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Program Details EADD

Revision as of 19:12, 11 June 2009 by Unnamed Poltroon (Talk) ("Gekonnt tranchieren, ansprechend garnieren und maßvoll würzen ...")


The Eclipse Runtime: Business Ready Open Source

Jochen Krause
Jochen Krause co-leads the Eclipse Rich Ajax Platform (RAP) and Eclipse Runtime projects, and is a member of the Eclipse Foundation Board of Directors and Architecture Council. Jochen has had a leadership role in the Eclipse community since its inception in 2002, and today is focused on driving Eclipse to be an application platform for web and desktop. Jochen is a founder of EclipseSource and has been bringing Eclipse technology to enterprise customers, while guiding strategic technical contributions to Eclipse. EclipseSource staff are involved in many Eclipse projects such as Equinox, PDE, RAP, ECF, p2, Riena, Eclipse Packaging and g-Eclipse.
Harald Mueller
Harald is head of the Java Server & Infrastructure development team at SAP. He is responsible for the Java EE Application Server and the Development Tools based on Eclipse.

SAP is one of the founding members of the Eclipse Foundation and started as a so-called "Strategic Consumer". Since June 2009 SAP raised the membership level to "Strategic Developer", meaning that SAP will have at least 8 developers assigned full time to the Eclipse project.


Experiences with Model Driven Software Development - Creating the Palladio Toolchain

The Palladio Component Model (PCM) is a meta-model and an eclipse based toolset for modelling component-based software architectures. Based on PCM models software architects can predict different quality properties including performance, reliability and maintainability. The PCM uses various modelling technologies provided in the eclipse modelling project including EMF, GMF, OCL, UML2, openArchitectureWare, QVT. In the talk, Steffen introduces the PCM's model-driven toolchain and presents the experiences collected with applying the named eclipse modelling technologies in its realisation.

Dr. Steffen Becker
Steffen Becker is Department Manager at the Forschungszentrum Informatik (FZI) in Karlsruhe in the division for Software Engineering since January 2008. Before, he graduated from the University of Oldenburg with a PhD in computer science. From July 2003 he was a member of the young investigators excellence program Palladio of the National German Research Foundation. He got his diploma in business administration and computer science combined in 2003 from the Technical University of Darmstadt.

He participates regularly in conferences where he gives presentations, holds tutorials, and participates in panel discussions. His interests include model-driven software development, software architectures, and model-driven quality predictions.

Automated functional testing with keywords

Functional testing is an important part of the development process, yet many teams find it difficult to efficiently automate acceptance tests. The problem is usually the maintenance of an ever-growing set of tests against an ever-changing application.

Keyword-driven testing can vastly reduce the effort spent creating and maintaining functional tests. This approach is based on the same standards as software development: it places importance on test design, abstraction of details and modularization for reusability. The concept is simple – functional tests consist of frequently repeated actions (e.g. click OK, open dialog, save project). By identifying reusable modules for the test and designing keywords for these, tests grow quickly through wide reuse of referenced keywords. Referencing keywords improves the maintainability of tests – central changes update the whole test.

Keywords offer various advantages for the test process. Depending on the framework, testers can create and/or combine keywords to make tests without programming. Test creation can run parallel to application development, which allows prompt feedback through early-running tests. Finally, changes are easy to make – either to keywords or to the test flow. Tests are written in natural language and so can be read by end users to check that requirements have been fulfilled.

This talk looks at the concepts and advantages of keyword driven testing and presents examples of keywords for Eclipse applications. Some of the points for a successful keyword-driven framework are addressed.

Hans-Joachim Brede
Hans-Joachim (Achim) Brede is the founder of BREDEX GmbH and is one of its managing directors. He has implemented and managed multiple, highly complex customer projects and is responsible for the concepts in the development of the automated test tool GUIdancer. Achim holds a Master in Computer Science and has worked with the University of Braunschweig and Digital Equipment as a technical consultant.

Eclipse Riena Project - General Overview and a new UI concept for RCP applications

The talk will give you an short overview over the Riena framework that is being delivered as part of the Galileo release train. The focus of the talk is on the new UI concept for RCP applications that is introduced by Riena.

The new UI concept does not only help developers to build UIs following the MVC pattern, but it also introduces a new navigation concept for RCP clients. This navigation concept is intended specifically for endusers. Its easy and intuitive to understand and yet very powerful. This talk will show you details about this concept and showcase some sample applications. We also show UI features for styling, filtering content in the UI and other UI features specifically aimed at making it easier to build large RCP applications.

Christian Campo

Christian Campo is an IT-consultant at compeople AG. With many years experience in the field of Java-EE, he is responsible for the development of innovative online applications and service-oriented architectures. Christian is the project lead for the Eclipse Riena project, an Eclipse Foundation project to provide a platform for building multi-tier enterprise client/server applications.

iPhonical – DSL and MDSD for mobile devices

Gekonnt tranchieren, ansprechend garnieren und maßvoll würzen ...

Neben der Auswahl der richtigen Zutaten (man nehme: RCP, GEF, EMF,...) kommt es beim Aufbau einer guten Eclipse-basierten Applikation noch auf andere Dinge an: Wie teile ich Funktionalität richtig auf mehrere Plug-Ins auf? Wie bringe ich GUI-Konzepte (Views, Editoren, Wizards...) am besten zur Geltung? Und welche Heuristiken, Metriken und Best Practices gibt es, die mir beim Einschätzen und Verbessern der Qualität meiner Software helfen können?

Dieser Talk richtet sich an Entwickler und Architekten Eclipse-basierter Anwendungen. Unser Vortrag soll den Appetit für die angemessene Verwendung von Eclipse-Konzepten bei der täglichen Arbeit anregen, den Geschmacksinn verfeinern und Geschick bei der Zubereitung vermitteln. Wir bringen Rezepte aus der eigenen Küche mit und sind sehr an einem Austausch mit anderen Eclipse-Gourmets interessiert.

Leif Frenzel
andrena objects
Leif Frenzel is senior developer and agile coach at andrena objects ag. He has extensive experience in the design and implementation of Eclipse-based software (both IDE tooling and RCP applications). Leif has worked as developer, architect and project lead at Innoopract (now EclipseSource) from 2001 to 2007, and as project management coach at Nero from 2007-2009. He has also initiated and maintained Open Source projects building Eclipse support for functional programming languages and distributed revision control.
Stefan Schürle
andrena objects
Stefan Schürle ist Softwareentwickler bei der andrena objects ag. Nach vielen Jahren Programmierung mit Java liegt sein aktueller Aufgabenschwerpunkt bei der Erstellung von RCP Applikationen.

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