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This page is describes the milestone builds working towards the 1.0 release Functional Exit Criteria

1.0 Release Criteria

The 1.0 release of EclipseLink will be focussed on getting the initial contribution from Oracle TopLink 11gR1 available. In addition to this there are several major features being implemented:

  • JPA
  • MOXy
    • JAXB 2.0 (Note: will not be JAXB 2.0 compliant)
      • Annotation based configuration
      • Generation from annotated domain mode or XSD using XJC
    • JAXB 2.0 usage with native XML mapping configuration file
  • SDO
    • SDO 2.1 complete
  • Utils
    • Workbench
    • Migration
      • Package Rename Infrastructure
      • Oracle TopLink 10.1.3X and 11.1.1X
      • TopLink Essentials V2
  • Examples: Provide examples for most common usage scenarios
  • Documentation
  • OSGi/Equinox: Provide support for the usage of EclipseLink within Equinox (Eclipse IDE plugins, RCP applications, Eclipse Runtime projects)
  • Spring Framework: Enable the usage of EclipseLink JPA within Spring
  • Project Infrastructure
    • Automated nightly and continuous build
    • Automated testing

== 1.0 Milestone 9 (RC1) - June 18, 2008

1.0 Milestone 8 - June 4, 2008

  • 200040 Extensions Added to ORM.XML and Annotations
    • CLOSED 218084 Implement metadata merging functionality between mapping files
  • OSGi
    • CLOSED 231196 Removed x.x.lib directories from svn repository
    • CLOSED 233722 Move JPA-only resource files to JPA component
    • CLOSED 221383 Move all files in eclipselink.core/resources under src
  • Proxy Authentication
    • CLOSED 224964 Provide support for Proxy Authentication through JPA
  • Final functionality for release completed
  • Bugs Closed in M8
  • 1.0M8 Available for download from here.

1.0 Milestone 7 - May 7, 2008

  • Conversion to OSGi/Equinox bundling and usage of PDE projects
    • EclipseLink Projects are now PDE projects.
    • OSGi bundles now being built and available through Maven.
  • 200040 Extensions Added to ORM.XML and Annotations
    • CLOSED 226517: Add existence support to the EclipseLink-ORM.XML Schema
    • CLOSED 211315: Add copy-policy support to the EclipseLink-ORM.XML Schema
  • 210979 OSGi Compliance Work
    • CLOSED 219012: Make SDO compatible with OSGi
    • CLOSED 221377: Convert EclipseLink Projects to PDE Projects and Rename - to be closed
    • CLOSED 221381: Update EclipseLink build to generate both EclipseLink.jar and bundle jars
    • CLOSED 221379: Extract eclipselink.core.lib zips into separate PDE Projects - to be closed
  • Bugs Closed in M7
  • 1.0M7 Available for download from here.

1.0 Milestone 6 - April 9, 2008

  • 200040 Extensions Added to ORM.XML and Annotations
    • CLOSED 211300 Add Transformation mapping support to the EclipseLink-ORM.XML Schema
    • CLOSED 224657 CollectionMappings support for multiple orderby expressions in orm.xml
    • CLOSED 211302 Add variable 1-1 mapping support to the EclipseLink-ORM.XML Schema
    • CLOSED 224155 embeddable-attributes should be extended in the EclipseLink ORM.XML schema
    • CLOSED (won't fix) 211303 Add serialized converter support to the EclipseLink-ORM.XML Schema
    • CLOSED 211304 Add class-instance converter support to the EclipseLink-ORM.XML Schema
  • 210979 OSGi Compliance Work
    • CLOSED 221191: XMLCompositeCollectionMapping.initialize should use DatasourcePlatform ConversionManager
    • CLOSED 221193: XMLCompositeObjectMapping.initialize should use DatasourcePlatform ConversionManager
    • CLOSED 221213: Classloader passed to JAXBContextFactory is not used
    • CLOSED 221216: MetadataHelp should not throw Exceptions in "isXX" methods
    • CLOSED 221225: EntityManagerSetupImpl should set PersistenceUnitInfo classloader on DatasourceLogin
    • CLOSED 214769: DatasourceLogin.setPlatformClassName should take optional ClassLoader
    • CLOSED 221226: Support a provided classloader in EclipseLink JPA EntityManagerFactory Creation
    • CLOSED 224163: Build process to build 'bundles' pre OSGi complete
  • Bugs Closed in M6
  • 1.0M6 Available for download from here.

1.0 Milestone 5 - Mar 5 2008

  • Licensing
    • EclipseLink is now licensed under EPL and EDL
  • Utilities
    • Download zip now includes EclipseLink Workbench.
  • Foundation
    • 200040
      • Phase1 - COMPLETED: JPA ORM schema now using MOXy to be read.
      • The following Features have been added to the new schema:
        • Change tracking, descriptor customizer, read only, basic-collection, basic-map, collection-table, join-fetch, mutable, Converters, optimistic-locking, caching
  • Bugs
  • 1.0M5 Available for download from here.

1.0 Milestone 4 - Feb 6 2008

  • Build/Testing
    • Continuous Build - Builds and Tests run when changes are made in subversion
    • Rework build scripts to work more flexibly with both Subversion/Tortoise checkouts and Subclipse/Subversive checkouts
    • Automated Tests are run nightly.
    • EclipseLink is now consumable by 3rd parties as a Maven dependency
  • Utilities
    • Initial contribution of the EclipseLink Workbench Utility
  • Foundation
    • SDO 2.1 Feature Complete
    • 200040
      • Phase1 - COMPLETED: JPA ORM schema now using MOXy to be read.
    • Completed removal of code that was deprecated when the initial contribution was done.
  • Bugs
  • 1.0M4 Available for download from here.

1.0 Milestone 3 - January 8th, 2008

1.0 Milestone 2 - December 5th, 2007

Bugs closed for 1.0 M2 Note: 1.0M1 bugs also included in this list

1.0 Milestone 1 - November 5th 2007

  • Initial contribution of Oracle TopLink source and test cases re-branded to org.eclipse.persistence
    • Functionality
      • Object-Relational: JPA 1.0 with extensions
      • Object-Relational: Support for reading in Oracle TopLink's 10.1.3 and 11gR1 XML metadata files
      • Object-XML: JAXB 2.0 (not fully compliant) + extensions
      • SDO 2.1
  • Working manual build and test capability within Eclipse IDE and through the use of ANT
  • Tests are manually runnable. Instructions for running tests and expected results are here.
  • Basic Examples illustrating core functionality are here.
  • 1.0M1 Available for download from here.

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