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PTP/release notes/2.1

< PTP‎ | release notes
Revision as of 17:10, 31 October 2008 by Unnamed Poltroon (Talk) (What's new in PTP 2.1)

What's new in PTP 2.1

  • Resource Managers
    • New more flexible resource manager for Open MPI. This resource manager does not require a proxy agent to be running on the target system, and can be use as a template to target other MPI implementations. It also works with Open MPI 1.2 and 1.3.
    • Improvements to the Parallel Environment resource manager, as well as support for the new debugger.
  • Parallel Debugger
    • Removed the dependency on MPI. This allows the debugger to work with virtually any MPI implementation.
    • Flexible architecture allows different routing and communication layers
    • Full asynchronous command support
  • Parallel Language Development Tools (PLDT)
    • Unified Parallel C (UPC) support
    • MPI code templates
  • External Tools Framework (formerly the Performance Tools Framework)
    • Added support for PAPI Component counter selection
    • Added parametric analysis capabilities (Supported primarily for TAU at this time)
    • Significant modifications to increase work-flow flexibility
  • Remote Development Tools (RDT)
    • Enables C and C++ projects to be located on a remote machine
    • Provides remote indexing and parsing services
    • New remote C/C++ project wizard
    • Automatic source code delta handling (the index is automatically updated when files in your project are added/removed/changed)
    • Remote "scanner info" support to allow the user to define include paths and defined preprocessor macros as a context for the parser to operate
    • Remote Search, Call Hierarchy, Navigation (e.g. Go To Declaration), Content Assist, Type Hierarchy
    • Remote Standard Make for building remote makefile-based projects
  • Services Model
    • Allows the user to configure which services in their system are mapped to which providers and locations (e.g. to a remote machine).
    • Allows ISVs and tool implementers to define new services, and contribute providers to any defined services.
  • Cell/B.E IDE
    • Custom source code templates for Cell development
    • Full configurable build properties for PPU and SPU using GNU and XL compilers
    • Managed Build for PPU and SPU using GNU and XL compilers
    • Remote launch and debug of Cell Applications
    • Support for PPU & SPU combined remote debugger
    • Cell performance tools support
    • ALF programming model support
    • IBM PDT (Performance Debug Tools) instrumentation plugins..
    • Mambo Simulator plugins
    • Five pre-configured Cell projects


Component OS Java Eclipse CDT RSE MPI gdb
Mac OS X
Windows (remote only)
1.5 or later
3.3 (limited)
4.0.x (limited)
Open MPI 1.2.x or 1.3.x
IBM Parallel Environment
6.3 - 6.8
Mac OS X
1.5 or later 3.4.1 5.0.2 3.0 N/A N/A


You will need to install Java, Open MPI, Eclipse, CDT (C/C++ Development Tools), and PTP, in that order. You may then need to build a small platform-specific set of runtime components. The steps are detailed below:

Install Java

Java requirement: If you are using the Linux operating system, download and install either the Sun Java Runtime Environment or the IBM Java Runtime Environment. The version of Java that ships with Linux (gcj) will not work with Eclipse. See the Trouble Shooting section for more information.

Install Open MPI

You may already have Open MPI installed. Check for this and the version with the following command:

       ompi_info | grep 'Open MPI:'

If the version is not correct, or the command is not found, download and unpack a recent version of Open MPI 1.2 or 1.3. (e.g. 1.2.7 or 1.3b1)

Configure, build and install from source

In the main Open MPI source directory, run the configure command (some platforms may require additional options, such as --disable-pty-support for MacOS X - see the Open MPI documentation for more information):


Build and install Open MPI using:

       make install

Note that if you install Open MPI in a nonstandard location, you may need to build PTP differently. See the troubleshooting section below. Make sure that your PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH point to appropriate places if necessary also.

ALWAYS test your MPI installation by running a small MPI job, e.g.

       mpicc test.c -o test
       mpirun -np 4 test

Install Eclipse

Install Eclipse 3.4 and CDT 5.0.1 or later, for your architecture. Although PTP can be used in certain limited applications with Eclipse 3.3, only Eclipse 3.4 will be described here.

Note that RDT requires CDT 5.0.2. Since 5.0.2 is not currently released, you will need to get the latest nightly build and follow the installation instructions below.

You have two choices for Eclipse installation:

  1. Install the full Eclipse SDK ("Classic") followed by CDT - if you plan to do Java or Eclipse development in addition to C/C++, you'll need this.
  2. (easiest, lightweight, smaller footprint) Install Eclipse IDE for C/C++ development (available from Ganymede downloads page, includes CDT 5.0.1). - if you only plan to do C/C++ development, this is all you need. This is about 1/3 to 1/4 the size of the full SDK, and doesn't include the Java or Eclipse Plug-in development parts, which I assume you don't need. The UI is simpler since you don't have all those additional options.

(1) Full Eclipse install

  1. Go to Eclipse downloads and download "Eclipse classic" for your platform. This is the full SDK.

(2) Lightweight install for just C/C++ development

  1. Go to Eclipse downloads and download "Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers." This is the basics of the Eclipse Platform, plus CDT, already packaged together.
  2. Note that this is the bare bones install, does not include the UPC support etc. Read on for adding this support.

