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Google Summer of Code 2010 Ideas

Revision as of 08:01, 18 March 2010 by Unnamed Poltroon (Talk)


  • Be creative
  • Be specific: what do you want to be implemented
  • If you are willing to mentors those ideas, add your name and email to the idea.
  • It is ok to have a project idea without parent project
  • If you're an interested student, add your name and email next to the idea. It is ok to have several students interested by one idea.
  • Aspiring students and mentors need to register and submit their proposals or request on the Soc app


Title Project Abstract - links to details/bugs/etc Reporter Possible mentor(s) Comments Potential students

Provider for Google Buzz


Google Buzz is the latest social network / microblogging mechanism introduced by Google. Integrating Google buzz to eclipse communication framework will extend ECF quite vastly, since buzz itself can be linked to many information sources such as twitter, feeds, Google status messages, youtube, picasa etc. Therefore creating a provider for Google buzz will help eclipse users connect to vast number of sources through a single provider. In addition to that, it would enhance the accessibility of Google Buzz, since users will not have to constantly go to their gmail page and check for updates.

N.J. Samarasekera from University of Moratuwa – Moratuwa, Sri Lanka

Scott Lewis, Alex Blewitt There is an ECF enhancement request to create/add a Google Buzz provider N.J. Samarasekera from University of Moratuwa – Moratuwa, Sri Lanka

OSGi Dependency Analysis and Source Highlighting


When developing OSGi applications, understanding your dependencies is crucial. The goal of this project would be to create tooling to aid OSGi developers in understanding what type of dependencies are being added. One extension to PDE would allow people to see what each line of code would bring in terms of dependencies. This could be accomplished by annotating editors with dependency information based on imports and each line of code. These dependencies could also be colored based on strength of dependency. Through the beauty of transitive dependencies, developers aren't always aware what depending on something can also bring in.

Chris Aniszczyk

Chris Aniszczyk

Mateusz Pastewski from Gdańsk University of Technology (Poland)/Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (Spain)

Gerrit Mylyn Connector


Gerrit is a terrific code review tool for Git. At Eclipse, the EGit/JGit projects make exclusive use of Gerrit when it comes to reviewing patches. It would be great if there was Mylyn integration for Gerrit so we don't have to leave the comfort of Eclipse to do the actual reviews. This project would entail creating a Mylyn Connector as part of the Mylyn Review project and potentially creating some APIs on Gerrit's end to make the connector creation possible.

Chris Aniszczyk

Chris Aniszczyk, Steffen Pingel

Bug report for the project. Paulo Romulo from Federal University of Campina Grande, Brazil.

Adeel Khan from Lahore University of Management Sciences , Pakistan.

Egit Integration for Mylyn


The Eclipse EGit/JGit projects provide a team provider for accessing Git repositories. What's currently missing is full support for the Synchronize view and a Mylyn integration to leverage automatic change set management. This project would entail creating a Mylyn EGit connector as part of the Mylyn SCM project and extending EGit to support the change set mode of the Synchronize view.

Steffen Pingel

Steffen Pingel

Bug report for the project. Harshana Martin from University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka.
ProtocolBuffer EMF Serialization EMF ProtocolBuffer is binary serialization API which is smaller and faster than XML.

It would be interesting to be able to serialize EMF models with it.See

Mariot Chauvin To be defined Bartosz Lipinski



GEF is a great platform to build graphical modelers, but is it ready for next gen graphical modelers ? Many limits adopters are meeting are linked to Draw2D/SWT in some way and graphical capabilities and performances are really different depending on the host platform. This project is about porting GEF to the QT platform to leverage the high level, hardware accelerated and multi-platform graphical API with minimum impact on the client code, just like GEF3D. Among other benefits users of this port could expect better performances, better textual capabilities, great SVG support and special effects.

Cedric Brun

Cedric Brun Mariot Chauvin



This idea is about integrating GMF runtime with the Mylyn context-sensitive UI, the result could be graphical diagrams with figures having different opacity depending on their relevancy with the current task.

