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Jetty/Feature/Jetty Logging

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You can use Jetty with external logging frameworks, or you can use default Jetty logging.

With any logging framework, all events have a name and a level. The name is a Fully Qualified Class Name (FQCN). The logging framework you choose determines the level. While the meaning of the levels is pretty much the same across logging frameworks, the descriptive identifiers for those levels are different.

Jetty Logging with External Frameworks

You can use a logging framework other than the default Jetty Log. You use SLF4J as a façade for a logging framework such as logback, java.util.logging, or log4j, and all logging events stream to that framework. The way you configure the framework determines what you see. If, for example, you want to ignore all events below WARN level, or turn on FINE/DEBUG level on, now you can.

The jetty-util module now houses org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.LOG, which is a Log façade for a logging implementation. By default, Jetty first looks for org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder in the server classpath to configure an external logging framework. If it is not present, Jetty uses the internal logging mechanism, org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.StdErrLog.

For more information, see For an example of a custom Logger, see

Default Jetty Logging–org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.StdErrLog

The default Jetty log has one name for all logs, using a system property that turns on DEBUG and reports on predefined events that write to STDERR. You configure logging at startup.

Jetty logging includes some system properties that you can use to control filtering. For example, org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.stderr.DEBUG sets the level filter to DEBUG and higher, with the possible levels being IGNORE, DEBUG, INFO, and WARN. By default, Jetty filters from INFO and above, showing only INFO and WARN logs.

  • With StdErrLog you always see INFO and WARN logs. You can add DEBUG and/or IGNORE logs.
  • With the exception of org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.class these system properties take boolean values (true or false).

You set these system properties when you start Jetty.

The following system properties define Jetty Logging:

System Property Project
org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.class>/tt> Sets the implementation class for Jetty Logging. Allows you to use an external logging framework with Jetty.
<tt>org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.IGNORED Shows the IGNORED logging events (ones not deemed pertinent.
org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.DEBUG (deprecated) Shows DEBUG events and up.
org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.stderr.DEBUG Shows DEBUG events and up (for StdErrLog)
org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.SOURCE (deprecated) Shows the output of the log.
org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.stderr.SOURCE Includes the source filename and line number in the StdErrLog output
org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.stderr.LONG Uses the long form FQCN in the StdErrLog output (defaults to false).

Using etc/jetty-logging.xml

You can use etc/jetty-logging.xml to take all System.out and System.err output (from any source) and route it to a rolling log file. To do so, include etc/jetty-logging.xml on Jetty startup.

java -jar start.jar 
===Using Access Logging===
Access logging, also called request logging, refers to a well-established NCSA log file format for all requests that the server processes. This log file format is standardized so that other tooling can use the information for other reasons. 
To enable access logging with Jetty, include the <tt>etc/jetty-requestlog.xml</tt> on Jetty startup.

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