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Eclipse User Profile

Revision as of 10:11, 25 November 2016 by Unnamed Poltroon (Talk) (ECA: fixing link to picture)

The aim of this page is to have the full specification of the Eclipse User Profile in a public place, so anyone can have access to it.

Please note that while we are migrating the specification to this page, you can have a look at the entire bug tree here:

Work in progress, pictures migration needs to be done

This page will gather all information relative to the User Profile project.

Note that all icons on the mockups comes from the Foundations Icon pack. But of course, feel free to use another one if already have one for the websites. Font Awesome is also a good source for icons.

We will do our best to update the mockups, however, for reference, please have a look at to be sure to see the latest version.

User Profile Overview - Mockup

Use Case

The aim of the user profile (previously known as the user dashboard) is to provide an overview of the activity of Community users over websites and services.

It will provide:

  • A simple URL, easy to remember and to share
  • An overview for a user to see his own activity in one place
  • A way for Community users to find other users, and understand who they are

The typical use case:

  • A young developer is using a plugin in Eclipse IDE, and fills a bug to ask for an improvement. A top contributor, or a project lead answers. On bugzilla, the only information you know about a user is the email address. How the young engineer can understand the value of the the answers he gets?
  • Instead of having just the email, providing a link to the user profile will help him understand who are the others participating in the discussion.

Bugs tree

All bugs relative to the work around the User Profile are blockers for bug 493458. You can find the complete dependency tree here:



  1. The new sign in / create an account / authorise forms. The end users are using them everyday on and with plugins. This is the base. Plus, this will solve some important security issues.
  2. The "overview", with the simple URL "".
  3. The Storage part, to manage the USS data.
  4. User information, settings, notification and ECA
  5. User Search

Release plan

After the first release of the user profile, we need to add eye-candy to the activity table and statistic block. We started with Gerrit and marketplace, so now, let's add other services.

October 2016

First week of October, we did a diagnostic of what is easy to do using APIs, and what is complicated. Because of the time we took to do the diagnostic, the October sprint will be a bit shorter. So we chose for the first release to work on the Storage tab, so users can download and share their data on the USS. We will also add marketplace favourites to the activity tab, and a permalink on the name of the user, so it will be possible to share it.

Relative bugs:

November 2016

We continue with more activity and statistics. First, we will add Gerrit in statistic block to be more consistent. Then, we will work on content that are more complicated to add to the activity table. To attract power users, we will migrate the Hudson block to the user profile. And for the end users, we will add the forum to the activity table. Last but not least, we will improve the OpenID "Authorize" page to the same look'n feel than the new login page: this way, users of services like Tuleap will have the same experience, and it will be ready for USS SDK.

December 2016

Work in progress, should be reviewed before end of November. December is going to be a shorter month because of Holiday.

Fallback: an other content we can do, is the list of all talks of a user, based on information we have on our conference websites (e.g: Eclipse Con)


Related bug ->

User Profile overview, with annotations
  1. Bio

    Display the information we know. Simply hide non available information.

    The first line of the Bio is a computed text based on "job title", "organisation", and "location". Then, add the bio with some space in between.

    I can not show that on the mockup (Wireframesketcher limitation) but I would like to have a monotype font for the information area. This way users can add some fun stuff like ascii art or fake code/commands.

  2. Activity

    The first tab "Latest" displays all gathered information simply sorted by date, latest first. Available publically.

    If a user clicks on a tab, it will refine and display only the relative content. E.g: clicking on "Bugzilla" will only display the latest notification from Bugzilla.

    At the bottom, a page navigation system allows to browse older data. We need to define how many lines we will display per default (will depend on how big the block is with the theme).

    In the details, there is a link to go to the relative content (forum post, gerrit commit, ...).

  3. Activity chart

    Not for the first version of the User Profile.

    We need to see what kind of data we get. Then we can choose if we display a calendar chart like Github, or if an activity chart is better to show a progression like on Stackoverflow".

  4. Projects

    If a user is a committer, we display this block.

    It displays information we can find here:

    If necessary, this block can take all the width of the page. Then the committer tools can go to the right column.

  5. Committer tools

    Displayed only if the user is logged and visiting his own profile.

    Display the usual tools.

    This block can go in the right column instead of staff and webmaster. I put it here on the mockup so that the right column is not too long.

  6. Social icons

    Display what is available. Don't display an icon if the user didn't provide the information.

    Order to be clear: email, website, github, linkedin, stackoverflow, twitter.

    When a logged user is visiting his own profile, display all the icons. When an information is missing, the icon is grey (disabled) with a link to the user profile information. E.g: on the disabled Twitter icon, add a tooltip or an alt text like "add my Twitter account", and if the user click, it goes to the dedicated field.

  7. Status

    When ECA, Friend of Eclipse or Committer status is not validated, display an information icon. If the status is validated, display a "check".

    If the user is logged and visiting his own profile, the ECA link goes to his own ECA settings. If the user is not logged or is visiting someone else profile, it goes to the wikipage about ECA.

    Logged or not, Friend of Eclipse link goes to the dedicated landing page, and Committer goes to a ressource about how to become a contributor to an Eclipse project.