Cedric Brun

Cedric Brun Mariot Chauvin

EMF Shell


EMF Shell, this idea is about providing a set of basic commands working on models conforming to the UNIX philosophy : small, focused textually composable commands to process model elements just like UNIX commands are processing files. Each command could provide streams of EObject as input, output or error channels. A few examples : wc to count model elements, sed to substitute values in the model, grep to filter model elements...

Cedric Brun

Cedric Brun

Hailong Wang from Chinese Academy of Sciences - Beijing, China

Modeling Example


This idea is about providing an example of application of the modeling project tooling through a whole chain, from Ecore domain model, to code generator and going through model to model transformations and textual DSL. Basically taking the "Modeling Project as a DSL Toolkit" book examples, updating those and integrating them in the Modeling discovery UI available in the package.

Cedric Brun

Cedric Brun

Index Based Model Compare Match Engine


First phase for model comparison is model elements matching. This process might be costly both in computation and memory, this project would be implementing a new match engine for EMF Compare leveraging indexes for keep similarity information and maintain them depending on model events. This would be the first step for a perfect integration of compare in live editors and could lead to better scalability with huge models.

Cedric Brun

Cedric Brun

Model Compare Reusable UI


Many projects or adopters expressed their wish to reuse the emf compare UI (two versions of a model, weaved with colored link and a top level navigation model showing the diffs). This project is about providing a JFace-like API for the EMF Compare UI to be reusable in other contexts. The goal of this project would be to reuse the UI in an RCP application not having workspace or team support.

Cedric Brun

Cedric Brun

ChangeModel / DiffModel interoperability


EMF Compare represents differences between models with a DiffModel, EMF contains a ChangeModel to collect notifications, this idea would be to provide changemodel to diffmodel transformation back and forth. With this feature one could reuse EMF Compare to show the changes which are going to happen during a command application and allow the user to pick the change he wants.

Cedric Brun

Cedric Brun

Executable Java-based DSLs

DSL tools like Xtext and EMFText provide means for defining the grammar for a DSL and generating its implementation (EMF-based model, storage and text editor). In addition, Xtext provides languages for transforming and generating text. However, the execution is left to the developer. Since, it is often relevant to generate plain Java code, and it would be great to have tools for integrating the source language, i.e. DSL, with JDT tools for navigating code and building, running, debugging (with source line mapping) the application. So the project should 1) identify possibilities for integration and 2) implement selected features, with a focus on execution and debugging.

Hallvard Trætteberg

Hallvard Trætteberg

EEF / Improve Eclipse Modeling component integration


EEF provides runtime and generation to create advanced properties view editing EMF models. This project is about providing a better integration between EEF generated code and other modeling components (validation, transaction, ...). The main goal is to make EEF using EMF Databinding for the EEF controllers. Integration with others components like EMF transaction of OCL could be done in a second time

Goulwen Le Fur

Goulwen Le Fur

Renato Manzoni from Unicamp

EEF / Incremental initializer


EEF has currently a basic intializer creating standard EEF models for a given ecore file. This project aims at creating one or more incremental initializers. This could be done by using technology like EMF Customizer. Others aspects of the initializers could be tackle like interactivity, usability, ...

Goulwen Le Fur

Goulwen Le Fur

EEF / Nebula integration


EEF aims at providing several advanced SWT widget improving EMF models editing. Several Nebula widgets can be used for this purpose. The goal of this project is to add a new toolkit "Nebula" to EEF and to improve the EEF views API in order to ease the integration of new widgets and the reuse of view inside other views.

Goulwen Le Fur

Goulwen Le Fur

EEF / MoDisco Facet integration


MoDisco provides an extension mechanism (Facet) to allow the extention of an existing metamodel (Ecore model) in a non-intrusive way by adding new types, attributes and relations. This project aims at integrating this mechanism with EEF to generate additional editing components corresponding to the features defined in a Facet.