Unpack and launch Eclipse

After downloading and extracting Eclipse (zip or tar file), there's nothing else to the installation process from the Eclipse side. In the extracted folder, simply run the eclipse executable file. It will ask for a workspace location; the default is fine.

Install the C/C++ Development Toolkit (CDT)

CDT adds C/C++ tools to your base Eclipse distribution, or if you installed the "Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers" above, you have the opportunity to install additional tools, e.g. UPC tools.

There are two methods for installing CDT, depending if you are installing 5.0.1 or the unreleased 5.0.2 version.

Installing CDT 5.0.1

Installation of CDT 5.0.1 is via the Ganymede update site that is already pre-installed into your Eclipse distribution:

  1. In Eclipse, select Help > Software Updates...
  2. At top, make sure the "Available Software" tab is selected.
  3. Open the "Ganymede Update Site" item.
  4. Select the "C and C++ Development" checkbox.
  5. Click "Install..." and follow the instructions.
  6. When asked, click "Yes" to restart the Eclipse workbench.

Installing CDT 5.0.2 (pre-release) - Required for RDT

Pre-release versions of CDT are installed using the update manager, but you first need to download a copy of the update site to you local machine.

  1. Go to the nightly builds page and click on the latest build.
  2. Download "".
  3. In Eclipse, select Help > Software Updates...
  4. At top, make sure the "Available Software" tab is selected.
  5. Click "Add Site..." button then click the "Archive..." button.
  6. Locate the "" file you downloaded in the first step and click OK.
  7. You should now see a new update site that includes the name of the zip file.
  8. Expand the site and select the features you wish to install.
    • Just select them all if you are unsure. You might want to uncheck "Eclipse CDT Testing Feature" under "CDT Optional Features" - it can add an extra unneeded page to wizards.
    • If you don't need any optional features, just select "Eclipse C/C++ Development Tools". Select the "SDK" version if you're planning to develop plugins that use CDT.
    • Note that if you want UPC support, you need to select that under Optional Features
    • If you already installed the "Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers" then the basic features are already installed, and you might only see one item under "CDT Main Features."
  9. Click "Install..." and follow the instructions.
  10. When asked, click "Yes" to restart the Eclipse workbench.

Install Remote System Explorer (RSE)

If you plan to use the Remote Development Tools (RDT), or wish to use PTP with the Remote System Explorer (RSE), it is recommended that you install it manually. Although the update manager should automatically install RSE if required, it is not always successful.

You can do this from Eclipse as follows:

  1. Open Help > Software Updates...
  2. At top, click on "Available Software" tab.
  3. Open the "Ganymede Update Site" item.
  4. Open the "Remote Access and Device Development" item.
  5. Select "Remote System Explorer End-User Runtime" item.
  6. Click "Install..." and follow the instructions.
  7. When asked, click "Yes" to restart the Eclipse workbench.

Install the Parallel Tools Platform (PTP)

Installation of PTP is in two parts. The first part comprises installing PTP into your Eclipse distribution on the local machine. The second part comprises installing optional components on the target machine you wish to use with PTP. This target machine could be the same as that running Eclipse, or a remote system.

NOTE: Installing the Remote Development Tools (RDT) is covered in another section.

Installing PTP Locally

You can do this from Eclipse as follows:

  1. Open Help > Software Updates...
  2. At top, click on "Available Software" tab.
  3. Click "Add Site..." button then enter "" in the text field. Click OK.
  4. Expand the site you just added, and select the features you wish to install.
    • Just select them all if you are unsure.
    • Select "Parallel Tools Platform 2.1" if you just want PTP.
    • Select "Remote Development Tools" if you just want RDT.
  5. Click the "Install..." button and follow the instructions.
  6. When asked, click "Yes" to restart the Eclipse workbench.

Installing PTP Optional Components

PTP comes with optional components that support different resource managers (MPICH2, LoadLeveler and Parallel Environment), as well as a parallel debugger (called the SDM). These components must be installed on the target machine before PTP can be used.

If the target machine and the local machine are the same, skip to Completing The PTP Installation.

Otherwise, you need to copy some files from your Eclipse installation to the target system. In the following steps, YYYYMMDDHHMM corresponds to the numeric build date of the PTP release. For example, 200810311901.

  1. Locate the plugins directory contained in the Eclipse installation directory eclipse.
  2. Copy the following directories and their contents to a known location on the target machine. The only requirement is that they are all in the same location. YYYYMM
    • org.eclipse.ptp.utils_2.1.0.YYYYMMDDHHMM
    • org.eclipse.ptp.proxy_2.1.0.YYYYMMDDHHMM
    • org.eclipse.ptp.debug.sdm_2.1.0.YYYYMMDDHHMM
  3. If you wish to use PTP with IBM LoadLeveler, copy the following directory and it's contents:
  4. If you wish to use PTP with IBM Parallel Environment, copy the following directory and it's contents:
  5. If you wish to use PTP with MPICH2, copy the following directory and it's contents:
    • org.eclipse.ptp.rm.mpich2.proxy_2.1.0.YYYYMMDDHHMM
  6. Finally, copy the following directory and contents, replacing <os> and <arch> with the target system's operating system and architecture respectively:
    • org.eclipse.ptp.<os>.<arch>_2.1.0.YYYYMMDDHHMM

Completing The PTP Installation

To complete the installation, on the target system, change to the org.eclipse.ptp.<os>.<arch>_2.1.0.YYYYMMDDHHMM directory and run the command:

     sh BUILD

This should build and install the executables. Check the bin directory to see if there are executables in it (e.g. ptp_ibmpe_proxy or sdm). If you see any errors here, please refer to the Trouble Shooting section below.