  8. Statistics

    Gather here the data we can collect about the different services, keep it simple for the first version.

    Links on the topics goes to the dedicated pages. E.g: clicking on Bugzilla goes to the bugs followed by the user; Marketplace goes to the marketplace page of the user.

  9. Upcoming events

    Display the upcoming events. Would be great if we can refine it based on location information from the user profile when a user is logged or if we are able to do some IP tracking.

    Some json data are available about events, and are used at

  10. Staff & Webmaster

    Just simple blocks for internal use.



Relative bug ->

Storage, Data tab, with annotations
  1. User information

    Same than the User Profile overview

  2. Tabs

    The "Data" tab is public.

    We don't show the "Applications" tab and its content when users are not logged in, or are visiting a different profile than their own.

  3. List, expanded

    The triangle is used to expand the content and see details of the data, when available.

    We need to be able to display a minimum of meta data. E.g: for the Marketplace, the description includes the "import link".

    The download link is public, so that users understand that all data on the USS is public.

  4. Data details

    In a second version, we will document for projects and plugins a way to provide a kind of small .js app, so that a user can interact with the data. We can do that for the Marketplace favorites, as an example of best practice.

    But this is not a priority.

  5. List

    Display the name of the data (and not the link of the application), and the description when available. Perhaps we need to document some best practice about that.

    Adding some navigation if there are a lot of data. Also, we need to set the default number of lines in the list, when we will see how it looks with the the theme.

  6. Actions

    The last date of synchronisation is private for the logged user visiting his profile.

    Checkboxes are used to select different data.

    At the bottom, some actions are possible, the obvious one is deleting, and we can add a bulk download. If other actions are possible, we can add them here.

  7. Disclaimer

    We need a short disclaimer to recall that all data stored in the USS is public, with a link to the wiki for more information

    We can add a paragraph to promote the use of the USS in plugins and projects, with a link to the wiki.


Relative bug ->

Storage, application tab, with annotations
  1. User information

    Same than the User Profile overview

  2. Tabs

    The "Applications" tab is private, visible only for the logged user visiting is own profile.

  3. Expanded application

    The triangle is used to expand information.By default, no application is expended.

    Details list some data like the date of first time using the USS, the last sync date.

    It also lists the authorisations

    And display some information about the application. Perhaps we need to provide best practice about that in a documentation.

  4. Remove access

    The cross is in black when the application block is selected or active.

    When the mouse is over the cross, display a tooltip "remove access".

  5. Other applications

    By default, the cross is "disabled" or gray.

    This is possible to display them on many columns if necessary.

  6. Disclaimer

    Same than on the Data tab


Public Profile

Relative bug ->

alt text

At the moment, I didn't make a difference between mandatory and optionnal fields. Could you please add a * to the mandatory fields?

  1. Tabs "Public Profile", "Settings" and "Notifications

    The tabs are actually the same forms, split in 3 by topics to make it easy for the user to understand.

    Maybe the "Save button" at the bottom must be displayed in each tab, or just one time. Do what is possible.

  2. Tab "ECA"

    This tab is a separate form, and so goes at the end.

  3. Avatar

    The avatar is square, the choice of the size is up to the webdevs for performance.

    If possible, I would like to have an assistant for the upload, like other websites are doing. The user clicks on "Upload a file", the websites open a div on top of the page. It displays to choose an image, and an assistant to crop it and resize it to fit what we need.

    Not sure if the assistant should run on our server, or if we can use a .js app on the client side for that so we don't use our server to resize.

  4. Personal information

    Nothing special here.

    Do we need to check that we know the organisation?

  5. Display nickname

    I am pretty sure that for privacy issues or something like that, some users might prefer to display their nickname instead of their real name. This is also very common on other tech communities to use the nickname. So it makes sense to allow user to diplay it.

  6. Location

    For what I know, only country is mandatory, can we please continue like that?

    If the province/state and city fields could depend on country, and be checked, that would be great.

  7. Information

    A place where a user could put anything, even ascii art.

    I can not show that on the mockup (Wireframesketcher limitation) but I would like to have a monotype font for the information area. This way users can add some fun stuff like ascii art or fake code/commands.

    no html allowed, no links.

  8. Interests

    A taxonomy, we will have to manage it, there is a Drupal plugin for that (e.g to merge them if necessary.)

    Do you know if we can limit the creation of new interests to a category of users, like the committers, or people who signed the ECA?

  9. Social

    Feel free to change the order (alphabetical, for example)

    I don't know what is better: ask for the entire urls, or just for the nicknames or accounts. So please do what you think it the best with Drupal.

    If possible, verify that the url exists, or complies with the standard of the websites.

  10. Save

    As stated at the beginning, see if one is enough or if one per tabs is necessary

    We discussed that in order to save, the form will ask the password again. Technically, Is it better to ask the password when a user start to edit a field? or when he clicks on save? Both are fine for usability, so please choose the best for security.

    Do we need a cancel button to appear when the user is starting to edit something, but changed his mind?

  11. Disclaimer

    Just a paragraph to tell that some fields are mandatory, why we are asking this information, and what we do with it (including non mandatory fields.)