Frederic Madiot

Frederic Madiot

Bootchart for Eclipse  ?? This project would create an Eclipse plugin that would generate an informative graph/chart, showing IO and CPU usage of Eclipse plugins during application startup. Memory usage will also be interesting. It will be very easy to enable and disable. For inspiration, see the upstream bootchart homepage. Andrew Overholt TBD Blog entry introducing the idea

Zhong Nanhai from Chinese Academy of Sciences - Beijing, China

Power-user p2 views Equinox p2 User Interface The current Eclipse p2 Update UI is targeted to both Eclipse SDK users and end-users of Eclipse-based products. Since the UI must support users with less knowledge than the typical Eclipse SDK user, the end result is a wizard-style (modal), task-based approach. Many power users, in particular Linux users, prefer a modeless, "dashboard" style of interaction. The current p2 "Admin UI" is targeted toward p2 developers who need to see every detail of the underlying p2 model objects. There is a need for something in between these two extremes. Users have mentioned Linux package management front ends such as Synaptic Package Manager as appropriate UIs for this audience. If appropriate, this UI could replace the p2 admin UI, but it's not clear if that should be the goal. Susan McCourt Susan McCourt Isuru Udana Loku Narangoda from University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka

PDE API Tools: Package-level versioning checking


Since Eclipse 3.4, PDE API Tools have helped developers keep track of versions and binary compatibility issues when developing bundles. At the moment, API Tools only handles version compatibility checking at the bundle level. For example, let's pretend you had two packages at 1.0.0, one called common and the other util. If you added API in the util package but didn't touch the common package, then you should bump the version for the util package and leave the common package alone. So you would end up with an Export-Package of common at 1.0.0 and util at 1.1.0 versions. The goal of this project would be add this level of version checking in API Tools. The infrastructure is mostly there, the challenge will be making it performant once everything is working. There may be also a desire to add a versioning policy as the case I mentioned before may be different depending the developer. Some developers like to bump package versions in unison so in the previous case, we would have both util and common at 1.1.0 after some changes.

Chris Aniszczyk

Chris Aniszczyk

Huajie Chen from Nanjing University, China.

Add new functionality to Taylor MDA

Taylor MDA

I want to add some new possibilities to Taylor MDA. For example new type of association - "same". It's mean that different object in really the same object but in different roles. And will be great work with this objects like with one object(the same object). I want to participate in gsoc with this idea and looking for mentor.

Andrey Konenko from Chernigov State Technological University, Ukraine

Andrey Konenko from Chernigov State Technological University, Ukraine

Improve Mac and iPhone development support for CDT


There has been some effort lately to properly support Mac development with the CDT. Debugger improvements have been integrated into CDT 7.0. There is also the ObjectivEClipse project from Alex Blewitt that adds support for Objective C to the CDT, but it is currently only for CDT 5.0. The objective of this project would be to bring these all together in preparation for CDT 8.0, and ensure proper integration with the command-line and GUI building tools from XCode.

Doug Schaefer

Doug Schaefer

Adding OpenGL capatibilities to UFaceKit


UFaceKit is a facade to several GUI libraries (SWT, Swing, ..). The goal is to add OpenGL support to UFaceKit. Since OpenGL itself is not a GUI library this can be either achieved by integrating ( and if needed extending ) an existing opengl widget library (like for example twl) or by adding a generic implementation of the UFaceKit widget facade, which then can be rendered using OpenGL.

Christoph Caks

Tom Schindl

Christoph Caks, University of Innsbruck, Austria

Implement a BPMN view for JWT's Workflow Editor


The Workflow Editor of the Java Workflow Tooling project supports switching between different visual representations of business processes allowing users to choose their preferred modeling technique. Since BPMN is an important standard in this area, it would be beneficial if users could design their processes directly using BPMN elements. Therefore the Workflow Editor should be extended with the ability to display swimlanes and other BPMN specific elements (e.g. events).

Christian Saad

Christian Saad

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