When you create a resource manager, you will need to navigate to the bin directory and select the appropriate resource manager proxy agent (if it requires one). When you configure a debug launch configuration, you will need to select the sdm executable in this directory.

Installing the Remote Development Tools (RDT)

Feature Descriptions

Feature Required Description
Parallel Tools Platform Core Y Core components of PTP
Parallel Tools Platform End-User Runtime Y Main PTP feature
PTP Remote Services Y (for remote services) Adds a remote services abstraction that can be used to connect to remote systems using either Remote Tools or RSE. Can be installed as a stand-alone component.
PTP Cell/B.E. IDE N Adds support for the Cell Broadband Engine
PTP Common External Components Y (for proxy agents and debugger) Components that must be installed on a target system to support certain resource managers and the debugger
PTP Common Utilities Y Common utility functions. Can be installed as a stand-alone component.
PTP Parallel Language Development Tools N (recommended) Adds MPI, OpenMP, LAPI, and UPC analysis and assistance tools
PTP Parallel Language Development Tools LAPI Support N Adds LAPI assistance tools
PTP External Tools Framework N Adds support for the integration of external tools (formerly Performance Tools Framework)
PTP External Tools Framework TAU Support N Adds support for the integration of the Tuning and Analysis Utilities (TAU)
PTP Remote Tools N (recommended) Light weight ssh-based remote services. Can be installed as a stand-alone component.
PTP Remote Tools Enabler N (recommended) Adds support to allow PTP to use the remote services provided by Remote Tools
PTP RSE Enabler N (recommended) Adds support to allow PTP to use the remote services provided by RSE
PTP Scalable Debug Manager N (recommended) External component to allow debugging of parallel applications. Can be installed as a stand-alone component.
PTP Support For IBM LoadLeveler N Adds resource manager support for IBM LoadLeveler
PTP Support For IBM Parallel Environment N Adds resource manager support for IBM Parallel Environment
PTP Support For MPICH2 N Adds resource manager support for MPICH2
PTP Support For Open MPI N (recommended) Adds resource manager support for Open MPI

Test your installation

Start Eclipse. (You may need to use the -clean parameter to force it to recognize new features and plug-ins).

Create e.g. a small MPI C project. Open the PTP Runtime perspective (Window>Open Perspective>Other...). The runtime service will start and you should see a machine and one or more nodes appear in the 'Machines View'. Add a resource manager and start it. Create a launch configuration (Run -> Open Run Dialog...) and create a launch configuration for a Parallel Application.

More details on using PTP can be found in Help>Help Contents. Click on "PTP: Parallel Tools Platform ". The PTP help is also available online.

Known Issues

Resource Manager

1. There are synchronization issues when two (or more) remote resource managers attempt to start simultaneously. This only happens when PTP is first launched, and attempts to reconnect to resource managers that were running when Eclipse was closed.

Reproduce By: Start two remote resource managers that use remote tools connections. Exit from Eclipse. Restart Eclipse.

Workaround: Shutdown resource managers before exiting Eclipse

2. If two resource managers share the same remote connection, stopping one will also stop the other.

Reproduce By: Create two resource managers that use the same remote connection. Start both resource managers. Stop one resource manager.

Workaround: None. This is expected behavior since shutting down a resource manager also closes the connection.


1. Accelerator keys (F5, F6) operate on the current process selected in Debug view. There is currently no way to use these keys for the Parallel Debug view.

Launch configurations

1. Certain sequences can result in a blank Resources page in the Resources tab.

Reproduce By: Start a resource manager. Open launch configuration and choose resource manager from Main tab. Select Resources tab and fill in some resources. Close launch configuration and shutdown resource manager. Start a different resource manager. Open the same launch configuration and switch to Resources tab, then switch back to main tab. Set the launch config to new the new resource manager, then switch to resources.

Workaround: None.


See also the older 2.0 Release notes troubleshooting section


  1. Simulating multiple nodes with OpenMPI: If you are testing on a single node, edit <openmpi_install>/etc/openmpi-default-hostfile (default is /usr/local/etc/openmpi-default-hostfile) and add lines containing 'node0', 'node1', etc. Edit /etc/hosts and add a localhost entry for each name you added to the openmpi-default-hostfile. So, for 'node0', add ' node0' to /etc/hosts. This will simulate a multi-node machine.
  2. How do I launch eclipse?
    • Normally just run the eclipse executable - however, you may want to do this from a command line instead of from a "shortcut" - some OS's or windowing systems do not properly send the environment information.

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