    If we already have a page somewhere explaining why we ask so many information, we add the link here. Otherwise we need to write something about it.


Relative bug ->

Account, Settings, with annotations
  1. Tabs

    Same than on Public Profile 1 & 2.

  2. Email

    The fields checks the format of the text to be sure this is an email.

  3. Confirmed

    This is the status when a user change his email.

    It can be orange if the user needs to do an action to confirm the email. We can add an other button like "resend the confirmation email", depending on the technical workflow.

  4. Nickname

    The nickname must be customisable. Some users have the same nickname on many communities, on some services like Skype, so they might want to have the same on to make it clear.

    We need a workflow to check that the new nickname is available.

  5. Available

    This label inform when a nickname is available or not. Green with a check when available, red with a cross when not available.

    Other websites propose free alternatives, like automatic derivatives (adding a number, or an other information about the user), do we really need to do that?

    Also, we might want to put some rules. It is available for users who confirmed their email, and perhaps already signed the ECA. If we enable this king of rules, a tooltip or a message must be visible explaining what to do to be allowed to change the nickname. The field is disabled, or gray, and the tooltip is visible when the user try to edit it.

  6. Timezone

    Nothing special here, we can do the same as usual.

  7. Password

    The basics, with a confirmation field.

  8. Weak & Match

    The first label inform about the weakness of the password. Red is not acceptable, Orange is Weak (but acceptable), Green is Good.

    The second label checks if the two password fields are matching. Green with a check when ok, red with a cross if not.

  9. Gerrit

    Like on the current form, nothing special here. Let's discuss together how to improve that in the future.

  10. Save

    Like on Public Profile

  11. Disclaimer

    This a copy paste of the current disclaimer. I just added some information about the workflow if the user edits his email, please change it if this is wrong to match the good workflow.


Relative bug ->

Accounts, Notifications, with annotations
  1. Tabs

    Like on Public Profile

  2. Subscription

    At the moment, we just manage what the Eclipse Foundation is sending by email.

  3. Save

    Like on Public Profile.

  4. Notifications

    Not for the first version.

    Let see in the future if we add notifications next to the account name, in the top menu of our websites. We will display activity on the user profile overview, and perhaps a user would like to be notified only for some services, not all.


Relative bug -> This section is very small, and the picture is too big to fit in. So I don't include it. View it here:

  1. Tabs

    Like on Public Profile

    ECA is a separate form from the three first one.

  2. ECA form

    Nothing special, I did a basic copy past of the current form and renamed it to ECA, its future name.

Sign In

Sign In

Relative bug ->

Sign In Reset Password - step 1 Reset Password - step 2 Authorize

This is a very simple design. Please note that on the Sign In page, "Sign In" is not displayed in the top right of the page menu. When the user click on "Sign In", he is redirected where he came from. Or to his User Profile.

If the user does not have an account, he just has to click on "Create an account".

Simple workflow. And yes, it was inspired of Google is doing it.

Reset my Password

Relative bug ->

In order to save development time, we can re-use most of the design done for the "Sign in" form.

Step 1

Please note at the bottom that the link is "Sign in", this is a fall back in case the user wants to go back.

Of course, we keep the confirmation message (green background) when the user is submitting the email. Question: do we need to tell that the address exist or doesn't exist? for security purpose, is it better to not disclose a non existing email?

And also, what do you think about adding another link like that:

- or -

Create an account

And keep the sign in link?

Step 2

When the user type new password, we check that this is matching and we inform the user that this might be too weak.

If possible, try to re-use the work done on other forms with password settings.

The captcha is a best practice to avoid bots and spam, so we can keep it.

When the user click on "Save the password", we keep the current workflow, display a confirmation and go to the sign in form.

Create an account

Relative bug ->

Create an account, with annotations

The icons are here to make it obvious.

  1. New to Eclipse?

    This page resume that an Eclipse account is used to log in many service. Do not hesitate to add some services, this list might not be complete.

    At the bottom of the column, there is a small disclaimer, the same than in "Account - Settings", in order to reming that the email field is important!!!

  2. Email

    The field should check that the user typed an actual email. Not sure we need a confirmation label but why not?

  3. Nickname

    Users can choose their nickname.

    of course, the field check that this is available. The label is green with a check when nickname is available, and red with a cross when not available.

  4. Name & organisation

    Nothing special

    Do we need to check that we know the organisation?

  5. Password

    Same workflow than on "Account - Settings".

  6. Country

    This is the only mandatory location field, list of choice.

  7. Checkboxes

    The user can subscribe to Eclipse Newsletter, but this is not mandatory.

    The user must agree to the tems of use and privacy policy.

  8. Create account

    When the user clicks on the button, it goes to "Account - Public Profile". This is a way to invite him to complete non mandatory informations.

  9. All fieds are mandatory

    Add a small information icon with a link, to display on information about why we are asking the fields.

  10. Sign In

    Display "Sign in", a fallback if the user as an account.

And yes, again, this is inspired of how Google is doing it.

Top menu bar

Top user submenu

If we upgrade the top menu, we can manage the user submenu this way.

We already have a template that we can use as a base:

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