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< Efxclipse
Revision as of 08:25, 26 February 2016 by Unnamed Poltroon (Talk) (Basics)

e(fx)clipse provides a SmartCode-Editing Framework who can be embedded in fairly any application (not only OSGi)

Integration into OSGi

Basic Control with Syntax Highlighting


To make it easier to define syntax highlighting for any language the smart-code framework uses unlike the Eclipse IDE a declarative language named ldef.

The first step when integrating a syntax highlighting editor into your application is to create a file ending with .ldef (eg java.ldef, ...).

package org.eclipse.fx.code.editor.ldef.langs
js {
  partitioning {
    partition __dftl_partition_content_type
    partition __js_single_line_comment
    partition __js_multi_line_comment
    partition __js_string
    partition __js_regex
    rule {
      single_line __js_single_line_comment  "//"  => ''
      multi_line __js_multi_line_comment    "/*"  => "*/"
      single_line __js_string               "'"   => "'" escaped by "\\"
      single_line __js_string               '"'   => '"' escaped by "\\"
      single_line __js_regex                '/'   => '/' escaped by "\\"
  lexical_highlighting {
    rule __dftl_partition_content_type whitespace javawhitespace {
      default js_default
      js_operator {
        character [ 
          ';', '.', '=', '/', '\\', '+', '-', '*', 
          '<', '>', ':', '?', '!', ',', '|', '&', '^', '%', '~' 
      js_bracket {
        character [ '(', ')', '{', '}', '[', ']' ]
      js_keyword {
        keywords [
          "break", "case", "catch", "continue",
          "debugger","default",	"delete", "do",
          "else", "finally", "for", "function",
          "if", "in", "instanceof", "new",
          "return", "switch", "this", "throw",
          "try", "typeof", "var", "void",
          "while", "with" 
      js_constant {
        keywords [ "true", "false", "undefined" ]
      js_number {
        pattern "\\d" containing "[\\d|\\.]"
    rule __js_single_line_comment {
      default js_doc_default
    rule __js_multi_line_comment {
      default js_doc_default
    rule __js_string {
      default js_string
    rule __js_regex {
      default js_string
    token_def {
      js_default "-source-editor-code";
      js_operator "-source-editor-operator";
      js_bracket "-source-editor-bracket";
      js_keyword "-source-editor-keyword" bold;
      js_doc_default "-source-editor-doc";
      js_string "-source-editor-string";
      js_constant "-source-editor-keyword" bold;
      js_number "-source-editor-number";

As the smart code editor framework is built on top of the EclipseText-Framework you notice that the DSL aligns heavily to the concepts you find there:

  • Documents are first split in partitions (eg source-code, documentation, strings, ...)
  • Single Partitions are then split in tokens like constants, reserved words, ...
  • Tokens are then associated with styling information (color, font-weight,...)

Once you created an ldef-File for your favorite language the Eclipse-Tooling will generate a total of 3 files in the src-gen folder:

  • $language$.json: Configuration data loaded at runtime and used to configure Eclipse Text
  • $language$.css: Styleing information when using JavaFX as the renderer
  • $language$-swt-style.json: Styleing information when using SWT as the renderer (we are not looking into this feature in this document)


Adding support for Autocomplete Features

Adding support for Error-Markers

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