October 2011 by Unnamed Poltroon (Talk)

The Service Interface and Data Types editors are Eclipse form-based WSDL and XSD editors. They provide easy-to-use, unified user interface and facilitate developers with quick and efficient application development in all WS and XSD related areas. In order not to restrict WSDL and XSD experts to the visual-editing, rich text editing capabilities based on the WTP Structured Text Editor are also provided.

The project is in incubation phase at WTP Incubator. For more details about both editors see the project's proposal page Service Interface and Data Types Editors Proposal.

The Project's Status

The current version of the project is 0.9 in WTP Incubator. The project is tested with Eclipse Galileo and Helios releases.

How To Install

You can install the results of the last successful build of the Service Interface and Data Types editors the following ways:

Donwload zipped update site

  1. Download the following zip file: project build at hudson
  2. From Eclipse IDE select "Install New Software", and point to the downloaded zip file.

Install from the online snapshot repository

  1. In your IDE open "Help">>"Install New Software..."
  2. Enter in the "Work with" repository drop-down box. Press Enter.
  3. Select the "Service Interface and Data Types Editors Feature" from the tree below
  4. Press "Next" and follow the dialog instructions.

How To Start Service Interface and Data Types Editors

  1. Press right mouse button on a WSDL file, and choose "Open With -> Service Interface Editor"
  2. Press right mouse button on a XSD file, and choose "Open With -> Data Types Editor"

How To Make Service Interface and Data Types Editors Your Default WSDL, and XSD Editors

  1. Open Preferences dialof from Eclipse menu "Window -> Preferences"
  2. Search for "File Associations", and select it
  3. Find (or create) file extensions *.wsdl, *.xsd, and associate Service Interface and Data Types Editors to them
  4. Press "Default" button to make the associated editor a default one

Where To Find The Source Files

Source files of the project are located in Eclipse GIT repository: web view of git repository

To get sources via https, read the following git info: setting up https for pushing

How to get the sources (step by step)

1. Install Git Bash for Windows (for other OS get a git client from Git download site )
2. Create your .gitconfig file with contents got from setting up https for pushing to your user's folder (e.g. c:\Users\ditenev)
    a) for commiter: change user in .gitconfig file with your committer id: e.g.: esimeonov.
    b) for any user: change URL in .gitconfig, so you do use HTTP instead HTTPS, and do not use any user ID in URL
4. Create an empty directory e.g. c:\mygitrepo
5.1 For Windows:
    a) Right click on “mygitrepo”, and execute “Git Init Here”
    b) Right click on “mygitrepo”, and execute “Git Bash”
    c) In bash do type: git pull
    d) Close bash
5.2 For other OS:
    a) Open that directory in a terminal
    b) Execute 'git init'
    c) Execute 'git pull'
    d) Close the terminal
6. Import projects into eclipse

How to edit the sources

1. You can find project's plugins in the folder "/plugins", and import them in Eclipse workspace
2. You may find project's source code formatter in the folder "/development/sie_java_formatter.xml"

Creating Patches with eGit

Creating patches with eGit (eclipse plug-in for Git) is pretty straight-forward:


  • We have successfully installed eGit
  • We have configured the eGit repositories and imported eGit project
  • We have made some changes on one of the files


  1. Submit the updated file
  2. Go to the "Git Repository Exploring" perspective and open the "History" view
  3. Make sure that the "link with Editor and Selection" button of the "History" view is selected
  4. Navigate to the Git repository you just submitted and select the local branch you've added your changes to
  5. In the "History" view, you will see all the changes made in the repository/branch so far, including your changes
  6. Select the line with your changes
  7. From the context menu, choose "Create Patch..."
  8. Follow the wizard and make sure you select the "export in git patch format" checkbox
  9. You are ready with your patch file

Build Infrastructure

You may find the project's build job hosted at Eclipse Hudson server.

How To File a Bug

To file a bug follow these steps:

  1. Login to Bugzilla
  2. Select project "WebTools"
  3. Select project "WTP Incubator"
  4. Select component ""
  5. Describe the bug.

Service Interface and Data Types Editors on the Web


Short Introductory Screencast on Youtube

Web pages

Service Interface and Data Types Editors Proposal


Nice Refactoring of XSD (XML Schema Definition) in Eclipse - Data Types Editor

References from other Web pages

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